Hey guys just wanted to know how your memory is. I am almost 56 and I can remember anything, short term memory that is. I know they call it Fibro Fog, but sometimes it is real bad.
Fibro memory loss: Hey guys just wanted... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Fibro memory loss

I'm guessing you meant to say you can't remember anything - short term memory. I'm in my 40s and wondering if its possible to get early onset Alzheimers at my age my memory is so bad. I write stuff down to remind myself then forget that I wrote it lol
PS You may want to lock your post
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Yes my memory is worse than ever nowadays.
My Stroke happened in 1998 at the age off 32.
My chronic pain happened in 2005.
So with both off these my memory is shot completely.
As with anything if I over do things then I'm in big big trouble.
Please let me know if I can help you further ???
Yes I can't remember anything and post it notes and notebooks all over the place. Im 56 but would say this started just before I was diagnosed with fibro nearly 3 years ago. I have even had a memory test (referred by GP because I thought I had old-timers) which came back as normal so it must be normal to forget I suppose! Everyday I write a to do list and keep it on the table where I have my breakfast and I still forget to do things. I have good intentions when I get up in the morning to get on with one thing or another and end up not doing any of it. I used to remember all family and friends birthdays without having to write them down but forget everyones these days. Ive had to do what I never ever would have and thats to have all my bills direct debit (I hate it) but I would forget to pay them otherwise. You are not alone. Don't forget to lock your post!
I also struggle with memory and focus. I've forgotten lunch dates, birthdays, and Dr's appts. I'm 33.... I think. Lol just kidding. But seriously, it's the fibro fog. I've had to go on adderall which has helped a little with my focus because I can't concentrate sometimes or get easily distracted. I'm sure that itself causes me to be forgetful because I am thinking of so many things at once, nothing gets committed to memory. As an added benefit it helps with the fatigue because it's a stimulant. I still have difficulty with motivation though, so it's not a magic pill that gets me up & moving when I am struggling to get things accomplished through out the day.
Hi Isitme_ , I also take adderall and have for about 2 years.It helps me a lot as far as housework , cooking etc but with remembering ...not at all.It very good for the CFS.Take care.Peck 🐤
Good. I'm not the only one. My doc said he gave it to me for ADHD (according to his prior note) I reminded him that I was talking it for the extreme fatigue and trouble consentrating. He almost took me off. I was like... no, no, no, no! It Really does help with the CFS & focus. I don't know what I would do without it sometimes. Like when my daughter has a late concert or something that keeps me out too late! Glad I am not the only one. I was kicking myself over talking a drug that can become addictive. I haven't had any problems withit like I did with the narcotic pain killers.
Your not alone. ..lol!! I take meds that cause sleepiness and I told my dr he put on it them as they can be given for narcolepsy that's how I felt before he wrote those. I do good with them and like you don't really know what I would do without them.I still take my other meds just have to be careful. I don't really know any med that's not additive these days.Take care. Peck.🐤
Yes, I know it's a treatment for Narcolepsy - my husband was just diagnosed with narcolepsy last year.... That's how I was able to try it the first time. I ended up asking my doctor about it because I complained about the fatigue every time I would see him and he never gave me any recommendations. So I asked my husband if I could try a couple to see how I'd react and it was great so I told my doc. He forgot and added ADHD to my chart. I tried to correct him but then he was going to take me off, so I just played along so he won't take it away. I am the opposite of hyperactive but ADD- I do have issues with concentration. Lol.
Whatever doc... just gimme my pills or we are gonna have a problem! Lol...jk 😝😆
I don't think your alone, I know your not!! I find like other FM syptoms my memory is better sometimes than others.Its very frustrating! ! Take care. Peck.🐤
Hi my friend
I have to admit I can remember days in the 1960's when I was at infant / junior school but if somebody asked what I had for tea yesterday I would be totally stumped! My short term memory is very bad so I have to write everything down.
I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck, and please take care of yourself.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Hi there, I'm 52 and my short term memory is shocking. Long term not so bad. Usual stuff, write notes to remember, lose notes or forget I even wrote them. Forget whole conversations from day before, what I did the day before. Struggle to remember why I entered a room in first place. Even forgotten how to make a cup of tea once , had to stop and think whole sequence through in head first . Can't remember how to cook ...