Hi I feel a bit silly about this but I think my memory is going as I can’t remember where I’m putting things I move stuff or put it away then in the next five minutes I’ve forgot where I’ve put it and I’m standing in my living room with a puzzled look on my face as to where I’ve put it and it is so annoying and when I ask friends and family if they can remember where I’ve put it I get some funny looks and then I feel stupid I just wanted to know if any one else has ever had this happen to them thank you and god bless you all
Memory : Hi I feel a bit silly about... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Yes!!!, Many times!! With all my other conditions as well, me head is all over the place. Brain fog,-, yes, I think so!! Take care Lynne
Thank you you’ve just made my day so I’m not the only one and I’m not going made on my own god bless you I’ll send you a kiss for that xxx
Hi. Quite apart from fibro fog which descends on most of us sometime or other have you considered that your drugs might be to blame. I walked into my kitchen one day and couldn't remember what the cooker was for. Totally threw me into a panic. My doctor was very good about it and a mental? health nurse came to my home to interview and test me. Afterwards she said that she was certain that I didn't have the onset of dementia but I would be sent for a brain scan. The scan didn't show any reason and so by elimination the only other possibility were the drugs I'm prescribed. It turned out that Gabapentin was to blame which was a great pity as it had been quite effective for me. I still get fibro fog but at least I recognise a cooker even if I walk into the kitchen and can't remember why! Be assured you're not the only one.
I'm really sorry and you'll laugh at this considering we're talking about memory or lack of it - I meant Pregablin not Gabapentin! I was given Pregablin after I had problems with Gabapentin. Do see your doctor though. All the best Sue
Oh yes I get this all the time. It’s worse with the brain fog.
All the time 😭 it’s probably best just to laugh or you will end up crying that’s what I do now. Take care
I have this too and think it’s quite common. I can ask a visitor what they want to drink, walk the few steps into the kitchen to put kettle on and have to go back and ask.

I'm so pleased to read your post this morning as well as the answers. I have these problems ,and have been worrying it could be something bad. So thank you so much it's so comforting to know that there are others out there to talk to. So grateful to this site and to all of you 🙏
To hitman57
I’m always forgetting not things but everything lol.
Ex sample went into freezer got frozen curry out went to microwave and I forgot how to open door stood there for a bit,then thought I go back into front room and sat down it did come to me in the end lol.I also had a brain scan because I thought I ad dementia as I lost me mom due to vascular dementia plus many more health problems.
My brain scan was gud (releif).
Nothing wud sink in my head people talking to me I wud forget everything and still do.All I get from doctors is it’s fibromyalgia I’d cut my finger doctors reply it’s fibromyalgia get my meaning lol.
This happens to me , the worse I feel the worse my memory is. Your really not alone - hopefully thats a little consolation