Hello Guys & Gals,
Sorry to keep going on about this petition !
I have started a Thunderclap which even if you've signed the petition would be a good thing to support as it is designed to increase social reach, therefore making many more people aware of this petition hopefully leading to a greater number of signatures.
In 2014, myself as the then FibroAction Administrator (before merger with Fibromyalgia Association UK to make Fibromyalgia Action UK as the charity is today) had a Thunderclap for International Fibromyalgia Awareness Day 12th May. Some of you many remember and probably kindly added your support - we gained the initial 100 supporters and more besides ending with 222 supporters leading to a finished social reach of 64,900. This is the power of supporting Thunderclap!
Please support this Thunderclap for the petition and let's increase it's social reach and fingers crossed it's number of signatures.
Once again, Thank You for the tremendous support - pat yourself on the back gently
Please Note The Thunderclap campaign will post one campaign tweet about this petition on the 3rd September on your account as the Thunderclap ends and creates a see of the same tweet among supporters thus really making all your followers aware of the petition!