Please support 'Can You Picture this?' campaign
Fibro can have more an impact on patient’s lives than many, far more well-known conditions, such as Rheumatoid Arthritis. However, the aim of specialist treatment for Fibro is to try and ensure that patients lead as normal a life as possible. Without treatment, many people with Fibro end up disabled and unable to work or enjoy their life in the way they want. Raising awareness is therefore very important to a very large number of people.
Please show your support by changing your Facebook, Twitter, HealthUnlocked account to our FibroAction covers (example cover picture shown) or adding these images to your blog, download below;
Doing so will help us to raise awareness of Fibro & it's debilitating symptoms to others within the UK. Using our 'Can you picture this?' campaign covers during UK awareness week asks people to think about people living with Fibro & it's symptoms on a daily basis. With approximately 2M people in the UK with Fibro others gaining more understanding is important as so many people are affected by this condition. Why not also ask others to change their covers by changing your status or tweeting the following?
Do you have Fibromyalgia? Do you have a family member with Fibro? Why not support the FibroAction campaign 'Can you picture this? Debilitating Pain, Fatigue & other symptoms every single day? by changing your cover for UK #Fibroawarenessweek 6th-14th Sept 2014
Do you have Fibro?Know someone with Fibro? Why not support our campaign 'Can you picture this? by changing your cover UK #Fibroawarenessweek
Of course you can also help by adding your support to this Thunderclap campaign as it will spread the word during this awareness week. Whatever you do - we appreciate your support of this campaign & FibroAction!
Can you picture this? - by supporting our campaign Thunderclap will send our message below;
Can you picture this? Debilitating Pain, Fatigue & other symptoms every single day? UK #fiibroawarenessweek 6th-14th Sept' on your Twitter account on Sunday 14th September 2014 the end of Awareness Week!
Please help us gain 100 supporters over the next 9 days to make this tweet happen at 6.30PM on the 14th September 2014, so please spread the word & encourage others to support this Thunderclap campaign.
Here's the link;
Please support with Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr
Thank You again for #supportfibroaction
FibroAction Administrator