Recently I had an over night stay in hospital and when the consultant came round in the morning I overheard him tell his team and the ward sister that Fibro isn't real. I burst into tears, I was so angry who the hell is he to comment on something he has no clue about. They were pretty shocked when I told them I was diagnosed by one of the rhumie consultants at their hospital. Hence to say I filed a complaint. Maybe he should read our site then see how real it is. Love to all. Xx
So angry: Recently I had an over night... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
So angry

good on you tinker jack i bet he was shocked when you said you were diagnosed by one of thier own rhumie consultants as what else he is saying is that your consultant doesnt know what he's talking he is critisising their own doctors. im glad you filed a complaint and you deserve an apology. im glad your home now as i hate hospitals myself. sometimes they are so incompetant. a nurse asked me if i'd like some more water as i'd run out and i said yes please and then she said would you like ice in it. i said no thanks and she said i will give you 3 cubes. i mean why did she ask me in the first place it just so happened that there was a doctor there when this happened and the doctor said. no dont give her ice as it can cause a chill in the stomach.i'd just gone through a 5 hour operation. anyway tinker good luck i hope your making a good recovery. love grace xoxoxo
I would love him to explain how he got to this conclusion! Medics - Science - Facts! Dr.s who make statements about medical conditions should be able to back them up using known, latest, sources or just zip it! His 'opinion' is irrelevant and ignorant and can only spread more confusion and more ignorance!
You must have felt so embarrassed and belittled, and i'm pleased you have made an official complaint. I hope you're feeling better. Sleep well, you need to. XX
Good for you! ! It couldn't have came out any better that your Rhumetologist was one if their drs.YAH!!! Peck.🐤
Hi Tinkerjack1912
I am so genuinely sorry to read this and I am sincerely delighted that you spoke up and made a complaint. Comments like this not only affect us but the also damage the medical profession and doctors as we then lose faith in them.
I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck, and please take care of yourself.
Al my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x
Some people are so ignorant it's upsetting how we keep having to explain are selves to them it is real as you said they should have access to sites like this it would open there eyes so sorry you was upset sending hugs Carol ☺
Please KNOW THIS-He is an old-fashioned IDIOT. There is plenty of medical evidence now that it is real, not just anecdotal, or from psychiatrists, but hard medical evidence. Sadly some of the 'old farts' in the medical profession need to go back to medical school and find out the developments that have been made in the last 30 years or so. Sadly some think that what they learn in medical school is written in stone and that it never changes. New discoveries and developments are being made all the time, but some seem to think that getting their degree is the sum total of their responsibility to their patients and that their knowledge and skills never need to be updated...
I'm so sorry you had this. I think we all get it occasionally, but from a consultant is unforgivable and you did the best thing possible in filing a complaint in my opinion.
Well done you for coping with this fool...
P.S. I don't know if it will help you, but I now always have printed articles that explain my conditions in my hospital 'go bag' just for such medical 'professionals' I do also have a prepared answer to stop me from crying, and that is to immediately ask them where they got their psychology degree from, a cornflakes packet? Then immediately get the printed sheets for them. In the off chance they do say some decent University, simply say. 'The must be constantly embarrassed by you behaving like this then'. Good luck!
Good on you hun they dont no as they dont live with .big hugs x
So sorry to had to experience this ignorance and arrogrence from a hosp doc...
Am i surprised??....... Sadly not!
I am so glad you put in a formal complaint ..... both for yourself and for the next fibro sufferer this particular doc comes across.
You go girl......keep fighting
Much love n cyber hugs
Lolly x
u not the only one.NHS did t recognize fibromyalgia its just a study at the moment its open so docteur can say what ever they want.specially if you look well.unfortunately thats the way nhs deal with it.i seen a rheumatologist yesturday she said clearly.i can t help you .here we deal with inflammation.i don t want see you again and she said i am running late .she got a read off me.
i think its worse here in aberdeen.
Hello, tinker Jack, I believe I have "spoken" with you before regarding rosacea.
Hope you have recovered from your stay in hospital.
It is so important that you filed a complaint.. well done!!
May I also suggest that you help to get this "consultant" !!! better informed about fibromyalgia. If you look on the home page of towards the bottom of the page there is a section where you can get an information pack sent to your doctor anonymously ... perhaps you might consider asking for a pack to be sent to this badly informed individual!!! Xxx
Sorry y oh had to go through all of this and good luck.
I agree with you , write to him, embarrass him about his comments and refer him to log onto our forum send a copy of your letter of complaint to your Rheumo too..
Thank you for complaining, I hope it leads to something
Fibro does exist,,a doctor said so on the jeremy Kyle emergency room program and said so on the air,,,,,I hope you complaint has the desired effect,,,,ttfn from karen.
Hi Timberjack, I must be very lucky in as much as my doctor and Rhum.Consultant both agreed Fibro amongst other things. Why are some doctors so resistant to Fibro? Why do some doctors, mine included have no problem acknowledging it and others will call it anything, even hypocondria rather than say the word Fibromyalgia? Never mind reading our site, perhaps if he had the actual illness for a year he would be alittle more sensitive about the issue. Im glad you complained. I just deleted most of this, I got carried away!!, Stay as well as you can, Lyzzie x
Hi lou sorry to hear this you have so much going on without this I have messaged you I'm here if youneed me you are a special lovely person and don't need all this big soft hugs jill xxx

Thanks Jill. Xx
Hello ! Missed your posts, glad you made a complaint , he deserved it the dinosaur 😡
Hope your little girl is doing well and your not to exhausted with holidays in full throttle now ,
Gentle hugs
Chris xx