I live in a very lovely part of London it is called Forest Hill and where I live they really do look after the place with nice laws and clean streets but I what I hate and really gets my blood boiling is fly tipping. I left my house last Friday and saw that they had tipped 2 sofas and several bin bags full of rubbish all over the grass. I visited the local office and they arranged to have it removed and it was removed on the following Monday. Left the house on the Tuesday and in exactly the same place were 5 dirty old mattresses and 2 micro wave ovens. I could have screamed. If I had my way I would jail them when they were caught. I have to say that the last 2 who were caught had their vehicles taken from them and were issued a large fine. I hate fly tipping and it should be a jailing offence.
Have a lovely "fly tipping" free day ya all !!