Hard: Cant take no more deprest - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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dawnlancaster profile image
34 Replies

Cant take no more deprest

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dawnlancaster profile image
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34 Replies
neesey1005 profile image

Come on girl pull up - have a nice warm shower or bath a nice pot of tea or favourite drink and try and snuggle down and get some sleep - things will look better tomorrow - plan something to look forward to - come on we have all been there do something you love to do this week - even if its just meeting a friend for a coffee. - sleep well - Neese x

dawnlancaster profile image
dawnlancaster in reply to neesey1005

Thankk you im just being silly i go to devon on holidat tuesday but not looking faward to it as alls my partner does is moan at me and tell me im lazy cant cope xx

neesey1005 profile image
neesey1005 in reply to dawnlancaster

Everyone is lazy on holiday that's what holidays are for - you ignore anyone and just have really good holiday - come on a holiday in Devon - I am jealous now - its going to be great. 😊😊😊😊

Scottish-piglet profile image

Hi Dawn

Please don't do anything you might regret, this illness gets to us all. I'm sure there are positives in your life too which are worth focusing and holding on to. Despair is one of the worst factors of Fibro, it robs us of everything we knew and left only pain and depression.

It's easy for us to tell you to stay strong and positive especially if we aren't feeling too bad and yet we also know how low you feel at the moment.

People will suggest you contact the Samaritans or mind both are available to talk to, I've never used them and usually take myself off to bed to lie and think about what is worrying me. We cannot get rid of the pain we feel or the sense that no one else around us knows how we are truly feeling but on this site we all understand and offer the comfort of you knowing you are not alone. We are all here if you want to talk, shout or rant - we listen and we support one another.

I'm not having much luck at sleep tonight so I'm here if you want to talk. Take care, Linda xx

dawnlancaster profile image
dawnlancaster in reply to Scottish-piglet

Thank you im going through a bad patch i lost my mothet to lung cancer afew months ago it only took 3 weekd cant talk to her like i use to do and i feel stuck xx

Scottish-piglet profile image
Scottish-piglet in reply to dawnlancaster

I'm in belief that we can and should still talk to those in our lives who have passed on, I know they cannot physically reply and give you the advice you need but sometimes you know what that person would have told you to do or provide the support you need.

I've said before that if I can't talk I write it all down in a letter, don't re read the letter, put all you fears and worries down on paper and then rip it up or set fire to it, believe that the person you wrote the letter to has received it and has taken some of the pain you are feeling away.

It may sound a bit hippyish but it does sometimes work for me. I hope you get some relief and find an outlet for your grief xx

dawnlancaster profile image
dawnlancaster in reply to Scottish-piglet

Ive had a apple tree planted as her grave is in reading 110 miles away so i talk to the tree nuts ha xx

peck profile image
peck in reply to Scottish-piglet

Scottish-piglet , I've never thought of this but sounds like a good idea!! Thanks . Peck.🐤

Distressed1-2 profile image

I think you might need help right away.

Please read this post.


PLEASE do call them and they can help.

Good luck, you need to try and hold on just a bit longer. Things do get easier again, even though it must not seem so right now. We are wishing you well...

It is hard to keep on battling the pain, but you can do it were here for you, don't give up. Hopefully your going through a bad phase and it will pass soon. Yes it's hard to, I know, but someone will find something to help us all soon. We have to stay around to try it and prove to everyone that this exist is and that they can help us!

As messed said, treat yourself kindly, try to think of something you'd like to do and have that as your goal.

Have you thought of listening to an audio book on relaxation and self help for your low mood. Are you taking antidepressants? If not they might help you feel mentally able to fight this fibro more.

Im trying some herbal tabs at he moment that are supposed to help with depression etc. I will keep taking them and post to let everyone to let you know how I get on. Fingers crossed they help and maybe if you can take them with any meds your taking they may help you? Here's hoping and watch this space 👍😊

Please don't give up, things always look better in the day light.

Thinking of you and trying to send you positive thoughts.

Good luck and best wishes.

Hope you sleep well. 😴 Night

Ps. Maybe you should show your partner the fibro mother page and take him with you to dr, so he understands more. Also my hubby on Facebook and there's something on there that comes up about fibro.

And I meant nessey in my last reply not messed .... Oops 👍😊

dawnlancaster profile image
dawnlancaster in reply to

My partner wont let me go on face book i would like to as iv sneeked on a couple of times but if he cought me he would chuck me out again xx

in reply to dawnlancaster

Please don't take this the wrong way, but it sound like he's a bit controlling. Is he mistreating you? If he is please speak help, the Samaritans?

If you want to chat please don't hesitate to contact me or pm me.

I have experienced abuse.

My thoughts are with you. 🌺

dawnlancaster profile image
dawnlancaster in reply to

Nothing will help ill just be homeless if i dpeak out and the council wont help as i gave up my council flat x

dawnlancaster profile image

Yesim on antidepresion tabs have been for years now xx

in reply to dawnlancaster

You might want to see your dr and have a chat about your fibro and life with your partner and how he responds to your illness etc. She might help with counciling and diff antidepressants?

Best wishes 🌸

peck profile image

dawnlancaster ; Hey dawn it's Peck been missing you are you ok?? What are you down about?? You know I'm here if you need me and there's always someone here 24/7.Feel free to PM me if you ever need to talk ok.Take care of yoursrelf.Be blessed.Peck🌹

dawnlancaster profile image

Hi peck i hope you ok im just really loo at momment and verry sleepy im hoping ill sleep thank you for caring xx

TheAuthor profile image

Hi Dawn

I am so genuinely sorry to read that you are feeling so low, and can I please suggest that you reach out and talk to somebody my friend. I have pasted you the telephone number below for the Samaritans.

They are there 24 / 7 and will listen to you non-judgmentally. Please take care of yourself my friend:

The Samaritans UK: Telephone: 116 123 (UK)

All my hopes and dreams for you


dawnlancaster profile image

I cant as if my partner finds out ill be kicked out but thank you x

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply to dawnlancaster

Please take care my friend, I am quite worried about your situation. Please feel free to PM me or any of the Admin if you need to talk x

peck profile image

dawnlancaster , As I didn't hear from you I hope your sleeping!! Please take care and know I'm here for you!! Peck.🐤

dawnlancaster profile image

The council has said when i gave up my flat that they would not help in the future as i gave up my tenancy so im sutuck. Im staying in a caravan x

dawnlancaster profile image

Thanks for everybodys advice specially peck hugs x

I was wondering if you had more going on than the illnesses and I see. From the other posts why I had a partner that was controlling and did not understand I suffered at his hands for 35years and when my parents died I was not allowed to speek about them and to hid the grief is unbearabl and yes the thought of holidays was a nightmare as you know you are in the firing line you need to try and contact a women's refuge the are very good listeners try to keep strong x there's help out there when you feel strong enough to reach out .

BlueMermaid3 profile image

Hi dawnlancaster

I was wondering how you are this morning?

I also wanted to let you know that calls to the Samaritans are free and do not show up on your phone bill.

Please do feel free to message me if you are still feeling very down.

Wishing you much peace in your life

Lu x


Jcwg profile image


I just want to say that what you are going through shouldn't be acceptable , plz consider contacting someone for help, there's got to be some way to get you away from all you are going through. Please make a move towards starting the process you realy should not have to live under such conditions. Gentle hugs x

Hi dawn hope you are feeling a lot better today xx

dawnlancaster profile image

Hi all thank you all for caring. Im ok just got to struggle on like we all have to do i hope all yous ok much love and hugs xxx

dawnlancaster profile image

Thanks to everyone for being there for me at least i can come on here and talk to all you loveley people should i say family as thats what this site is about love to you all xxx

BlueMermaid3 profile image
BlueMermaid3 in reply to dawnlancaster

It's great to hear you sounding a little better. Thank you so much for letting us know.

Lu xx

Kitten-kat23 profile image

Are you okay today? I am worried about you.

dawnlancaster profile image
dawnlancaster in reply to Kitten-kat23

Hi im souldering on as they say hope you are well xx

I'm very sorry to read this. Please don't think there is nothing you can do and that you will end up homeless if you speak out. Think carefully about your situation and if you want to leave your partner, seek help with Refuge - refuge.org.uk/ or telephone freephone 0808 2000 247 - 24 Hour National Domestic Violence Helpline.

These people can help find you a place in a refuge - a safe house for women escaping abusive relationships, and will support you emotionally and practically to move on with a new home, benefits, legal advice etc.

Best wishes to you.

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