Hi peoples,has anyone heard of stomach migraine?
stomach migraine: Hi peoples,has anyone... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
stomach migraine

Yes, years ago my then GP, said that was the problem.
Yes you can get this
Yes it is often called Abdominal migraine rate in adults but common in children. What you describe also sounds as though it could be IBS which can be fluctuating. Stress can be a big factor in that so sometimes you can't relate it to what you eat. Alot of fibro sufferers have IBS and for many that was one if the first symptoms. Hope you find a solution. X
Hi there
Yes, I have heard of stomach migraines being caused by stress.
However, I was thinking along the same lines as rosewine in that is there a possibility it could be IBS?
Many of us Fibro sufferers have IBS. It almost seems to come with the condition.
I hope you get some answers soon.
Wishing you less stress and more peace
Lu xx
Volunteer Administrator
Thankyou for your replies, i haven't got IBS i used to have it and had Mebrevarine for the pain which was very efficient. I was told that was due to stress.i was told recently after a Colonoscopy that i have diverticulitis but it was mild. I haven't been well since i had my gall bladder removed four years ago. Happy Days!!!😩
Yes. My son had it as a child and took medication for it.
Yes, my daughter gets it, she has cystic fibrosis, and a lot of the problem is ibs, also she suffers from ocd which causes anxiety, she is only 12 she was started on medication for her anxiety and it has helped a lot. Her medication is setraline and attends camhs x
It is not something that I have heard of my friend, and I sincerely hope that you are not suffering too badly with this? Please take care of yourself.
Yes, children usually present with this type of migraine first before the full blown pain in the head type. I sometimes have migraines that feel like a low grade headache but I get pains in my stomach, feel nauseous and actually vomit in some instances. Try and complete a trigger diary. Write down what you ate, were doing, drinking, weather ect to try and find if you have any specific triggers in order to avoid them. Good luck.
Also write down the situation -- who you were with, and where! I discovered that who I ate with made a big difference to my IBS. If I was relaxed it was much better than if I was with someone or in a situation that made me tense! When I first noticed that, it seemed weird, but it does make sense -- my tension went straight to my digestive system, it tightened up and didn't work! Best of luck with getting some relief with this!
I get migraines and take meds for them. The lead up to getting one starts with an abdominal migraine so I know one's coming. I know abdominal migraine well and my daughter has had them too.
Oh Yes indeed. My son as a teenager suffered horribly apparently it was brought on by[ the orange drink he liked
I dont think it s now!!
Hi,just saw your post and it looked familiar,my daughter has suffered with stomach migraine most of her life on and off,the doctor said that she needs to drink more fluids through the day and keep away from fatty foods,it seems to help a little bit,she says stress is a big factor too,hope this can help!!
I tend to agree with you zann 10 that avoiding fatty foods as well as spicy foods and stress and tiredness will contribute to my 'condition' I will add that I don't have fibromyalgia or IBS although I did have IBS for about 25 years when I would occasionally faint with the pain , it would also wake me up during the night but eventually the doc prescribed meds for that, thankgoodness which rapidly stopped the cramp pain.
Yes, I had this when I was younger. Although I still feel nauseous when I get a migraine, it is more of a visual aura and headache type.
Yes I have my daughter had it really bad as an infant before she started with the headaches. mostly in children, so it could be something else. Hope you feel better soon.
I had a friend that had migraines because of a stomach problem.