Hi all, have any of you tried using KanaVape (a legal cannabis e cigarette) for fibromyalgia (or other) pain relief? And if so was it effective at all?
KanaVape Cannabis e cigarette for pain - Fibromyalgia Acti...
KanaVape Cannabis e cigarette for pain

Having read that I have wondered for a while before replying. Firstly I am horrified to think they put cannabis in these vapour things ( the new scourge of my life) what happened to sense??? If and only if it was properly made into a tablet form and in controlled measured doses on prescription I may consider it. Otherwise, despite decades of terrible pain Never would I use that. I have seen too much whilst working in an A&E department both to the users and more importantly to the vulnerable in their care. Please think many times before considering this. Sorry if this seems over the top but I hate anything to do with smoking, these vapour things and especially cannabis.
Molly, the vapour and the oil (which I take) have nothing to do with cannibis as you know it. There are no psychoactive substances in them. The ingredients that are there are those that help with a variety of conditions, pain being one.
I agree that the vaping craze is unpleasant . But not as unpleasant as smoking. It helped my husband to give up altogehter. Its surely better for people to have this habit than one that is proven to cause cancer, heart disease etc.
Cannibiniol which is the ingredient in the oils and these ecigarettes is very very different from cannibis which has mind altering effects.
It helps with moderate amounts of pain with me and has no side effects and no effect on anything other than the pain. And it's completely legal in the UK
Thanks Deejames, that's useful to know. You say it helps you with moderate pain, have you tried it with intense pain at all?
Sorry for not replying. I'm not getting the daily digest from HU for some reason nor updates on posts.
I take it as a matter of course in the morning and afternoon as an anti inflammatory. I helps if my pain is on a moderate level but when it gets very bad I reach for the Oramorph. Its been good up till now when my pain took a dramatic increase.
Hi JoA143
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today?
I use a MediPen, which is similar but anything that is cannabis is removed and it leaves a non-addictive pain reliever. I do not know if yours is the same?
I have found it partially effective, in that if I use too much it will give me a headache.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Where do u get this plz xx
Hi, thanks ken, I have just started taking cbd oil,I bought the 40 g because it wasent very high but found I needed the stronger one, however after trying several drops yesterday I developed a headache, now I know why,I assume I took too much too soon,but as you know ken it's trial and error,but I did get some releif from this nightmare pain, I'll go up gradually until I find a decent level,one thing I don't suffer from is headaches,so thanks again Ken, another day another lesson learned.