my daughter has fm. I want to receive posts on mf thanks oldblue
fm: my daughter has fm. I want to... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hi oldblue
Welcome to the forum and it is wonderful to make your acquaintance. I have pasted you a link below to our mother site, Fibromyalgia Action UK which hosts loads of useful Fibro information:
I am so genuinely sorry to read that your daughter has Fibro, and I want to sincerely wish her all the best of luck. I was wondering is she being prescribed suitable medication? As there is plenty that she could discuss with her GP or Medical Specialist.
There are other treatments that she may find beneficial such as Counselling, CBT, Physiotherapy or Hydrotherapy to mention a few. She could try a TENS Machine for the pain etc. If you require or desire any specific information please let me know.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Sorry to hear you're daughter had fibro my prayers r with you and your daughter.
thanks very much for prayers icllcl6 . it takes me a very long time to type 1 letter at a time. go back and look where i responded to the author i think you can do that. that reply will be for you also. if you can't, get back to me. as i told the Author merry Christmas. oldblue
I got your message today have bad service so not getting to see any emails. How is your daughter doing and how are you holding up. Merry Christmas and my God give peace joy and happiness to all in your home. Teng units are okay to have also pour apple cider vinegar in her hot bath water that also helps with pain and get some Dr Teal Epsom salt soaking solution magnesium sulfate. I like trying all natural instead of pharmaceutical drugs they have way to many long term side effects. I will put your daughter any you on my every day prayers. Take care and my God bless your family .
hey again lcllcl6 I'm sorry for not responding sooner as I really get confused finding what and how to do this. This is Thursday 12-17-9:53 am and I just happened to stumble across your reply. I had replied to someone yesterday, I think it was pipps, I won't try to look back and see who it was for sure as I have tried that before and I loose where I was and I have to start all over again. I had asked someone what the word NO meant above my replied meant and didn't get a response. If I did I haven't found it yet. I'll wait for you or anyone else gets this. Maybe I'll get to know my way around on this soon. thanks to you and every one else who receives this and MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEARS to everyone. Oldblue
Hello old blue
So pleased to meet you ,I'm always happy metting beautiful people on this sight
I'm so sorry your daughter has FM . I have had it for many years now . Sweety how does it affect her ????????? And you as a parent it must be horrible hearing this news .
One of my sons has GP6deficiency and now he was diagnosed with his joints all out of place . So hearing that our children our suffering can make a massive impact on us parents . But as parents we do our best to love oir children and take care of them
As they are a gift from our loving Heavenly Father . I am a Jehovah witness
And am plaque with so much pain and suffering also mentally panick attacks .
But I found that all is balance . In the bible it says in revelation 21/4
OR PAIN BE ANYMORE ,the former thinks have passed away ".
Did you notice sweety it says pain be no more or suffering .
God has promised to cleans this earth and ride of all evil .
Soon it will happen gods promises never fail .
May you be blessed I have included everyone on this beautiful sight in my prayers
So we can help and encouragh each other . Keep positive sweet heart .
If you wish talk to me how the FM affects your daughter .
We are all suffering . But we suffer together and we get threw it together
When your down I pick you up when I'm down just receiving a lovely comment can do wonders .
Lots of Italian hugs lots of hugs to your daughter . Tell her she's so brave and coiragious and so loved . 🙋🏻🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐all for you and your family keep strong stay focusesd and pray . If you have no energy to pray
Then just say God " you know all my de quieting thought help us get threw this
And leave the rest to him . Your wonderful . Stay focusesd step by step one day at a time ..... Lots of Italian agape love .