hi all,
have any of you tried cherry active for their fybro. I'm going to start it to day and see what happens x
hi all,
have any of you tried cherry active for their fybro. I'm going to start it to day and see what happens x
Hi there dillydally,
I'm rather foggy today (no change there then 😳) but I'm sure I read somewhere that someone had found it helpful, so I will be very interested to know how you get on with it.
Very best wishes 😊
Foggy x
thanks, fingers crossed. heard it can help you sleep also x
Dilly...dont know anything about this. Could you send me more information? Thanks
it is made by concentrated monchello cherries. you take 30ml mixed with 250ml water or mix in yoghurt for example. it is mean't to help ease arthritis pain, gout pain, help sleep as well as other things. thought I would give it a try x
It is not something that I can use as I am allergic to red fruits but I want to genuinely and sincerely wish you all the best of luck with this.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x