Under active Thyroid and Perimenopausal - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Under active Thyroid and Perimenopausal

Macberts profile image
22 Replies

Interested to find out how many Fibro sufferers have problems with their Thyroid?

Also been told I am peri menopausal can anyone give advice as to what they have done to alleviate their symptoms x

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Macberts profile image
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22 Replies
Maya23 profile image

I don't have a problem with my thyroid but I am peri menopausal. I've been offered a mirena coil to help me through the menopause. I am strongly considering it.

Macberts profile image
Macberts in reply to Maya23

I had the Mirena coil as contraception it was really fantastic but after many years I was bleeding all the time so I had to get it taken out! If I thought it would help it's Defo worth thinking about!

Maya23 profile image
Maya23 in reply to Macberts

SO when you say you were bleeding all the time - do you mean spotting? Or did the coil stop working because it was old and had stopped producing progesterone? I am anxious about getting it fitted again, because I tried it about 15 years ago and it was so uncomfortable and I was spotting continually. I begged them to get it out.

Macberts profile image
Macberts in reply to Maya23

No I was bleeding out with my period after sex etc so it was suggested I get it out! I had three over a 14 years and it was only the last time it gave hassle ! Have u been offered hrt ?

Maya23 profile image
Maya23 in reply to Macberts

Ah I see. I haven't been offered HRT. I'm still around 5 years off the actual menopause. And the main problem I have is that my mood and pain greatly increase for the 2 weeks before my period and the week that I have it. So 3 out of 4 weeks a month i feel awful.

Maya23 profile image
Maya23 in reply to Maya23

I mean my mood drops and my pain increases! Bit of a horrible rollercoaster!

Macberts profile image
Macberts in reply to Maya23

Yeah I know exactly how U feel! I have just turned 44 doc told me to google menopausal matters and see what route I want to take! Women don't have it easy! With all this on top of fibro shoot me now !!

Maya23 profile image
Maya23 in reply to Macberts

yes it does all feel a bit much! I cant stop crying today because it all feels so overwhelming. And I'm not even premenstrual yet!!

Macberts profile image
Macberts in reply to Maya23

Yes it's proper pants!! Poor you it's just rubbish !! Hope you feel better soon x

peck profile image

Macberts , I have under active thyroid and have been thru menopause and hope it's over as symptoms seem to be easing.I took black cohosh which seemed to help.The main problem I had was staying cool.I wish you the very best also reading up on it helped me just to know I was normal. Best wishes-! Peck.🐤

Macberts profile image
Macberts in reply to peck

Thank you peck ! I am trying to read it and actually absorb some of it! I just got phone call from doc on fri to tell me I have both ! Was very surprised to say the least! Now wondering if my symptoms will be eased slightly if I can get things under control !

peck profile image
peck in reply to Macberts

I wish you the best! ! Peck.🐤

Macberts profile image
Macberts in reply to peck

Thank you xx u too x

Smiler69 profile image

I am 47 and will be 48 in December.

I was having hot flushes , it was awful and so embarrassing. So my Dr put me on the combined HRT pill. The sweatiness has stopped now which I am very pleased about.

Macberts profile image
Macberts in reply to Smiler69

Dud you find any of your aches and pains eased?

Smiler69 profile image

No I am still in pain. I have Fibromyalgia,and a trapped nerve in my neck . I manage with Gabapentin and other pain killers.

Nemofin profile image

Hi lovely, I have an under active thyroid and starting to get hormone changes. So I have asked to be steralised and I take gabapentin too 900mg 3 times a day, not sure which is making me gain weight now. I used to be active and now I look in the mirror and want to cry !!! But as long as I can semi keep up with my kids all will be well. I hope your well . X

TheAuthor profile image

Hi Macberts

Thank you for such an interesting post my friend. I have pasted you a link below to the Centre For Menstrual Cycle & Ovulation Research who say that perimenopause and thyroid issues can be confused as they carry the same symptoms:


I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck and please take care of yourself my friend.

All my hopes and dreams for you

Ken x

Al10 profile image

Wish my GP had told me when I was perimenapausal. I thought I was, and he said absolutely no. I was years off it. Instead he said I was stressed, depressed and anxious etc. He was fed up with all my weird symptoms that were 'clearly' just anxiety. He couldn't understand my main anxiety was visiting my GP!

You are lucky because you can now read up what is likely to happen and choose how to deal with it. If you are in a relationship, your partner can be aware too. They do need to understand too. I think the menopause is very confusing for both partners esp if you are uninformed. It can be a major flash point for marriage break up.

Fibro and Perimenopause created the perfect storm for me. No, I couldn't pull myself together. The symptoms, physical and mental were very intense and I pushed people away needing every ounce of my energy to cope. I felt very lonely and confused and blamed to for my failure to nurture our marriage. It was tough on both of us. My life seemed to spiral out of control with the only answer to take anti Depressants that made me ill. If the symptoms had have been recognised, I could have had proper help.

I think our hormones fluctuating, is another trigger that can make fibro worse and you have two sets that are changing. At least you have knowledge and that makes it a little less scary. You still have to advocate on your own behalf to get what is right for you. Best of luck!

Macberts profile image
Macberts in reply to Al10

Thank you! You have really been through the mill hopefully you are feeling better! Yes going to be tough my moods have always been horrendous at time of the month so I have warned hubby! If I can get under active thyroid sorted and started on hrt I hope I will be ok !!

Furry profile image

I there I am 53 and menopausal, I do have a Mirena coil ( this is my second) and would recommend it as I found it helped with peri menopausal symptoms. My GP recomended red clover capsules for the symptoms and it has helped. You should check with the pharmacist before taking any supplements as they can interact with medication. My fibro symptoms have increased since the menopause, the rheumatologist said this is what can happen and they are looking into a link between hormonal changes and fibro? Hope you find something to help your symptoms. Take care, furry X

Macberts profile image
Macberts in reply to Furry

I have had the mirena coil for contraception but I was just bleeding all the time so they recommended I take it out. I am feeling awful I just need to decide what route I take ! Wishing you the best also x

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