dropping things : hi my doctor is... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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dropping things

michellie profile image
24 Replies

hi my doctor is pretty convinced I have fybro (after my own research ) do any of you drop things? it's driving me mad always dropping things and the forgetfulness is hard also,

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michellie profile image
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24 Replies
Ian123 profile image

A feeling of wearing a thick pair of gloves making it difficult telling if something is still

held onto or dropped kind of thing.

Betty67 profile image

With dropping things pick things up delibrately, and carefully. I think more a lack of concentration. As to memory write lists and leave yourself notes. I put a sign on the door with the word keys, also boys so i did not lock them out when going to bed.

Make life easier for yourself. Gentle hugs

Regnofibro1 profile image

I call it dropces happens a lot!!

Telynores profile image

Always use both hands :-)

in reply to Telynores

Particulary with Knives, I tend not only to drop things but also throw them

Telynores profile image
Telynores in reply to

That sounds deliberate :-/ Get what you mean though and nothing ever goes where you expect it too :-(

in reply to Telynores

I think that ive got it under control. i havnt thrown anything for weeks now. :)

Hurtingmom profile image

I do drop a little more- I think it could be part of the increasing arthritis in my hands along with the burning itching sensations on my skin. I try to think more about what I am doing than I did since this all started up

Shadows-walker profile image

Yes my love all the time ,I think the worse time was in the middle of a supermarket red wine everywhere, and forgetfulness when I am stressed is beyond belief , also hands can't do fine needlework any more ,trying to give myself physio by doing adult colouring books as its de stressing as well.

Suggest u ask about pain and fatigue clinic to help with pacing ,understanding and acceptance,it helped me tremendously

Good luck

Shadow x

rosewine profile image

I drop things as well as I think I have them securely then upsy daisy down they go. Like others I have learnt to pick up things with two hands and slowly with full concentration, well as much as the Old fibro brain will allow.

Like others it is notes for everything I never realised post it notes could be such boon. Electronic Calender's with reminders and things that need to be done are written on a child's slate near to the kettle as it is one place I use on a regular basis.

I also try to have a designated place for things and try to put them back in that place instead of just putting them anywhere.

I am sure others will come up with some good ideas.x

TheAuthor profile image

I am so genuinely sorry to read that you are experiencing this issue, and I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck with getting a diagnosis one way or the other. It is a standing joke in my family that I am always dropping things, I really struggle to keep hold of anything bottle shaped like shower gel or washing up liquid bottles.

There other other medical conditions that can cause such phenomena and I would urge you to explore every avenue with this.

All my hopes and dreams for you


Hi, I drop things all the time! I also went through a phase of falling and stumbling all the time until I purposely slowed myself right down. Don't have the energy to dash about like I used to which is probably my body's way of stopping me from going head first downstairs, falling in the middle of a busy restaurant, falling and rolling down a hill commando style with arms crossed in front of 20 students! Etc etc! I felt like a disaster area before I crashed with ME but now believe they were all signs to slow down.. Pity I didn't listen to that and the other many signals sent! I think we all here probably need to take more time to do things more deliberately. Betty I am so glad I'm not the only one who locks their sons out at night!! Post it is a great idea and I'll start doing that too! Jax 😊

paddysmum profile image

All the time......very annoying because I can't bend far enough to pick things back up! At home it is fine but if out I have to wait for some unsuspecting stranger to come along to retrieve it! Lol x

RainbowElf profile image

I have reduced grip, and after years of examinations, tests and physio, it was determined that it was just another part of my fibro.

It infuriates me, as the most simple task becomes more complicated. All my hobbies involve holding things too, so I have had to rethink that too.

It gets annoying always having to have a pen on me as I can't use a regular one, I need a chunky one.

Just got to learn your limits and be creative in your approach.

in reply to RainbowElf

Double sided sticky tape, small amount of clean sand onto exposed tape gives good grip and cheap to do-

RainbowElf profile image
RainbowElf in reply to

Thank you I will try that. I love sewing but it is very hard to do because of the small needles.

Oh yes dropsy all the time. Not many days when this doesnt happen. I dropped and broke a glass today. I like the description of it feeling like wearing a thick pair of gloves as this is what it feels like. I also have arthritis in my hands so I cant always get them to move at all. I was thinking of getting a colouring book some of them look so good and as I am finding my other hobbies harder to do (sewing, knitting, gardening) I need to find some other outlet of creativity. Gentle hugs Joolz.x

i forget simple things often and I don't think its normal but what to ya say to a doctor when ya only 33 lol .

also I struggle holding so much as a cup always feel like am gonna drop me brew

in reply to

use a cup with big handles, and carry with 2 hands- also try to not over grip as this weakens the hands not strengthen them. a rough surface gives more feedback..

RainbowElf profile image

My partner is really good at knowing what I can't lift and what I can. When we go out for coffee, or in my case a cup of tea, she gets them to make a large in two small cups, but always checks the cups are the not too big, heavy, or have awkward


My wrists are very painful and weak too, so lifting anything too heavy causes immense strain and pain.

I have a lot of problems with cutlery too, but nothing that some sellotape can't fix.

lilian68 profile image

i am always dropping things cups and plates don't bounce back only the pieces just as well we keep a good stop in ,xxx

achydunlin profile image

I'm the clumsiest person ever, I drop things continually and have broke countless plates and glasses. I now try to use plastic glasses and my coffee mug is a very hard-wearing thick mug that I've dropped loads of times on my kitchen floor and not broken. I also trip a lot.. I blame my hands being very stiff and weak but also the meds make me a bit unco-ordinated.

kathlaidlaw profile image

yep all the time and it makes me so mad I can drop the pick it up only to drop it again .

ken my hubby thinks its so funny and for some reason every time I have a good top on in drop my food and it always seams to be something that stains . so I have a lot of new slopy tops now . if you don't laugh at it you will start to cry and that is no good just don.t use grannys best chaina and you will be fine oh and no hot pans as that would not be good if you drop that . BUT there is one good thing if you have ever been given something for a prezi or inherited something that you really don't like you can clean it and opppssssss you have dropped it I have dropped a few things AND HAVE BEEN SOOOOOO SORRY for dropping them I never meant to do that I feel so bad for doing that hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa you will be fine main thing don't worry about it

For all those who; like me, drop the cups-plates-dishes, don't replace with the same clay based item- go and buy plastic plates that campers and caravaners use- most if not all will bounce off the floor- mine do- cups are cheap to replace but again we have plastic cups so life is cheaper- looks a bit weird when friends pop over to see me using a plastic mug but they soon realise when explained to-

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