Hi guys first of all thanks to everyone for your help on my blood results I find just asking for some advice on here and getting answers help,so thanks again.
Today has been a bad day feeling very sore all over,made myself get out of bed and done some housework, silly me thought, it's a lovely day Lizzie get ur butt in gear and get some work done,how wrong was I been with that decision.
I'm now extremely sore even after pain killers,hot bath and it's the first time I've been in tears with fibro,after I was told that's what I have I didn't cry !! but today for some reason it's getting to me. I have to go for phisio to see what they can do to help ie: with regard to aids walking stick,crutches I do not think they will offer me a wheel chair to use on my really bad days.
I'm getting so fed up being in pain all the time, and I'm getting so annoyed with myself for feeling like this, after all fibro ain't gonna kill me and it could be worse,I know.
Thanks for listening to my rant need to get it out.
Hope you get a good sleep all.