Kidney infection: I had problems since... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Kidney infection

lovelyredhead profile image
11 Replies

I had problems since I got hit by the car giving CPR to someone, they did tests and it shows I can't empty my Bladder completely, so I have to be Catheterised every 2/3 hrs, but iv not got a career any more ,I used to pay to be Catheterised. So now I'm on my own and I can't do it myself and the test were done 9yrs ago .I'm so fed up .

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lovelyredhead profile image
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11 Replies
TheAuthor profile image

Hi lovelyredhead, I have copied and pasted my reply from your other post a sit seems just as relevant here as well. Please take care of yourself.

I am so genuinely sorry to read that and I sincerely hope that you can find some resolution and relief to this issue. If I were you I would ask outright to be tested in whatever way that you feel that you should be tested? If the doctor says ''no'', then I would either see a different GP at the surgery or change surgery as your health is the most important factor.

I want to genuinely and sincerely wish you all the best of luck.

All my hopes and dreams for you


bantam12 profile image

Why didn't you put this info on your other post ?

If bacteria is being introduced via the catheter then you will have ongoing infections, you should talk to whoever is doing the catheterization and also ask to be referred to a Urologist who can review your situation.

lovelyredhead profile image
lovelyredhead in reply to bantam12

Thank you for that post ,the reason I didn't put it on ,is because I have a FOG BRAIN toda,And its nothing to do with the way I Catheterised ,when I'm Catheterised you HAVE to wear GLOVES and also ,I WASH with HIBI SCRUB ,if you don't know what this is ,they use it to wash there hands and arms before a operation. .Well I better tell you what else is wrong with me ,see if that's OK with you,

Brain Tumour ,Epilepsy ,ME ,FIBO,Heart condition ,Damage Spine in 3 places ,Balance ,Tremor's problems ,BIPOLAR, SERVIER DEPRESSION ,STROKE ,HEART ATTACK ,IBS ,CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME in BOTH HANDS, HEARING LOSS ,STICKY BLOOD ,DVTS ,ULCER in COLON, ARTHRITIS in Spine ,Hips ,Legs ,Hands,Feet.DAMAGED BLADDER

On top of all that ,iv had CANCER TWICE ,10 Major Operations ,8 car accidents no fault of mine ,hit in the Rear, 2 Motor Bike ,

Got Killed Giving CPR TO A MAN.

And iv been sexual assault Twice ,and Lost 2 BABIES.

I also lost My Home and 3 Companies and my husband ,when I stopped to help the man that I gave CPR to cause I got hit by a car and KILLED.AND I TAKE 48 tablets aday.

So I think after all that lot iv got a right to forget.

Who's the Lucky ONE.



lovelyredhead profile image
lovelyredhead in reply to bantam12


I'm Asthmatic to, and I have MIGRAINES 2/3 times a week.

Due to my spinel injury ,I also can't stand or sit for long ,I have to lay all the time ,or I get cronic pain in my hips an Spine as well as pins an needles in my feet an hands .

The day before the court case for the car accident I had a stroke, an I couldn't attend ,so they through it out of court,I took on a Business partner ,and she run off with my company's fund's. That's how I lost everything.

I truly hope you don't suffer like I do ,as I wouldn't wish this on anyone. You may day I'm lucky to be alive ,yes I am ,but I haven't been out side my home in 2 yrs .I can't do normal things ,that everyone take's for granted.

I have a letter from my Doctor out lining all of what iv said ,just in case any one thinks I'm fibbing.


bantam12 profile image

I simply asked why the info wasn't in your other post as its relevant, no need to be rude.

My reply was an attempt to be helpful so I'm sorry if you found great offence in that, I will not help further.

Fibro_rocker profile image

Wow,!!! Jacqui

This is and you are the perfect example of why I always tell people who are moaning to cheer up look at the bright side, because there is always someone worse worse off that you,,, sorry to make it sound like i'm using yourself as an example,, didn't mean to !!! Very foggy myself this morning,,,

I know I'm nowhere near as bad as yourself, how do you stay positive with all you have to cope with !!!

I don't want to say I feel sorry for you because I don't feel that would be right !!!

I do however have every sympathy for you ,, wish you all the best of health

I only have half of your problems to bare .... offering gentle hugs

Life is just that bit more easier to cope with this new fibro family !!

Now not as alone anymore !!

Stay safe, Steve xx

lovelyredhead profile image

Bantan thought I was rude with my reply ,I wasn't ,I was stating the FACTS ,and I don't like being patronised .

My whole family have major health problems ,since I was a baby my brother was on a Kidney machine ,so I'm up on sterilising ,I was a Beautian so you have to be ultra clean ,as well as a Hairdresser ,and Manufactur of Nail an Beauty products.

All I wanted was a bit of TLC from my FAMILY on FIBRO ,I don't get any from my FAMILY ,Cause my mum has to give all her TLC to my DAD ,WHICH I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND.

I Have NO ONE to give me a Hugg or a Kind word ,so life a bitch and I have to get on with it.

Thank you for your kind support.

Love an Huggs.


Mdaisy profile image

Hello All,

May I just say from past experience that sometimes you can have what is known as residual urine after either spending a penny or self catherisation. The small amount left remains and often can cause infection then you spend a penny or self catherise leave more residual urine and the cycle continues. Before somebody says that it is impossible for a residual after catherisation, being an ex nurse I have seen it happen in practice due to the deformity of the bladder pockets were holding residual urine.

Or as I have you may have Interstital Cystitis which is explained below and seems to be common in Fibro;

It might be worth considering asking your GP for an urology appointment for a specialist opinion.

Best Wishes

Emma :)

lovelyredhead profile image

Thank you Emma ,your another Angel.

Your completely right ,I had test done and it shows I hold to much urine ,an when I'm Catheterised the same thing happens, I can't Catheterise myself cause my Bladder is at an angle, also I take Antibiotic every night ,but iv been on them for 15yrs ,I think there not working any more ,I tried to explain that to my GP ,but he just shut me up ,not good.Also he has NEVER done any urine tests on me ,to find out what bacteria it is ,I know when I was under the London Hospital ,the Doctor kept saying I was pregnant, that why I was being sick ,I said to him ,your Wrong ,with that he did a culture test on me ,and it showed I had a rare bacteria ,that wasn't common at all ,iv also got mass scaring in my Bladder as well.

Thank you.

Love an Huggs.


BlueMermaid3 profile image

Hi Jacqui

I have had many a catheter in and have had to self catheterise myself for quite a long period of time.

When I was last sent home with a catheter in mine had a tube and then a little tap that I could use to empty the bag when it was getting full.

Please forgive me because I can't remember if I actually had a bag that time or just the tube with a tap to open and close.

Perhaps that's something you could ask for?

I am also sending you a huge hug. I know what it's like to be alone.

These are for you 💐

Lu xx

lovelyredhead profile image
lovelyredhead in reply to BlueMermaid3

Thank you Lu ,your a Angel ,wev spoken before ,big Hugg ,

If you ever want my number your more than welcome .

That's a great idea ,it would help so much ,at the moment I'm going a toilet every 15min ,I'm worn out ,trying to pull my knickers up ,ha ha I can't bend at the best of times ,

You have to laugh ,other wise I'd be crying all the time ,no point in that.

Love an Huggs.


Thank you for the flowers ,I'm looking for a vase ,xxx

Not what you're looking for?

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