Struggling : I'm really struggling at... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Sianc82 profile image
22 Replies

I'm really struggling at the moment. I'm fed up of being in so much pain never having energy always needing the toilet can't sleep as I choke on acid heartburn. I have so many things wrong with me im on so many tablets I'm 39 and feel 90. I just don't want to be here no more I got no life. I can't even hold a cup. I got kids and grandkids and it's so hard for them to see me like this. I lost my dad he was 53 and I got all the illnesses he had apart from copd. I lost my nan not long ago. I don't feel like me no more.

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Sianc82 profile image
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22 Replies
Rienij70 profile image

Dear Sianc82, so sorry to read your post. I wish I could be of some help , it is very difficult to cope with your body letting you down. I know from experience but then I am a lot older then you. The way I cope is, that I do things I can do. And stop worrying about things I can’t. Might have trouble walking, but I can give loved ones a hug. So I send a virtual hug to you.

🤗🤗 Rienij xx

Sianc82 profile image
Sianc82 in reply to Rienij70

Thank you. I hate feeling this low I have just given up I got nothing left no more

in reply to Sianc82

How u feeling bbe

Sianc82 profile image
Sianc82 in reply to

Still the same haven't left my bedroom

in reply to Sianc82

There's nothing I can say that will help how your feeling but I no what ur going through pull it together girl as best as u can them kids need u so do them grandkids u might not be able to jump about but even getting out your room will be a first step set small goals each day darling dont give up I wanted to end it all because of the fibromyalgia ended up having a nervous breakdown I really thought that there was no light at end of the tunnel ended up in hospital crisis team came to see me I was so ill mentally and physically u can do this babe xxxxx keep fighting thats what your dad would want and your nan im sure ❤

Sianc82 profile image
Sianc82 in reply to

Thank you that means alot. I had a breakdown years ago but I got better. Life is draining me and I got no energy. I hate feeling like this I really do. I just want to be me I don't know who I am no more

in reply to Sianc82

Yep I no that feeling this disease syndrome wat ever fibromyalgia is changes us i look at it like this either let the monster consume ya or fight it everyday xxx message me any time hun I no exactly how horrible it is I've been up since 4 been loo bout 4 times stomach awful xxx

1499 profile image

Hi Sianc82, My heart goes out to you being so young and going through all of this. Today oddly enough I feel exactly the same though I am in my 60's. When every bit of you is hurting and you struggle to get out of bed to do anything it really gets you down. Even resting in bed the pains don't give up as every movement is sore. So many of us feel exactly as you do and I wish I had the answer that would take away all of our pain struggles!

At these times I think of my husband who had two cancers and told me" to wake up every day was a blessing and the gift of life was so precious" He would say I was in more pain than him dealing with fibro and the other chronic pain issues and problems I have, and he so worried because I was looking after him. He amazed me knowing what he had to deal with himself and so I try and gee myself up and think of him and on the positives!!! It is so so hard I know, and I have a good old cry many a time and it brings me some relief. Hot water bottles, tens machine, painkillers and anything you can get your hands on to help control the pains a bit is a must to make you feel more like yourself again! No one realises how hard this condition is to cope with. I hope today is a better day for you . God Bless you! Xx

Sianc82 profile image
Sianc82 in reply to 1499

Thank you. I watched my nan die of cancer and I know her and my dad would give anything to be here and there's me who don't want to be here no more. I have got everything and I'm on so many tablets nothing works. I can barely walk I just got nothing in me no more

1499 profile image

Thank you for replying. It is hard to have to rely on medications to get through each day and I think at times they can make you feel worse as they carry so many side effects.

Are you getting any help from anyone your GP or Community Nurse or hospital? Maybe a review of all you are taking and seeing even if some are reacting to others and could be discontinued or cut down and some natural therapies put in place for you would be better. Anything is worth a try? I promised myself I would get regular massages but still haven't done it. Maybe even acupuncture, it was a good help to me years ago.

It is awful you are suffering so badly!!! I have heard hydro therapy also can help, but I feel at times you have to push to get things done. I dont go to the pain clinic now I feel it is a waste of time sadly, though the consultant is such a nice man, and I never bother the GP either he doesn't know me, but in your situation and being so young I hope you are getting every ounce of help you can, and can only imagine you have more than fibromyalgia to contend with which is bad enough on it's own. Maybe even a good Social Worker could make sure your needs are all being met to make life as easy for you as possible. I will keep you in my prayers. God Bless you and give you strength each day Xx

Sianc82 profile image
Sianc82 in reply to 1499

I just can't think off nothing anymore. Even to talk I got no energy to do it. Something as simple as talking I can't I'm worn out

westcountry profile image

Dear Sianc82..I read your post and feel so sad for you. Please don't give up as you need to know that people care...You are so young and it must be so difficult especially with children to look after. I'm in my 60s and have so, so many things wrong with me and constant pain, so understand your struggles.

I can't tolerate medication so rely on natural tens machine, biofreze, a massager, having a full body massage every few weeks, stretching every day, ice packs, hot water bottles, magnesium oil spray, pacing myself. Sometimes I want to give up but my faith keeps me going. Know that you are not alone...will pray for you.

Sianc82 profile image
Sianc82 in reply to westcountry

I'm on loads of meds as I have alot wrong with me. Im just getting worse and worse I can't fight no more I just want to go to sleep and not wake up

Camille1 profile image

Hi, I'm with you on the pain and lack of energy, but what made a massive difference for me was starting amitriptyline. I was given it for the nerve pain I had, but a side effect is that is desensitised my overactive bladder. It makes such a difference as I no longer get up in the night (I'm the same age as you BTW).Try a CBT app if you can.

Definitely see your GP though.

Best wishes.

Sianc82 profile image
Sianc82 in reply to Camille1

I'm already on that love I take 58 tablets a day. I have alot of things wrong with me. I just got nothing in me at the moment I'm sick of being like this.

Camille1 profile image
Camille1 in reply to Sianc82

Definitely speak to your GP as soon as possible and tell them exactly how you feel.

Diamondpoppy profile image

Awe bless you. I do understand what you are going through. I have had a bad spell of feeling just like you described. Fed up with the pain,being fatigued all the time . I am 62 and I also have osteoporosis in my spine and hips. I work full time and it's a huge huge effort to go to work 5 days a week. The problem is that people who don't have fibramyalga don't and can't possibly understand what we go through. Our bodies have let us down and sometimes our minds. Brain fuzz, depression. I think you really need to speak to your gp and get some help hun. Don't struggle alone. We are all here for you. Please get some support and advice.

Sianc82 profile image

That's strange I have that in my back as well as ibs chrome's it's a long list. At the moment I got no energy to get up never mind talk about it to a doctor. Thank you for your kind words. Means alot

tottyanne profile image

Hi Sianc82,Sorry your feeling so bad,I feel for you,I've been where you are,I felt like a burden on my family,I had counselling but in the end I learn to accept it,your dad would want you to keep going,my grand children even come and chat to me in bed,my daughter explains to them that grandma's having a bad day and they are visiting to cheer me up,some days I'd rather be left alone but I put my mask on,it's hard but they care and they would rather have me like that than not have me at all,I take supplements along with my other meds and take each day as it comes,you have to stay positive sweetie,I hope your having a better day today xx

Sianc82 profile image
Sianc82 in reply to tottyanne

Still feeling the same. Im still in my bedroom on my own. My grandkids are 1 and 4 so they very active I do have them once a week but its getting harder with the pain and I'm worn out. I can't face the world I just cry and cry and I feel like a burden. I just to sleep and not wake up. X

tottyanne profile image

I really feel for you sweetie,I've had to say no to having my grand children,I used to be a nursery nurse and just can't do it anymore,I did agree to have my neighbours dogs a few months back as she was at work and they were howling most of the day,but I ended up with asthma and allergic so I've had to say know,she was fine about it,it's difficult looking after children,I know they can be very demanding,my daughter thinking of me put them in school club which upset me more but I had to accept as much as I loved them I couldn't manage to take care of them,they are a lot older,you sound like your really down sweetie,have you been prescribed something to help?It is hard admitting you need help either physically or if you need medication,my doctor has put me on something to help,believe me I was really bad but there is light at the end of the tunnel,I've had to give up work as most of the time I felt terrible but I've learn to accept this terrible debilitating illness and adapted my life to it,it hasn't been easy but I've got through some of the worse times of feeling like you ,going to sleep and not waking up,I just wanted this pain to stop and I use to cry to my husband that just wanted to be normal,now I just take each day as it comes and do what I can on that day ,don't think too far ahead,I'm always here if you need to message me,believe me I do know how you feel xxx

Sianc82 profile image

I used to work night shifts as a mental health support worker I lasted 3 years till I couldn't do it no more. My kids are quite selfish they only want a babysitter and the way they speak to me. My husband is no better. I'm already on meds I can't face speaking to anyone. I haven't left my house in weeks. I'm the lowest I have ever felt. I haven't got no energy and today I found out I got covid. I do just want to sleep im up every 10 mins going to toilet I get 2 hours sleep a night if I'm Luck and that takes 10 pees 20 fags before i can sleep. Im so worn out I haven't even got the energy to end my life how sad is that.

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