Just thought i would postin case there anyone out there needing this procedure. Yesterday i was having a biopsy as mammogram came back unclear. First had more xrays done at different angles to see if clearer. Mammogram itself is uncomfortable, a lot pressure applied and a pulling sensation, but not painful. Pain in shoulders and neck from holding position while x rayed. A lot of standing still, painful on knees. A lot of sitting in between procedures (painful for me, cocydenia ). Then the actual biopsy, mammogram again so they find correct area, then injection into correct area ofbreast. Check xray again then machine (a bit noisy) automatically takes 4 biopsies, feeling ofpressure not pain. Whole thing took about 4 hours , felt rather shaky at the end of it, as well as in pain from fibro and athritis, breast felt tender. When injection wore off later breast started to feel bruised. On arriving home went straight to bed, exhausted. This morning breast feels quite bruised and tender and i am exhausted, but arm,shoulder, neck and legs very painful. Nurses and doctors very efficient explained all procedures throughout day. Basically, the fibro, as usual, was the most painful part. No need to be scared of this procedure at all, results in a weeks time. Hope this is a clear explanation. (It has taken a lot of corrections!)
Breast biopsy: Just thought i would... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Breast biopsy

Wow. Firstly I hope you get the results that you want, what a thing to have hanging over you for two weeks. Huge tender hugs.
Secondly I'm sure that your post will be a relief for anyone looking at the procedure. Thank you 🐸
In late April I had twinges in my right nipple which I thought was probably the fibro attacking a new area of my body but thought I should get it checked out. On the 13th May I had a double mastectomy under the two week rule (whatever that is). I have now finished the radiotherapy, and the scars are healing slowly, but the whole of my chest area is very tender, and I can't raise my arms to reach anything. As soon as the cancer was discovered everything swung into action like a well oiled machine and I could not have had better treatment if I was The Queen. The surgeon and the oncologists kept my fibro in mind at every stage and were really thoughtful and kind and have saved my life. Fibro is nasty but the medical profession is becoming much more aware of it, and whilst mammograms are not the most pleasant thing to have, they are a very minor price to pay if they find something nasty before it damages you irreparably. I am alive a kicking (feebly) and hope that your mammogram gives you the all clear. Best wishes.
Firstly I hope the results put you in the clear. Secondly thank you for sharing that experience as not knowing what is going to happen I think k can generate more fear and anxiety than actually knowing what the procedure is and I think k you have very fully explained this.
Some years back I took my friend to a!l of those procedures and forth ately at the end she had the a?l clear but I have to say the staff were superb from start to finish as they were to me when I had investigations for Painful breasts. In fact my own experience was so good I wrote to them praising the staff as the hospital I had to attend does not have a very good reputation for a lot of its departments.
Do let us know how you get on.x
Hi rosewine, thanks for the thought, i had not considered writing to the hospital, but the staff were as you said fantastic, will take a letter of thanks with me next week.
How very brave of you to share such a difficult experience. I am sure it will help to reassure many readers. Fingers crossed for a positive result but, as Roberta says even if the results show that you have to have some treatment, it is better to do so now and not having had the tests would not give you that option. Best of luck xx
Hi my thoughts are with you!
And I hope everything turns out ok.
I to had breast cancer, and had my breast removed I was to young to have a mammogram I found a small lump which unfortunately grew fast and spread to my lymph nodes. Mastectomy,chemotherapy,radiotherapy.
AND HERE IAM, alive and with a nice pair of boobs.
So please don't worry I know it's hard positive thinking.I will be thinking of you please let us know how you go.
Think of it as just a dropped stitch in the tapestry of life.
Trace x
I genuinely and sincerely hope that they get the results sorted out for you, and thnak you for sharing your experiences.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Thank you Ken, appreciated.