The sickest girl in the know that is ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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The sickest girl in the know that is not going to die from it anytime soon.

Kristijane profile image
24 Replies

My name is Kristi. I live in the crossroads of America. I have been diagnosed with over 13 conditions and have 6 different doctors of which 5 are specialist. I became very I'll at 29 when I was pregnant with my 4th child. My first diagnosis was fibromyalgia and It took 2 years to get an RA diagnosis because of not having insurance at that time. I have never been in remission because no matter what I try, even chemo therapy, something else pops up. I often get so sick that I believe I will die when I go to sleep but often when I wake up from my very sickest point I will wake up much better. I do better when I stay on an extreme low carb diet ,lean meat ,no fruits and few veggies. Very high protein like 60 to 90 grams. I wish someone in this world would heal all of us with autoimmune disorders. Anyway that's me. I have tried so many meds I hope I can help someone.

Prayers for us all!

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Kristijane profile image
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24 Replies
rosewine profile image

Welcome Kritijane. Sorry that you have so many health problems, fibro alone is bad enough. You will find that there are alot of fellow forum members who have several health problems, me included and sometimes it is very difficult to know what symptom is caused by what. They say it is always darkest before the dawn and when I am having a bad time I try to remind myself that I have been that way before and come out the other side.

Look forward to reading your posts in the future. There are other people who come on this site from America.x

clare_hart profile image
clare_hart in reply to rosewine

If I was down and unhappy my horrible late husband used to say: "It's always darkest just before it turns pitch black!" He'd always make me laugh and I'd feel better. He was the most optimistic person. I wish he were around now, but his words come back anytime I need them.

Hi Kristijane. I am so sorry you've been sick for so long. I have more than one dx, but none so difficult as yours. You will find lots of support and laughs here, so keep coming back.

I hope you're having a good day today, or depending what part of the US (midwest?), a good evening. I live in California btw.

tulips123 profile image

Hi Kristi, You & me both. It's been a lifetime thing, and I dont think that's going to change in the foreseeable future. At my worst, I struggle to work my way through the fog, other times I realise I've made it out the other side, again. This website is the best. You can share info. find support and have a joke too. Everyone understands because they've been there. I found the Site April 2012. It helps a huge amount to find there are others out there! :)

Tulip xx

Hi and a warm welcome to you Kristi,

This site and the people are fabulous offering support and comfort all the time. There is always someone here to chat too.

I am so sorry to hear that you have many health problems, I'm sure that you will be able to comfort us aswell, as us you :) xx

I wish you well, take care, soft gentle hugs,

Elizabeth :) xxxx

Malsy profile image

Hi Kristi, at least we are always here! There is always someone up, who can't sleep! Who you can talk to...nice to meet

Regnofibro1 profile image

Hi Kristi I am from Texas. I as well as many her have many issues. I will post more another day. This sit will welcome you. Made many friends here. Sorry bad day for me.

TheAuthor profile image

Welcome to the forum and it is wonderful to make your acquaintance. I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? I genuinely hope that you find the forum useful, informative and loads of fun!

I want to genuinely and sincerely wish you all the best of luck.

All my hopes and dreams for you


Kristijane profile image
Kristijane in reply to TheAuthor

I have never felt so welcome and accepted by so many people on a site . I look forward to helping others when I can. Thank you so much for the warm welcome!! I sincerely thank you for putting this together. May our Creator bless you for your help.

Ginsing profile image

Morning Kirsty a huge Welcome to you we are delighted when people join us from around the world.

The site is brilliant and if you are needing to look into aspects of Fibro we have articles and excellent reading material if you check on the right hand side of the page you will see a pinned section - take a look. Need more how about fibromyaligiaAction UK this is a are mother board and more info here.

As every one says there are people around all the time so keep dropping in.



fenbadger profile image

Morning Kristi, though it's still night where you are. You do have a lot to put up with and I hope that you can find some relief. At least there's a lot of support here and someone about. Ken lives in England but seems to run on Eastern Standard Time.

Lots of hugs X

Tracy45 profile image

Morning I think alot of use can relate to what you have said and going through. It is a horrible conditions and like others have said there are lots of really nice people on this site that will try and help. Welcome to our little group!

Regnofibro1 profile image

Sorry about yesterday fog had me! Welcome to the site and I too am from US I truly hope you find others here as enjoyable as I do. They are a wonderful group and will listen and give advice. I personally have taken advice from many here. You are welcome to read my story sorry it's a long one. I will give you a part of it. I was born with broken hips, had rheumatic fever at 7 and probably not mentioned in story but I was abused for most of my life from one person or another. My mom was my rock until she passed in my arms at the age of 20. I live with daughter and her family. Boys are 5,6,7,14 also have two that come for visiting 12 girl and 14 boy. Sorry this is so long. Gentle hugs and if you have any questions you may PM me at anytime. I pop in several times a day.

Lotus954 profile image
Lotus954 in reply to Regnofibro1

Wow, Regnofibro. I didn't know. SO sorry about your past...may your future be much gentler and filled with love.

Regnofibro1 profile image
Regnofibro1 in reply to Lotus954

All good the past just made me stronger and wiser hopefully! I actually wouldn't change my past because I like the person I am now.

countess profile image
countess in reply to Regnofibro1

Sorry to hear your story but you sound very up beat & that helps. However, I've recently had CBT & have found it SOooooo useful as a tool to manage myself & others. I was in an abusive marriage & that took it's toll. Thankfully I planned an exit route but 30yrs on there is stuff that came out which has been suppressed. I'm now in a relationship which is tricky at times so I'm adopting a very pragmatic approach- we are having a break & I'm feeling reflective but strong!!

I hope you find this site useful as I have..... Enjoy & have as good a day as you can!

Regnofibro1 profile image
Regnofibro1 in reply to countess

Very great site! I don't want this to be about me though. I was just letting Kristi know a little about me. She sounds like she is having a ruff time of it and I wanted her to know. That there are many things in life that you can survive.

nettybetty profile image
nettybetty in reply to countess

I too had a very abusive you think the stress of that made you ill because I believe that's what made me ill xxxxx

Kristijane profile image
Kristijane in reply to countess

I too am taking a break very soon from my fiance of 2 years... he is so loving but an alcoholic. I will keep you in my prayers

Kristijane profile image
Kristijane in reply to Regnofibro1

I was beaten my mom for most of childhood. My dad took us away from her when was 12. My babysitters husband raped me from the 4 to 10 years old and them I was used by my mother to "pay" babysitters so she could party. My mother has histrionic personality disorder and doesn't remember any of it so I forgive her.

My dad died a year ago. My ex father in law died as watched in March. I have lost 5 good friends since January and my bestfriend in 2013. I cared for my grandmother hospice style and she died in my arms when I was 28. I have been beaten by a former spouse for 6 years. When I got sick my 2nd husband abandoned me, my 3 kids and his one and only son when he was 2 months old. He kicked me out we were homeless, CPS triedto take my babies but ended up protecting me and helped me get on SSD, medicaid, medicare. My life has sucked so bad.

I just want to be well so badly . Therapist told me for years that I could control my future when I became an adult if o worked hard..

I did and then I got sick and never got well. I have so much to offer anyone that is hurting. I have been through almost everything. I watched my 10 year old cousin get killed when we're crossing the road and she was buried on my 11th birthday. She and I were 2 weeks apart and had been raised together by my grandmother when our parents couldn't take care of us.

This life is so sad. I just want a "FAITH Healer " to heal me of my illness and drug dependency. I hope you are well. Thank you for sharing . I am not alone.

LaraH profile image

Hi Kristi

Welcome 😄

Hartleyhare2 profile image

Hi Kristi and welcome,

Isn't it funny how fibromyalgia always seems to bring a few friends with it! I have a few other issues but nothing compared to yours. I personally believe that one factor missed or underrated is that we have a damaged or under active autoimmune system which makes us more open to other illnesses. Many Drs run a mile from fibro let alone fibro with complications! Lol sounds like you have a good team.

Best wishes


lilian68 profile image

hi kristi wecome

Lotus954 profile image

I'm so sorry that you are suffering so much. Welcome to the group. Feel free to vent freely and know that we understand and are with you. Maybe someone's experience with something will be something you haven't tried and might work for you. I hope so. In the meantime, this is a very warm and supportive group. We all have very large shoulders, so cry. We just want you better, physically, mentally and emotionally.


Kristijane profile image

You are all so Awesome & Understanding!

..I stayed up all night and had my son drive me to our local lake at 7 am.. I stripped and jumped started raining and a rainbow appeared it was the most beautiful experience I have ever had with nature...or at least that I can remember. I came home and slept for 4 hours. I feel alive.

I have never felt so welcome on sight in my life. I am Thanking the One Creator for sending me this direction! You all are so kind and make me feel like I matter and I am not alone.

I live in the state of Indiana. I went to Indiana University and studied environmental management. I had to quit I was so sick and I was being paid to go there due to my family situation and I as in the top 8% of a class around 350 graduates .

I get so upset because I should be someone who is helping our planet and I can barely care for myself and the 4 kids I take care of alone. It is sad to know that I am not alone. I pray for all of your healing. Somebody needs to help us. I guess it was easier for the United states government to give me social security disability checks then help me. So many people herror are I'll like us and the government will not help them

It is a nightmare to have an autoimmune disease in America because nobody cares. I have a wonderful doctor but the government here is starving people like us to death. I hope y'all are having a better time.

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