Coffee chitter chatter on thins ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Coffee chitter chatter on thins that matter and laughter from now till ever after.........join the group and bring a

Ginsing profile image
26 Replies

pastry for all to share...............make it yourself it is virtual after all :) :) :)

Does life always have to be very hard to cope with?

No simplistic answer but that is Gin today . I have my dancing shoes ready can somebody teach me the real tango?!

There comes a time in every woman life

when there is nothing well the only things

that helps is ---------- A glass of champagne!

You hear the POP as the cork is launched

The air rushes into the bottle and a cacophony of little bubbles

Rises into the air. Sparkling Stimulating Sinuous

Glorious Refreshing what are we celebrating?

Well being a Live!!

Happy days to all


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And why not, as good a reason as any....Live, laugh and love!!

The saying "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" I am not sure about, Fibro doesn't kill but does it make you stronger? Other than in the determination not to let it determine who you are :)

It's Danish pastries, flaky pastry filled with custard and drizzled in hard icing .....

There are others if that one doesn't appeal :)

Shadows-walker profile image

Good morning gins , I woke up in time to join your celebration of life in all its glory ,I meant to join you yesterday but was given a some sleeping tablets and slept for 13 hours straight through so only took half last night . GP said I had to give my mind a rest as its to needs a rest which poor thing wasn't getting ,

Well I must admit to still being in bed the post man woke me up so went to see if the envelope was there about my pip appeal but no just student finance letter for abbi so it will land on the mat Saturday morning or Monday , now they said 4 days from Tuesday , so really it wasn't going to come today was it.

Anyway will get in a bit and a nice cup of coffe and savour it I have to have only 3 caffeinated drinks a day now so am off to buy some decaf tea later 😁 love my cups of tea never mind ,the trees are being fed out side thus morning so will remaine a bueatiful lush green till the autum. , the royal Welsh finished yesterday so everything will quite down and piece will be restored to are tranquili little place on this earth and I am going to look for a birthday card for my eldest daughter 😊

No tears today fingers crossed and oh you my helper Helen fixed my iPad so I am getting my notification from everybody yesterday all right with world nearly 😉

Enjoy your coffee xx

Chris x

Shadows-walker profile image

Quick question where is pic if the day and our foggy ?

in reply to Shadows-walker

sadly our dear Foggy has decided to give 'pic of the day' a little rest, or maybe I should say Foggy wants a little rest from it. She had done over 700 pictures, isn't that amazing? :)

You haven't been about as much either, you starting to feel more as you should?


Shadows-walker profile image
Shadows-walker in reply to

I am a bit better in my head space starting to comeout the other side I hope x

Shadows-walker profile image
Shadows-walker in reply to Shadows-walker

Poor foggy I hope she's ok ,and 700 pics that is amazing that's dedication and lots of love to everyone here she's a star

Now to find some lunch xx

in reply to Shadows-walker

She is indeed.

I am glad you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Getting your head in the right place is half the battle :)

Shadows-walker profile image
Shadows-walker in reply to

Got a bit lost for a while ,took the wrong advise from the wrong person ,old enough to no better 😔

in reply to Shadows-walker

Easy done, at the time that person probably sounded reasonable, until it is too late and the course is set :) Done that myself, then you beat yourself up about it which helps no one. :)


Shadows-walker profile image
Shadows-walker in reply to

True but I should of known better

in reply to Shadows-walker

Sounds like you are beating yourself up :) your headed for a brighter place and a little bump along the way is inevitable, learn and move on :)

Over the years I have learned things the hard way and found out who I can trust. It's never easy especially if in my case one of the ones I couldn't trust turned out to be in my family. I have had to limit my dealings with them for my own sake which can be difficult but sometimes you just have to put yourself first :)

Shadows-walker profile image
Shadows-walker in reply to

That's exactly what my Dr told me ,I am ok I am now curled up on the sofa with Murphy ,am trying to decide if I can make an omelette or should I open a tin of soup or have a frozen baked potatoe , just tired got my eldest daughter a birthday and hoping I am doing the right thing letting her back into my life , have missed her so much over the years and a day didn't go by that I didn't talk about her , but a messy divorce and the death of her grandfather took its toll and a bad father taking advantage of her didn't help. thanks for the support its lovely being back xx😄

in reply to Shadows-walker

It's nice seeing you back :)

Omlette sounds good, failing that a baked potatoes sounds good to me, whatever tickles your fancy though :)

If you ever want to chat offboard you can pm me :)

Shadows-walker profile image
Shadows-walker in reply to

Ok thanks so much x

Regnofibro1 profile image
Regnofibro1 in reply to

I know that feeling all to well. Family can hurt you worse than anyone! The problem is that you have to reach a limit with them. Usually that limit has already caused a lot of pain.

in reply to Regnofibro1

Luckily for me there are only a few of family members that cause trouble for me, unfortunately they are close family :)

Regnofibro1 profile image
Regnofibro1 in reply to

Brother and his family. One sister is sitting on the fence the other to are great lol the have fibro to!!!

in reply to Regnofibro1

Eek! :)

Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to Shadows-walker

Hi you sound more like you today it must have been the restorative sleep you achieved. I am so glad.

Dear Foggy is taking a break in more ways than one she fell the other day and hurt her neck severely last night in hosp on a drip so she may be home again today. Bless her I do worry about her :) She will be in and out as soon as she perks up a bit.

The Sun is shinning here today it is actually quite gorgeous out there all bright and sparkly


Shadows-walker profile image
Shadows-walker in reply to Ginsing

We have rain today but it's gone he trees need it ,and yes amazing what 2 nights sleep can do for you ,haven't had that since I don't know when going to try another half tablet again to night feel abit heady but at least my mind has stopped wirling :)

rosewine profile image
rosewine in reply to Ginsing

Oh I do hope Foggy is home soon i wish I could have persuaded the OH to move down to Honiton as I would have liked as I could have been near Foggy and helped her out I bet the doglets are missing her.x

Betty67 profile image

Talking of champagne I owe a friend an apology, gave me a bottle of bubbly wine that cost less than three euros, I thought it could not be any good at that price but of course said nothing. Well tried it a couple of days ago and delicious . Shows what is available if not much tax to pay.

Anyway sharing with you all and no hangover

in reply to Betty67

I have been bought expensive bottle and cheap bottles and sometimes the cheaper one tastes better :) I am no connoisseur but I know what I like and don't :)

rosewine profile image

Oh Champagne my favourite I wanted that to be my name on Healthunlocked but it was already taken so I became my next favourite Rose Wine. In my mind it is better than any tablet I just wish I could get it on Repeat Prescription but for some reason the doc isn't keen.

By the way Brixham according to the Times is one of The Coolest Seaside Towns and with the new ByPass there is alot of room for UPlift which I presume means making a nice little bit from any houses so if you are going to buy I would get in there quick Gins.x

Regnofibro1 profile image

Well by your time it's getting late but hopefully everyone has enjoyed there champagne!!! Your going to have to drink a extra glass for me. That is unless it's nonalcoholic then I shall have a glass and try to relax!

I brought a couple of cakes with me a nice German chocolate and my daughters favorite pineapple upside down cake. I also brought a variety of Danishes for those that don't like either cake! I have to admit the cherry cheese Danishes are my favorite!

Just in case I also brought a variety of teas. I do like my herbal teas.

I do agree we must take time to live, laugh and have a blast! Is anyone up for a few games of cards?

Love to all and many thanks! Without the support I find here I am afraid I would just be laying in my bed crying. I have met many wonderful people here! The amazing things that I read about all of you gives me strength to keep going. I have always thought I was a strong person but the people here have shown me what strength really is! Hugs

TheAuthor profile image

Not a fan of champagne .... The again, I am not a woman either? x x

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