hope all of you got through the terrible storms last night. we had very high winds and just a little thunder and lightening. the bus stop in front of our apartment had a tree blown on to it. hugs to all of you xx
weather: hope all of you got through... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Well it seems my part of Devon missed it, though I could see lightning far off over Exeter, but we didn't even get a drop of rain, which slightly irked me as I hadn't watered fully as I was sure of rain........ Just goes to show. Golly it must have been frightening to have that tree fall - did you hear it go ? I remember the huge gales in the late 80's and hearing masses of trees all go down like a stack of dominos and I've never been so scared in my life. We lost about 15 large oaks from the woodland in our garden too, but that happened overnight so I had ear plugs in and a pillow over my head. 🙀🙀 and the woodland was a fair distance from the house 👍🏻
Foggy x
We had a spectacular lightning storm over the sea, I love watching it. x
not tooooooo keen on thunder and lightening. hubby loves to watch it. I would like to live overlooking the sea though x
yes I agree x
Well it's a a tad cooler here today, but sunny ! We have a music day going on in the village and my garden is being infiltrated by bods who should be using my neighbour's garden. I'm sitting in my living room and can hear the Jazz band in the village hall, the other two venues, the church and the pub have different things. If I can summon up some energy I may poke my nose in later😳
I slept thru them all!!
It was a strange storm last night with sheet lightening, then fork then sheet but literally no rumbling very funny. I was worried about our neighbours trees as I know they are diseased and listening for any ominous creaks but fortunately there was just a few leaves and little branches off..x
Kept you on your toes I bet!
we had a spectacular storm, began about half midnight and really gathered force at 1am, was so loud over head that the letter box rattled with a deep thunder rumble! never seen so much lightening!! we were lucky and had rain as the garden was desperate for a drink (grass) we also had a lot of mini power cuts as the answer phone kept talking! lol. lasted for about 2 hours x
The storms were awful in Derby last night, but it has been so hot today. First thing I did this morning was to check the garden for any damage luckily everything was fine.
All my hopes and dreams for you