After40+ years of living with Fibro I have found that K-tape works wonders. You can find it where they sell sports supplies. It was devolved for muscle injuries. It is widely used to prevent injuries while playing sports. My physical therapist puts it on the areas that Fibro affects my body the most. My back has not felt this good in years. Thank you
K-tape: After40+ years of living with... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

I have seen this on athletes, may be worth a mention at my next appointment. Thankyou for sharing this. Lou x
Thanks for the k. Tape advice,, never even occurred to me!!
might look abit funny a 45 year old moving like a 80 year-old with
sports tape on!! 😀😁☺😅😅😅
Lol I am looking at 50 this month! I far as I am concerned if it works I will look funny. If questioned about it I will just tell them I am winning the game of Fibro!!!!😅😉😄
I'll join you at that game. Been playing a long time!! Only just learning the rules though😕😕😕
Wow I didn't know there was rules? I really need to keep up with this game!
Maybe the specialist gave the wrong book? Can never tell with fibro fog😕
Everything just seems to be very amusing apart from the pain!!
What hmm yep everything is funny! The fog is the part that beats me every time! But that's what alarms, reminders, notes and kids are for. They keep you on track!😳👍
Whatever rules you play by Fibro moves the goalpost x
Huh oh I think I may me on the wrong field! Oh no no no! Oops sorry that was just the fog😜! The game is still going and I guess I am still playing because I am here! Yep I don't look for the goalpost anymore. I just play the game!
Re k.tape, my wife just had a horrible thought,. How many rolls do you need to look like a member of the blue man group!!😆😆😆😆
Depends on whether they are covered head to toe, I've only seen them with head and hands on show x
I am so genuinely delighted that you have found something that works well for you, and I sincerely hope that it helps other members too. Thank you for sharing.
All my hopes and dreams for you