Hi everyone
Have noticed in recent weeks that my fatigue is getting a lot worse. I feel completely wiped out one or two days in every week now. Today was hard going. How often are others struck down with this?
Hi everyone
Have noticed in recent weeks that my fatigue is getting a lot worse. I feel completely wiped out one or two days in every week now. Today was hard going. How often are others struck down with this?
I find my body so tired but my brain won't turn off. Body screaming for sleep but mind has other plans. Like you find some days hard. Starting mirtazapine soon as gp says will help with sleep but am worried about weight gain as she says its a side affect. Will try anything as so desperate. Hope you can find some relief.
I am so sorry to read that and I genuinely hope that you can find some resolution and relief to this issue. I must admit that due to my insomnia that I feel wiped out most of the time these days. I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck.
All my hopes and dreams for you
I can have weeks if not months of non stop wipe out from fatigue .. I want to stay awake but It is physically impossible due to the fatigue ...I plan all my activities and rest in between each one .. Hang up washing. Rest. Take dog out . Rest and it Helps sometimes . but not always ... Good luck xx
Fatigue made worse by not sleeping. Only manage about 2 hours sleep before being woken by widespread pain. This is a pattern throughout the night. So always feel tired. Nothing GP gives me makes much difference. Has anyone found anything that works?
I feel the same as MD55 at times but when I do sleep it is for 8 to 10 hours. Recently I to have gotten worse. Got to sleep finally at 7:00am. Slept for many hours but woke up due to pain. Took a pain pill and fell back to sleep. Woke up at 9:00pm. 14 hours and when I took a shower I felt so weak. My doctor has warned me about staying in bed for too long. It will make my muscles weaker. But I have times when I have no energy. I suggest if you can even just move around or take a short walk it may help.
The worst thing about it is it robs me of my enthusiasm for life. I find my self stuck in gruel mode. Things that once would have buoyed me up are done with the spirit of hope pinned to my chest. when I can find it though the fog!
Very apt nedd! Just this morning I was talking to myself (in my head!) about the way I have become...
Everyday a bad or worse day with little pleasure in "ANYTHING" I used to talk about work!...going out!...funny things that had happened!.... Now..., it's just, how I'm feeling today?....I really must get a hobby or something!... Self pity is not really my thing!!!....
I too feel terrible fatigue everyday, mainly due to insomnia, ive tried all sleep routine ideas but nothing works. ive started over last few weeks to always get up no later than 9am, even if ive had no sleep, I usually sleep between 2 or on a good night 4 hours. doctor just started me on gabapentin so will see how I go on. wishing you a few good nights sleep x
Hi Tuscany,
Sorry to hear your feeling this way, I'm on day 5 of being totally wiped so I feel your pain and frustration. The best way I try to deal with it because each day is different physically and mentally, is pacing myself (easier said than done I know) and just going with it. If I think about it too much it makes it so much harder. My weight gain is depressing, I was always fit and active but now I've gained 3 stone. I try not to fight it, that can make me worse. I wish you all the best Tuscany and hope you get more good days than bad. Gentle hugs
Hi everyone,
You all sound like you are having a really bad time with this. I can sleep (due to the Amitriptyline). I could sleep on a clothes line. My husband's snoring does wake me and then I am conscious of the pains again. I think with my schedule anyone without fibromyalgia would struggle! My in laws are looking after our daughter this weekend so it will be a chance to rest - although we will miss her! Like many of you I do try to pace myself, and keep any plans I make flexible. Sometimes that trip to the shops is pretty much impossible, but the next day I will probably feel like going out. Taking each day as it comes seems to be the way to cope. Gentle hugs to you all x
I am so tired at moment feel I am firing on half a cylinder Neck and shoulders feel I am carrying a house on them. Slept last night but felt no better. Bloods not showing anything sinister. Really pi****** off
Exhaustion in some ways worse than the pain. I have a list a mile long of things that need doing when I can't even find the energy to do things I used to adore. Even after a long sleep I feel totally exhausted. I use Ambien as a sleeping tablet which is widely used in the states but is available here off script by understanding GP. It doesn't cure it but I bet six hours sleep a night compared to the old one or two. Lack of sleep is a torture technique and plays havoc on your thought processes and descion making. You have to have been there to understand, wishing you all luck in finding something that works for you.