Update re health: Well I know I have... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Update re health

19 Replies

Well I know I have been depressed having lived with depression for most of my life although with fibromyalgia it's a challenging depressed state of mind. Anyway got a diff doctor today and she has increased my anti depressants and I go back in 2 weeks. She also asked what she could do fr me that would help my life. I said believe me and give me the medications I need to cope . Give me energy back and tryst me and help me when I say I have a certain problem instead of denying me the care u all have been coz I'm at the stage I will not go near any doctor if they dont believe me I don't see point .. Do she said she knows how hard it is to suffer with fibromyalgia and if I'm willing too will I allow her to help me but I have to let her .. So that seems to have been a huge boost to me today .. Still cried my eyes out today when there but haven't cried again yet . So all I have to do is promise to see her with every problem and let her in . So fingers crossed ....

19 Replies

Hi audh

Glad you got a gp who wants to actually help you. Mine is becoming a good listener(I also have depression for many years) and understands fibro etc. When you feel stronger give her a try. I wish you good luck.x

in reply to

I'm sorry but give who a try ? Your Doctor or mine ? I was just amazed when she asked me why she could give me that would help and I said to listen to every symptom instead of ignoring me and treating me like I am lying . But most of all help get my old self back or as much of me as this illness allows. And she said well we will work at it together by u helping me and me helping you. So it a start and it has lifted a huge burden from my shoulders ...

in reply to

Apologies for mix up, I meant to say give your doc a go when you're ready. She sounds like she cares about her patients. Glad you re feeling bit better about it all.

TheAuthor profile image

That sounds very promising? I want to genuinely and sincerely wish you all the best of luck, and I hope that you finally find the answers that you are looking for.

All my hopes and dreams for you


in reply to TheAuthor

Thank you so much. Just the words she said "what could I do to help improve your life anf make things better" was a huge weight off my shoulders .. Also we will work together to get your life back . But we have to do it together .. Couldn't believe it and fingers crossed ( well if I could cross them but the arthritis and sjogrens prevents that lol ) that this will all come true .. Can only keep u posted .i must admit I feel like I've won the lottery . Thank you

So pleased for you and best wishes for the future xxx

Thank you everyone. She is the first doctor out my practise to give me hope . Apart from knowing in the past few weeks from this forum that i don't suffer alone because aomeone here will be there to give advice was a weight of my mind and I dare say encourages me to go doctors. So even if I hadn't got the support I've dreamed of from doctor I have here... I'm quite a hard egg to crack but even I have a little tear in my eye and lump in my throat admitting to that ... Have a great day all and thank you .. I can see this forum changing my outlook and feeling positive today ...... Xxxx

clare_hart profile image

That's great! Can I import her to San Diego? It really is hard to find a doctor who will listen and not decide we all have "psychosomatic" disorders or hypochondria. Here's my best wishes that your antidepressant will get you off to a new and happier outlook.

honor1a profile image
honor1a in reply to clare_hart

Hi Clare, I've got to say, I have a fantastic doctor! One of each gender, i always see the female dr, i felt i could talk freely & felt really at ease with her, she went onto Maternity leave in December, for me it was a really anxious time! for Scottish winter weather affects me so severely, i thought here we go, we'll get a locum quack, i could not have been further from the truth, she was every bit as good as my preffered dr at surgery, was there on Tuesday, & she informed me she leaves the surgery at the end of May as my own dr returns 3rd June, i am going to take the locum a small bouquet of flower's as I really appreciated her help, she wrote a supporting letter for me to help my claim for benefits, as part of my treatment, I do think the younger generation of doctors are more aware of "new age" conditions that the older generation of drs don't, i hope you find a good dr in San Diego Hugs Honor xx

clare_hart profile image
clare_hart in reply to honor1a

That's great. I'm happy it worked out for you. SOmetimes I find that too. I'm sorry I took so long to read your reply and get back to you. One thing or another. I haven't been checking my emails. Hope you're doing fine and staying warm.

honor1a profile image
honor1a in reply to clare_hart

No problem Clare, I know life has it's distractions, & email replies become bottom of priority list, I hope you are as well as you can be Hugs Honor xx

in reply to clare_hart

I am keeping this doctor u et lock and key if she follows through on her attitude and offer yesterday of support and help . But j can always ask her if she knows another doctor willing to move Claire lol but thanks

dillydally1 profile image

its great when you find a doctor who understands. what antidepressant as the doctor given you, and what medications are you already taking. my doctor put me on citalopram 40mg about 3 weeks ago, I went the other day and asked if I could try gabapentin, she was reluctant because of taking citalopram, but said I could take 200mg nightly, so will give it a try. all the best x

ninjananna profile image

That is fabulous news!! and I know exactly how you feel!! I had an amazing Dr before I left Sunbury and was really anxious about changing to a new one....However..I tried 2 different ones from my new surgery and made my mind up within a few months!! The fact that she asked "YOU!! about what she could do to help " YOU" is a fabulous start!! Depression is a terrible illness to cope with (like you I've suffered all my life) and to have other illnesses to deal with is sometimes too much..Work with her my friend and write things down...thoughts...ideas...plans....anything that will move you forward!! Ask about a course of CBT to start with it worked wonders for me and I'm sure, many others on here! I know exactly what you mean about winning the lottery!!! Someone who listens and asks the right questions is a GOD!! in my eyes!!....much love...ninja...♥♥♥

honor1a profile image

Fantastic Audh, It sounds at last you have a willing source of help, from a GP, who understands Fibro to some degree, maybe knows someone personnally who suffers from it, Good luck with continued help x

I have been on venlafaxine for years and before I was diagnosed with at first under active thyroid , then after much head nipping the doctor sjogrens s was diagnosed and it was only after one visit to GP re pain he told me that will be my fibromyalgia that's causing that pain . Anyway I take gabapentin 300 x 3 a day but it due to updated soon as it doesn't help to much with pain .my venlafaxine was 225 but December year before last year I reduced it to 75 through feeling great and a change in my attitude of life my doctor said if and when I relapsed and r felt I would he would increase it .so yesterday the female doctor k saw reckons it needed it upped So I'm back to 150mg of venlafaxine... I take thyroxine and got blood tested yesterday to see if that was ok... And I take lanzoprazole for acid reflux ... Sometimes I get naproxen when the paid is really bad .. But I not had that for a while ...I just feel like I've won the lottery today .. I really do . I wish everyone could get the help she has promised me .. I just hope she stands up To her word . Thanks everyone ... And I pray in my heart and cherish in my thoughts that you all find relief of some sort ... I now only need her to sort my twitching marathon legs when i go to and the constant cramps I get in my legs when I'm awake during the day and might just about be there lol .... Xxxxx

trekster22 profile image

As someone who has difficulty trusting people and knowing when i need help sometimes i empathise.

tulips123 profile image

Signs looking good!! Makes a tremendous difference and I wish you the very best.

Tulip xx

Fingers crossed but wait and see .... Thank you

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