Both my wrists hurt so much they feel they have been sprained. Hands have a weird frizzy sensation.
Wrist pain: Both my wrists hurt so much... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Wrist pain

I can commiserate with you. I have just tried to open a jar of Bovril and the pain was so severe I thought I had broken my wrist. It is as though all the nerve endings are on overtime and I think that is what causes that strange pins and needles kind of sensation. I have just put mine in some warm water for 5 minutes and rubbed some Musselflex in and they seem to have eased. How yours start to feel better soon.x
I can empathise with you too. I have this problem in fact my fingers go numb, I loose all feeling in them.
I have picked up a dish and carried it to the table only to find I have burnt my fingers as my partner Tony had just taken the dish out of the oven.
Commiserations, i have had the same problem for ages. Sometimrs i forget and lean on one and actually scream with the pain, usually when getting in or out of bed. During winter my mobility is badly aaffected so i tend to sit and read, knit or sew, then end up with wrists as bad As my legs. Hard to win.
Some support for the wrist (sport supports, medical supports, elasticated bandage) with gentle movement in warm water when the support is removed stops mine seizing up also easing the pain slightly.
Hi MillyPeede
I am so sorry to read this, and I can genuinely sympathise with you as I have wrist supports for when mine get like this, and so I understand just how unpleasant it can be. I sincerely hope that you start to feel more like your usual self again soon.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Hi I am new here I have cronic pain all the time I have pain in my neck right arm fingers knees and feet I am at my worst in the morning it takes me about an hour to get myself up I have a appointment to see a rumertolergy doctor so I guess it's just a waiting game I feel so depressed right now it feels like my iam loseing control of my body I can't lift my right arm up if I try I have pain from the hand fingers and wrist up my arm to my neck .
Hi Angal62
I am so sorry to read that you also have this issue, and I genuinely hope that your Rheumatology appointment goes really well for you. I was wondering if you have proper pain control from your GP? If not, it may be worth discussing this with them?
All my hopes and dreams for you
Hi ken,I have just seen a rumertolergest and she has got my blood test back I am a bit confused she said that I am border line thyroid and vitimum d diffcency she said I haven't got rheumatoid in my hands but she wants me to have a scan on them I can hardly use them first thing in the morning I am in constant pain all the time and just feel exhausted and tired I am on medication for the pain but it doesn't seem to work much any advice please Iam so confused Iam wondering if I have fibromyalgia x
If you are hypothyroid a lot of your pain will be due to that, especially the wrist pain as carpal tunnel syndrome is very common in hypothyroidism.
Have you had your calcium checked ? with vitd deficiency its important to check for parathyroid disease being the cause, hyperparathyroidism also causes bone, muscle, joint pains.
Thank u for u reply yes I do have carpal tunnel waiting for an operation I will talk to the doctor on the 29th of this month also I keep getting palpitations and fast heart x
Thyroid problems also affect the heart, good luck with your appt.
It really scares me to think I could have a problem with my heart x
If its caused by thyroid then it will resolve with thyroid treatment. I advise you to get copies of your blood test results so you can keep track of things. If your thyroid levels are borderline the docs might not want to treat it yet, this is a major problem for thyroid patients as many are left very ill while docs sit back and quote the flawed guidelines.
Once you have your results you could post them on the HU thyroiduk forum for more advice.
Vitd deficiency can also cause aches and pains, again many docs won't treat it but you can buy supplements, best to have calcium checked before taking any vitd.
Hope you get some answers from your doctor but with thyroid issues it can be a difficult journey.
I am so genuinely sorry to read that and I think that bantam12 may be along the right lines? However, I am not medically qualified. Hopefully your scan can shed more light on what this issue is? If everything comes back negative and they cannot find anything wrong this is usually when they say Fibro!
I want to genuinely wish you all the best of luck x
I know how you feel it is a very weird feeling, like Ken I also wear wrist supports. I also have the problems with my fingers going numb and as for opening jars my fingers lock and it is very painful. I can't use a normal can opener to open cans if I do I am in a hell of a lot of pain afterwards. I usually ask my dad to do it for me. Most of the time I try to ignore the feeling as it never really goes away.
Hi yes I have this problem day ley .so I understand the pain your having and getting frustrated when opening thinks. I have supports for day and night x
thanks for responding! I think i will get some wrist supports.