New way of thinking: Here you go... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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New way of thinking

38 Replies

Here you go...

38 Replies
Ian123 profile image

Shave your head if large serpents are cooking tinned meat on your head ..... the smell of singed hair will be reduced significantly :-)

TheAuthor profile image

Hi zenagain71

Thank you for sharing this with us all, I found it quite inspirational, and I feel that there is logic in this argument. I feel very guilty though as I really enjoyed Ian123 interpretation of your post and it gave me a much needed chuckle.

All my hopes and dreams for you


Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to TheAuthor

Most amusing to see my reflection eating what? hehehe thanks for the fun xginsing

fenbadger profile image
fenbadger in reply to Ginsing

looks like my ex making toast :P

in reply to fenbadger

Are you dragon bashing again :D :D

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in reply to

Nice to see you around again :)

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Thanks hunny :)

Still battling infection but in fairly good spirits :)

I'm currently without broadband so cannot do much from my phone :(

It is new and I am only figuring out how to use the darn thing :o

I'd had my other one approx 10yrs and from the dark ages. How technology advances!

Fluffies for you

Xxx sian :)

in reply to

being a creature of habit I hate changing things. So if it isn't broke I don't fix it :)

Good that your on the mend, infections can just get a hold and be the devil to get rid of.

Thanks for the fluffies, sending you some extra strength healing vibes :)

Good Dragon, puzzled as to how it is flying without wings.

It is some thing that i try to do ,but extremely difficult when every movement results in pain.

The difficulty is on par with frying without wings.

Sue xx Trying very hard at the moment to ignore pain.

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{{{{{{Sue}}}}}} :)

phlebo123 profile image

My thought.... Never let a Disease own you!!

in reply to phlebo123

The problem is that this illness does own us to a certain extent, Every thing we do has to be thought about and planned or the Fibro monster will make us suffer.

Like me ironing 2 shirts at a time throughout the day and i am still suffering for it.

A day out can leave you suffering for a week, we have to think "is it worth it or not"

I would love to just say that today i am ignore fibro. Today it will not own me. I am going to do all my bedrooms and then clean the windows. I can hear the monster laughing at the thought.

How i wish it was different, But its not.

clairebm15 profile image
clairebm15 in reply to phlebo123


teddybear7 profile image

Whilst I agree that one shouldn't let it own you. I disagree that actually if I hadn't talked about it I wouldn't be able to disown it!

in reply to teddybear7

Talking helps to get a grasp of what is going on doesn't it?

In my opinion it doesn't mean we're letting the illness win and own us but rather learning how to beat it so we own it!

Together we fight!

Protective fluffies on route to you :)

Xxx sian :)

teddybear7 profile image
teddybear7 in reply to

Thanks for the fluffiesx

fenbadger profile image

Like it. Stop playing the sympathy card . . .

Have to agree, don't wear it on your sleeve but I wouldn't rule out talking about it completely. Some people need the release from just getting it out there :)

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We complain that no one knows about fibro and that no one understands what it is like, they never will if we dont talk about it and pass the word around. :)

please dont think that i am having a go at anyone, im not. I believe that everyone can have their own point of view and this is mine. Hugs to all sue xx

in reply to

I agree with you there, what I meant and probably said it badly is that we may need help, we may have to reorganise our lives but we don't need sympathy or pity. We need people to understand. There are two ways of talking. there is informing people of Fibro and its effects or is it affects (never get that one right :) ) and just sitting bemoaning the fact that you have it :) I will opt for the first and I am sure you and plenty more do the exact same. Apart from the days when you need a moan to get it out. So we are not actually owning it, just learning to live with it :)

Betty67 profile image

I talk about here so that I don't feel the need to talk about it in the non - virtual world. Can't ignore it, have to fight it and live with it at the same time and it has dominated my life so much that it has made me moved 1,000 miles away from those I love to be free. But not free just in the best prison in the world.

Ian123 profile image
Ian123 in reply to Betty67

It would be the elephant in the room if never spoken of a more pragmatic approach shows greater wisdom in my humble opinion.

No i dont moan but will say to family that i am having a bad day then they know that i need help and to ignore out bursts.

Strangers are often interested in learning more, but if they seem disinterested i let it drop.

fenbadger profile image

A whole new can of worms. (old term for dragon)

ME? Dragon bash, just 'cos our patron saint is George. Come to think of it Didn't Patrick banish the snakes? :O

There's a lot of sense above. You have to talk about it a little. Normies need educating but few of us sympathise with self pity. And you may need to tell it like it is. And from time to time steam needs to be released so this forum is an ideal place. By and large fibromites are not moaners. Sometimes a virtual hug is all there is, doesn't mean we don't need one from time to time.

I've scaled back on my chores so I can do mostly normal things. It's partly why my volunteer work is so important to me. If I need to rest or take a break I don't get the sack and I can proceed at my own pace, stopping as often and for as long as I need to :)

(Phew, that was a bit philosophical.

*scuttles off to snack on favourite diet of earthworms*)

Great post giving a differing thought approach that I advocate strongly however, although I agree with the essence of it I'm sorry to say I am chuckling with Ian 123

Also, in my opinion forgetting or dismissing that the illness is there could be potentially harmful. Talking is a good means of helping to educate ourselves. Cannot do that if we ignore it!

It is no secret that having a positive outlook and mindfulness helps to keep control of our illnesses.

It is wise to remember that ignorance is damaging no matter how much positivity you put into it!

Positive fluffies now on route to everyone :)

Xxx sian :)

nedd profile image

I have enjoyed reading the debate that the picture provoked.

I personally think that physically it does own me. The best I can do is accept and live around it. Well try to.

If I am not going to have it dominate my head space though I need to fill said head with other things.

Hard when you are seeing the world thought pain. Or depression.

While some people are empowered but the idea of "beating it" I find that thinking in those terms sends me into a spiral of negative self talk.

I am just not good enough to beat it no matter how hard I try.

So I think I will hitch a ride on the dragon and view the world from the different worlds he travels to.

Dropping words on this that on the way. As I feel the need.

lou60 profile image
lou60 in reply to nedd

All about accepting the illness in my opinion. I have all the information I need through reading the posts and responses, we do need an outlet. Lou xx

WOW...didnt think I'd get THIS kind of response..meant no harm in it. FOR ME<<<< I just try to think positive and tell myself I CAN DO THIS, I CAN BEAT THIS, I FEEL GREAT TODAY...instead of I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE, I CANT, I WONT, etc....I try to stay POSITIVE...kind of like the LAW OF ATTRACTION states...I guess...Im not saying you can't talk about it, its HOW you talk about it. I didn't make the graphic..just utilized it!! :) Oops, didn't mean to stir the pot! Onto more positive thoughts or go sniff my oils! LOL

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It made for an interesting debate and that is good :)

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Don't apologise it's given a good discussion point :)

It's interesting how we interpret things differently even how we view our illnesses and their affects and effects :)

Oils are fab I used them a lot in the earlier days but my hypersensitivities won't allow me anymore :(

Something that I do miss

Positive fleecy fluffies :)

Xxx sian :)

nedd profile image
nedd in reply to

Love a bit of a different take on things.

After all variety is the spice of life.

It gave me other things to put in said head space.

As you pointed out what we tell ourselves has a huge influence on our ability to keep on trucking.

Writing responses here sometimes helps organise my thoughts. And allows to ventilation so to speak.

My internal chant is.

A little is better than nothing.


A body in motion stays in motion.

Rock on.

in reply to nedd

Well said Nedd... Thx

pinkgin64 profile image
pinkgin64 in reply to

Hi Zenagain,

I love the graphic and agree that talking about 'being ill' does wear you down. I am a positive person by nature and I know that if I focus on a particular part of my body then I will perceive the pain as being at a greater level. I have found that through mindfulness I can turn down the intensity of the pain. It's accepting it's there and leaving it be. By being mindful I find that I notice the pleasant and enjoyable as it's about living in the moment. Oils are great as enjoying their aroma and taking time to relax is so therapeutic.

The way I see Fibro is that I accept it's there and live alongside it. That way I don't give it too much importance or fight it. I find to fight it takes too much energy and by living alongside I have a better relationship with it. I have learned that if I do carry on regardless then the fatigue hits and will wipe me out for a few days. I suppose I've learned to respect it to a certain degree and to pace myself. That way I can do more in a day than if I soldier on first thing and end up wiped out by lunchtime...assuming that my 'first things' was the morning to start with.

I don't think you have anything to apologise for as we learn from each other. I am happy to talk about my experiences and listen to other people. I have found that there are many people here who know exactly where I'm coming from and are happy to share their knowledge of Fibro with others. What works for some folk doesn't work for others so there is a bit of trial and error along the way. Positivity and humour are my major spirit lifting techniques and I find I function better when both are present but there are those days when my mood is low, it happens and it's ok as tomorrow will be different. Also we are all allowed to opt out and crash from time to time. Today I am whacked as I've had three busy days so I've marked today as a rest day and am enjoying catching up in here and have the Oscar winning Mrs Miniver on the television. I have made a couple of phone calls dealing with household admin and am happy and looking forward to being more active tomorrow.

The pot is for stirring and without differing views we would remain stagnant in our thoughts.

Take good care, onward and upward,

Gin :-)

Sharolina profile image

Very true. Sx :)

Lol You carry on stirring the pot. I love a good discussion.

Its all a case of make the most of what you have and dont give up on life.

I cant walk my dog any more but can have a lot of fun with her when in my wheel chair.

Its all a matter of perspective.

Thank you.

sue xx

Mayrose54....thanks! you can even DANCE with your dog....:) Turn on some music and have some fun!

in reply to

Ive tried dancing with her, She gets over excited and starts copying Tigger, bounce here bounce there and bark as loud as you can. :(

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