Hi. I get a very sore tongue every now and again . It feels hot like its burnt. If I eat a banana it really really stings (a bit random I know). Does anybody get this or know what it could be. Thanks julie
Sore tongue: Hi. I get a very sore... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Sore tongue
It may be worthwhile to keep a food diary for a few weeks to learn if anything in particular irritates you, it is quite common to be sensitive to many things when you have Fibro, I too cannot eat bananas among many other things. Best Wishes. Lou x
Hi there
I understand to some degree as I get a very sore tongue if I eat pineapple, like you I'm not sure why, but as Lou suggests, keep a diary and if I were you, although to your mind it probably doesn't seem vital, I would go and speak with your GP about it as there may deficiencies of other causes which may account for it, so I really think your Gp is the best way to go
Foggy x
Hi juliekp
I am so sorry to read that you are experiencing this issue, and I sincerely hope that you can find some resolution and relief to the problem. I think it is definitely an issue that you should discuss with your GP to see what is causing this as it could be an allergic reaction to something?
I was also wondering what medications you are taking? As many of the Fibro drugs can cause mouth issues such as dry mouth, pain in mouth, black tongue etc? So if you are on any medications I would also discuss this with your GP? It is simple to check the side effects of your medications, (if you do not have any leaflets enclosed) just go onto NHS Choices and enter your medications and side effects.
I want to wish you all the best of luck with finding the answers to this problem.
All my hopes and dreams for you
I get a sore tongue, it feels like it's been burnt and lasts 2-3 days then just disappears. My doctor put it down to fibro.
I have low saliva production which causes a sore mouth periodically. I have tried a saliva spray but it's really unpalatable! Sorry I can't help with a resolution!
Julie - another possibility: Histamines. Either an overproduction, or an inability to process them. Symptoms can be anything from itching in the mouth or ears to rashes, breakouts, waking in the small hours, ekzema.... my husband and I were both recently diagnosed and none of our symptoms are the same. Good luck finding out what causes your sore mouth!
Hi Juliekp, have you ever had your B12 levels checked? A swollen and sore tongue can be a symptom of low B12, and was one of the first signs I had that all was not right. MariLiz
Hi. Thanx for replies. I am on naproxen and codeine for fibro. I do get a very dry mouth most if the time. My B12 is 150 at the moment but my doc said that was normal. I take an anti-histamine daily cos I get vey itchy, burny skin if I dont

Hi Juliekp, I would disagree that 150 is a normal level, my GP began to treat mine when it was 176. In many countries anything under 500 is considered low. Might be worth trying a sublingual spray to boost your B12 levels yourself, just to see if it helps at all? Your GP should be offering you a bit more help with this. MariLiz
Hi Mariliz. I agree with u but my doc said that in this area I live in it needs to b below 140 for treatment. I am with rheumatologist today so I will ask her. Thanx
As mariliz said it could be a sign of pernicious anaemia but do go to your GP. Hope it disappears soon and is something quite simple. We Fibro's do get some really odd complaints so don't worry too much. All the very best to you take care.
Hi Julie, I have had this for 2 years now. I had to have a biopsy done on my tongue to confirm diagnosis of a condition called 'Lichen Planus' and this was confirmed. There is no treatment and it is an auto immune related thing. It will flare up and then subside for a while. Stress seems to make it worse. Can no longer eat the curries that I used to love. Hope yours is not this and you can get some medication to relieve it.
Hi Brenda. I have had it a while and it does come and go. Maybe it will b worth speaking to my doc. Im at rheumatologist tmrw so maybe ask her
Hi Julie. I too suffered similar symptoms to particular foods a few years ago. I also had lots of recurring ulcers. After several tests and a biopsy I like the lady above was diagnosed with Oral Lichen Planus. I find difflam spray and steroid mouthwash helps. Also avoiding salty and acidic foods. Alternatively the reaction maybe due to your medication or dry mouth. Good luck. x
Thank u so much. I will speak to rheumatologist tmrw if I can remember. Memory not very good at moment. Lol
I also had a sore tongue for a long time, when I mentioned it to my nurse, she said it was oral thrush, so duly took spray! It carried on and on, and saw my gp this time, who immediately said it was severe anaemia . Blood test proved this, had iron transfusion as it was so low and hey presto, not been sore or sensitive since!
Good luck!
Thank you
I'm always getting a sore tongue . I was told it's medication that gives you a dry mouth and affects the tongue