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if everything else going on was not enough...

michaelb62 profile image
17 Replies

Hi all

If being dumped by a man i was so in love with after a 3 and a half year relationship, moving into a ground floor council flat with no soundproofing between floors (although the landlord is very considerate as it a privately owned flat) all being well it may not be let this side of christmas as he has so much to do to get it liveable after the last tenant trashed it. Druggies and alcoholics across the road coming homee from physic last week to find opposite my flat armed police. I emailed the council and the person who looks after this area came to see me as he was in the area. I find its not just the two flats that are the problem it turns out there are around 5 properties that the police and council are monitoring . i am so scared as at night there are no street lights at the back and non shine near my front door either. Then someone was stabbed at the end of the road Friday night, followed by a car being torched over the weekend as well. Having had my hand surgery around 6 weeks ago i fell in my hallway one night and then if anyone remembers i went to go to the bathroom and somehow practically did a somersault and tried to find a way to get myself the right way up as my bad hand was the one i was on eventually i managed it. i had checked my hand and it was very swollen and changed to some very pretty colours. i thought i had an appointment this morning at 10 so my daughter picked me up and i had overslept we hurried to get to the drs to find my appointment wasn't until tomorrow my daughter wasn't very happy. so i said to her to just drop me off she is under a lot of stress at the moment and is being quite snappy at me and her fiancé. but i then took my splint off and showed her my hand and she couldn't believe it she started the car and said right we are off to casualty. After sitting waiting for 3 hours i find i have broken several bits of bone off and am now in plaster can anything else happen if i was a dog they would have put me down by now. just seems to be one thing after another we have always said our lives are like Eastenders which i never watch as i think i have enough drama in my life without watching somebody elses. i a hoping that the rest of the year goes simply and no more drama. Maybe 2015 will be a better year i keep telling myself this trying to be positive but it is very difficult. Sorry to waffle but i am stuck here almost 24/7 as i haven't been able to drive since my surgery and depending how long the plaster stays on will not be driving until all is back to normal. i feel like i am about to climb the walls. I hate being on my own i don't handle it well. i like to have someone to talk to. :(

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michaelb62 profile image
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17 Replies
sophie22 profile image

Bless you, what a mess, at least you now have your hand seen too, I spend a lot of time on my own, I like to do needle work but when I am in a lot of pain I tuck myself under a cover on the settee and watch some films or listen to music and forget my troubles, I find it helpful not to dwell on my problems, just find something pleasant to do and think of it as a rest rather than a sentence. Hope younfeel a better soon, gentle hugs and healing light coming your way!

joanne_1969 profile image

awww bless you hun u been in the wars. my life parrallels your life to some exstent sorry for the typos lol im having a bad flair up in my lower back left hip and left knee that's not including the arthritis. my street was on news for a young man been shot in the head we had druggies living and growing next door to us but thank god we got rid of them, just remember your not alone we understand how hard isolating and lonely it can get but there is always someone on here who knows just how your feeling so Christmas wishes to you. keep your chin up and although I know its hard to think so but there is always someone out there whos in a much darker place I am thankful every day for what I have my family. i hope you feeling better soon and have a speedy recovery

clare_hart profile image

I hope your daughter will be there for you on Christmas. It was a good thing you showed her your hand and she forget all her snappiness and took care of you right away. You are lucky to have such love. I am sorry for all the pain you are feeling, physically and emotionally. It is hard to be alone and lonely, especially when you have a nest that feels so threatened as yours does. I hope 2015 will be better for you. Maybe your landlord would install some more lights around the property, like the auto ones that come on whenever anyone comes close? Those are simple and fairly cheap. I wish you the best holidays, peace, and a lovely Christmas!

michaelb62 profile image
michaelb62 in reply to clare_hart

Thank you for your words. My daughter is very good but she is going through a lot as when my relationship ended it affected her and her fiancé and almost made them homeless as we had moved in to a rented bungalow the 4 of us and my ex was worried about what if they move out well the irony was it was him that actually messed us all up. So my daughter had to move into the basement of her future mother in laws basement with the 4 dogs. Until they get married in May and move away. She also has fybro and is really struggling with her hip along with all the other hustles she has living there. She has her PIP assessment next week after waiting 32 weeks. It's been quite tough on her and she is running me places I need to be so I always try and space them out so that she is y getting too tired or too much pain her worst part is her hip she has just had scans which showed a tear in something around the hip but the consultant won't do anything yet because she is too young it's like history repeating itself.

So we muddle together. I know when she snaps it's not meant in a horrible way but because my emotions are so high at the moment I end up in tears very easily. I am trying to deal with the break up but he thinks we should still be able to be friends but my feelings for him are too strong to do that I was trying. But have deleted his number but I know his email which is fatal. I am trying to be strong but it's not easy when you get so lonely I cope better when people are around. But even that I am now questioning as the ex told me I was self centred, and I talk to much and bore the, but he is deaf so doesn't know when the subject has changed. He really knocked me and yet he thinks he is the most perfect person on the planet.

dawnlancaster profile image

you poor love I was in your position 6 months ago .flat as well now I'm moving back in with my fella giving it another go well TeX me anytime as I no how you feel lots of hugs xx

michaelb62 profile image
michaelb62 in reply to dawnlancaster

Thank you Dawn I know if he said shall we give it another go I would jump at it but he has run ever time something has come up and need help. So I have to ignore my feelings which is tough as I have never felt like this over anyone he is no oil painting and everyone keeps saying he isn't the one for me. I just wish my heart would agree. Hugs back to you too hope your relationship works xxx

dawnlancaster profile image
dawnlancaster in reply to michaelb62

I hope every think comes good for you look at it this way things can only get better wish you luck hun x

Betty67 profile image

Sorry so much on your plate at the moment, but as the other say your daughter step up when she saw how much help you needed. Not a lot of help but just wanted to let you know that there are people out here you care.

Being positive takes hard work and you need to work on it every day. Gentle hug.

sbotwright profile image

Hi there, You sound like my kind of person. I live in a council flat with my english partner. I am Scottish and we live in Scotland. He hates it. He has given up and hob to look after me but he is not a great conversationalist and I could talk for Scotland. I have pernicious anemia, a weight problem, high blood pressure, anxiety issues, athritis, irreversible nerve damage in my left leg and feet, asthma. Not been out for ages. Only go out to the podiatrist to get my toenails clipped and the doctors to get my injections from the nurse every 3 months, My injection is overdue. I also get dragged to england every christmas and new year for 3 weeks where no-one understands me, They are lovely people but I hate Headcorn after 2 years of visiting and we also go to cornwall, lovely but a lot of travelling which knackers me. Would love to chat to anyone that will listen,

Please get in touch


Scouser58 profile image

Hello michaelb62, have you been to the local council offices and registered with them to be rehoused?

They will take all you details and then you bid for properties, and if you have any special requirements, there may be some special properties open to you.

Mine was over 55 with medical conditions, this is through a housing association.

Michaelb this may be a good way to try as the area you have just described in your post does not sound safe and could be very stressful to you. Having the police turning up regularly is very unsettling and you would want to stay in for your own safety, ttfn Karen

michaelb62 profile image
michaelb62 in reply to Scouser58

Hi Karen

This is a council property I contacted them and a gentleman said they know the problems in this close and where I thought there were just two people mainly involved it turns out there are at least 5 properties in the area.. I am terrified he did say I could fill all the for,s in again andd go through the old procedure again because it is causing me stress especially as I'm not getting out much at the moment I have actually got a hammer at the side of my bed what I would you with it I haven't got a clue.. The problem with this council is most of the quiet places which is all I want you have to be 55+ or 60 + and as usual I am not old enough as I am 52. It is ridiculous. If you have disabilities these should be taken into account when allocating properties.

Colours23 profile image

Omg..you can't go on like that...can u get a comunity nurse team to support you!

Colours23 profile image

Omg..you can't go on like that...can u get a comunity nurse team to support you!

Scouser58 profile image

Hi Michaelb, your post has made the hair on the back of my neck stand up, have you any housing associations who could help you? I hope you find a better area quite soon, ttfn Karen

michaelb62 profile image
michaelb62 in reply to Scouser58

i am trying to find an exchange but not sure how easy that is going to be my only other option is fill all the forms in again as a new housing application and produce letter from the r and psychiatrist then start bidding again. That was what the council man told me to do.

caninecrazy profile image

I feel for you as the council and housing assoc's seem to ignore problems with druggies and anti social behaviour as much as they can. we have problems in our road with all weekend parties and drug customers coming and going all night. I lucky my hubby has shaven head and tattoo's so he looks tough but really he's a gentle lamb or I think id be too scared to live here x

Scouser58 profile image

Hello michaelb, if it was me I would do the forms again and make a point of explaining why I was reapplying, so that they understand, and supply any letters they ask for, safety and peace of mind is vital.

As caninecrazy said they don't care about what goes on and how much up set that it causes to people, very frightening to live in this area and stressful.

Do you have any help from someone?

Please think about this idea, being on your own could well be very scary, ttfn Karen.

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