Hi all
I don't know if this is the right place to ask but am at my wits end!
I suffered a minor rta several years ago and had whiplash and a prolapsed disc L5S1.
I have had physio and acupuncture, and am under an orthopaedic and pain consultant. I recently had a selective lumber nerve block that was unsuccessful and am due to have another before Christmas along with facet joint injections, and am also on the waiting list to have a nerve decompression operation next spring. This is despite my recent MRI showing no narrowing of the nerve canal, but my orthopaedic consultant has suggested it due to the amount of pain I have in my lower back, buttocks and travelling down my right leg. I also suffer from severe back spasms and neck and shoulder pain. Last week I visited the GP (not my usual one) as the pain in my neck and shoulders are so bad that each time I turn my head there are loud cracking sounds.
I also suffer from headaches, numbness and tingling sensations in my right hand, extreme exhaustion (some days I will sleep 18-20 hours), fatigue (doing light housework can make me fall asleep for 3 hours), concentration problems, I forget words when having a conversation and also forget what I am saying mid sentence, dizziness and am clumsy.
I have for the last 18 months blamed it on my medication. I currently take daily:- 2 x 15mg MSD, 9 x 300mg gabapentin, 1 x 25mg amitriptiline, 3 x 2mg diazepam, 8 x zapain, and I have oramorph as a PRN.
I was looking on the web for ways to ease my pain, when I came across this site, and so many of my symptoms point to fibro.
Are these symptoms fibro or a result of the medication, although this has been stable since April, except for amitriptiline which was increased last week from 10mg to 25mg. This was increased because of the pain in my neck and shoulder and to help me sleep as I tend to wake every 20-30mins as each time I move the pain wakes me. He also wanted to increase the gabapentin to 12 tablets which I refused.
I guess my pain concern is could I possibly be going under unnecessary spinal surgery when I have infact my have fibro? I want to see my GP about this in the week but I am unsure as to how I approach the subject?
Any help or advice would be most welcome and thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope I have made sense.
Deejay Female 33 feeling 93!!