absolutely ARE worth the minimum wage!!! Gee, thanks.
Disabled people....: absolutely ARE... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Disabled people....

Hi I watched some of the news last night and was totally disgusted to hear what was being said! We are human beings at the end of the day not something you throw out with the rubbish! What is this world coming too when we're being treated like this? It's alright for them sitting pretty with their huge wage increase,expenses,large mansions and whatever! Wonder how they would cope with having a disability and having to juggle money and worry when utilities,foods go up every week? Mmmm now that would set the cat amongst the pigeons!
each time they open their mouths just enforces they have no idea. Just think, the best we can hope to achieve in a job is 1 paying minimum wage and be grateful. I would be happy to be able to work for anything just like everyone else, disabled or not. Their own argument is to remove people from benefits by concentrating on what people, everyone, can do not what they cant. This statement from PM counters that very principle. In his mind disabled people actually are restricted in the jobs market which I thought the Welfare system was for, he just wants to move the goal posts to suit his own agenda. the mind boggles.
I will never EVER understand how the cogs of this government work, but I serioulsy think they need to pay out for better oil as they seem to be stuck on one thing, hitting the disabled all the time, the benefits system is getting a hell of a hammering of late and I cannot see it getting any better in the future, once the next government gets their new oil, things will just happens faster than we would like. Yes being disabled has its drawbacks for all of us no matter what disables us, but like everyone else in this world we want to be able to DO, and be respected ffor it, this government only respects its own bank accounts. But what annoys me is seeing someone doing the dying act in the GP surgery, PIP forms in hand, and then half an hour later you see the same person running around Asda reaching for this, bending for that. It is these people that makes it all harder for the disabled person to get fair benefits, or a good job with fair pay. I think when it comes down to it, we are their last thought at night and their first thought at the beginning of the governmental day. Simple as....if we change governments, will it help? I seriously doubt it as not so long agao I remember the other party saying 'If they get into power it does not mean they can undo the coalitions work'. This to me sayd it all. Sorry hun am off my soap box now save to say that if I tried to apply for a job which I would dearly love to do, they would take one look at my medical history and say ;we'll be in touch' end of. So now I am full time carer for my adult daughter, which with my current health predicament is extremely hard work and deserves more than the pitiful £63 the government pays me each week, as my daughters health is my downfall! xxxxx take care, stay safe and sending warming cuggles your way xxxx Lin
that man needs to go.
he does. definitely. any takers for the job? lol dread to think. Tulip xx
I will do it
you've got my vote! xx
Ta lol xx's first thing reinstate DLA and ESA for all those that have wrongly had it taken from them. Secondly...get rid of ATOS and their staff that know absolutely nothing about fibro. Reduce MPs expenses to £10 a week. Put up the minimum wage and reduce taxes for disabled workers.....too tired to think..any suggestions anyone
Once they closed Remploy 2000 disabled people were out of work. No Plan B was considered. The argument that disabled people should not get a minimum wage is a real shot in the foot. Their point is they cannot do the same as an able bodied person. This is tosh I have employed so called fit and healthy people that were the biggest skivers I have ever met! I employed a young man that had epilepsy and when he was OK worked really hard. I had a man with severe lung issues that never said no to a job! All they need to do is give a little bit to an employer to give them a reason to employ some one with a disability. Minimum WAGE is what it says MINIMUM! What we should be looking at is a living wage! Neither party want to help disability claimants as they are an easy target to blow smoke over other issues.
It seems to have been forgotten that labour bought in ATOS and Gordon Brown extended their contract even though ATOS wanted to leave ASAP.
All parties have agreed a rise which is 40% higher than what they expect to live on. We now have career politicians that have no real life skills from all parties.
Rant over
I am appalled, but not surprised by these comments. We have a disability discrimination policy which the government and it's offices abuse regularly without recourse. I as a disabled person do not want special treatment, I just want a level playing field, which DLA/PIP and other benefits are designed to do. I cannot speak for anyone else, just myself. I will not be defined by disability. I am aware that I am limited in what I can and cannot do because of disabilities and have adapted my lifestyle accordingly. I appreciate that no employer would employ me with the issues I have and the amount of time I would need to take off work. After spending 9 months on ESA, and getting into horrendous debt, I realised that the same skills I had before I became ill were still there, so I started my own company working from home. I can answer the phone, I can use a computer, and I can respond to emails and this is what I do for a range of clients. They are all aware that I am disabled, I make that quite clear before I take on any contract. My business has grown incredibly and I now earn a very comfortable living, some days actually working from my bed, because I cannot even make it to my desk which is less than 2 metres away. I now employ 2 staff members and 4 freelancers.
I do understand the government trying to reform benefits, there are loads of people who actively abuse the welfare system, however I feel their targeted stance in trying to dehumanise the disabled is reprehensible.
you are a shining star of proof of how turning your disability into using your strengths to make positive lifestyle not just for yourself but others as well. how do you feel about PM's idea of putting a cage around your bed and saying to you, your expectations are unreasonable or even impossible? The thing I really do not understand, when he 1st started talking about welfare reform specifically disability and Incapacity benefit, his Great Plan was all about helping people to play on their strengths, concentrate on what you can do, not what you cant. Sounded good, but he has proven this was just (another) scam. He also said he would stick to supporting those who were still too disabled to realistically earn a living. Neither of these admirable ideals have been followed through. Sadly there will always be people who slip through the net, but too many people have found themselves in deep poverty because they can neither hope to hold down a job adequate for their needs, + they don't fit the criteria for disability funding. The whole thing stinks!
I wish you all the best with your business. Keep up the good work! Tulip xx
Hi Tulip.
I spent 23 years in an abusive relationship, but found the strength to take my children and walk away from my home with just 2 bin bags of clothes.
I did this because I developed a belief in myself and my self worth. I am the only one who dictates and understand best what I can and can't do, and that is how I live my life.
12 years on I own my own home and my own business, I took my ex partner to court for half the value of the home I was forced to walk away from, and won.
I am now married to a wonderful man who supports me in everything I do, whether he agrees with it or not.
Yes, there have been some very low times and we have struggled with my disabilities and the horrendous process of claiming DLA/PIP to help with the adaptions to my home and the increased costs of being disabled. But, we make those decisions for us. No-one but me, will define or control me or evaluate my worth, not the government nor a politician.
Hello All,
I didn't see the news about this but have read it all on the internet mainly articles on Disability Rights UK. There are talks about this MP resigning and offered a ‘full and unreserved apology’ for disability comments. I know this may mean very little to some of you that have been offended.
I realise this is a highly emotive subject especially as most of us struggle on benefits (me included) and would give anything to be rid of Fibro & be able to work. FibroAction are happy for you to come and express your opinions about political issues regarding Disability issues however regarding politics in general as it is such a tricky subject we have the guideline for it not to be discussed here. Please be mindful of this, Thank You
I wanted to just provide this link which is in no means in defence of MP as we do not know whether this was what he meant or not !! We may never know either, however ITV have published the following news;
Think tank The Adam Smith Institute has defended Lord Freud's comments regarding disabled workers
"Freud’s point was that we should help people in this situation by allowing them to find jobs paying below the minimum wage and topping up their pay directly to make up the difference." (ITV News)
I completely understand your frustrations having many different thoughts and opinions myself but please, please remember they are other sites where politics are the main subject where you can join in freely.
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