Can anyone advise me on filling out the pip forms . It scares me . I'm suffering with fibro myalgia big time have been for couple years now . But only recently got diagnosed by going to gp and asking to be referred after a long time asking I finally got appointment and diagnosed with fibro x
Pip : Can anyone advise me on filling... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Dear Tina62,
Please don't worry everyone feels the same when you wonder how to explain a chronic illness with such variable symptoms which wax and wane.
Please email me at and I can send you some helpful guides.
Also Disability Rights Uk have a good factsheet on PIP you may like to read, link below;
I look forward to your email and in the meantime other members will reply with helpful hints too
Best Wishes
FibroAction Administrator
I actually had a lady from DWP come help me fill in my DLA forms. She was brilliant. One thing to remember is that base your responses on your WORST days.
Hi tina
, Welcome to the site, both my hubby and I went to the citizens advise for help with the forms. we are now waiting for the result, this week or next we have been told.
Have you been onto the mother site yet. there is a lot of info about fibro, the web address is
why not have a look and then you can come back to us with any question you may have or you can join in with any conversations or madness that is taking place.
We are here to help each other in rough times and use humour to lighten our days.
Foggy provides the daily pic and we all get together at Gins place for morning coffee and a chat.Looking forward to seeing you around.
Hugs sue xx

Thankyou sue . Appreciate your help & advise . Hopefully talk to you soon . Take care tina x
Hi Tina62
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? I see that you have been given loads of great advice and offers of help, so I will just wish you all the best of luck and I genuinely hope that you get the outcome that you desire and deserve, so good luck!
All my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x
Hi Tina
Lots of luck filling in your forms, I had help from Fightback 4 Justice who have their own website, they also have a Facebook page if you use that x
thankyou mistyang x
I used a website called for advice. You can download information and there's a forum where you can ask questions and get one-to-one answers from benefits experts. Their information pack walks you through every single question on the PIP form. There is a charge but it's worth it. I found it absolutely invaluable in helping me complete the form & would recommend it without hesitation. Just sent my form off. I suppose all I have to do is wait a year now for a reply! Wish you the best of luck. It is time consuming so do get some help and don't be afraid to ask
hi hun go to c.a.b they helped me well good .good luck x
hi ya tina62 i to need help filling in forms i have copd and other health probs can you tell me what pip forms are what does pip stand for i have never had to deal with thses things before . It is very hard dealing with these things by ourselves i await your answer hope you dont mind me asking xx
Hello Mollymoomoo,
PIP stands for Personal Independence Payment - please see link to helpful factsheet;
ESA stands for Employment & Support Allowance, please see link to helpful factsheet;
Please do email me for the step to step guides at as many members have said they are very helpful
Best Wishes
FibroAction Administrator
Hi Tina there are sights to help you online base is one benefits and work is brilliant they do not charge you you pay a yearly subscription of £15 .00 this gets you a monthly newsletter of what is going on and what changes are happening too benefits this also gets you through to pip answers and questions where they give you each question on the form and how many points you will need to score to get those points I have helped many people with giving them this sight you give them a description of how your illness affects you on a daily basis like I can only walk for about a few minutes before I have to stop because the pain is unbearable the length of two buses is what is acceptable if you can walk more than that you score less points you can walk say five metres but no more than five as I have to keep stopping because of the pain I could not walk it repeatedly and in a timely fashion the same as a normal person if you need help to dress tell them you cannot bend to put on trousers as pain in back to sore you need help to put on a jumper as you lift your Arnos to painfull maybe you do not wear a bra unless going out as the hooks cause you pain just tell them how it affects you what it stops you doing not on a bad day say three days out of seven or four days out of seven it’s how your illness affects you on a daily basis there are welfare rights officers and benefit officers to help do not attempt to fill it in yourself get a professional a freind is not always right either but seek help look online for help with pip esa and uneversal creditand names will come up some answer you and a worker will phone you back and explain anything sorry for long post want you to get itright