I have applied for PIP (I have Fibro and ME) but am reading so many horror stories that I hold out no hope of getting it. I am getting to the position where I wont be able to work even part time soon and I am desperately anxious and worried about how to manage. Has anyone here with Fibro been successful with claiming PIP? A little good news would go a long way to cheer me up!!!
Fibro - successful PIP?: I have applied... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Fibro - successful PIP?

Hi I also have Fibro & back problems. I am on my third application & have waited over two months so far. I cannot work & not entitled to any benefits. I also doubt that I will get PIP but I will appeal.
Wendy x
Good luck with it Wendy xx
Please do email me at FibroAction as we can supply step to step guides for PIP by email, if you email me using info@fibroaction.org and I'll pass it to Karen another volunteer who's been kindly helping me as FibroAction Admin Assistant.
I look forward to hearing from you.
FibroAction Administrator
Hello Claire2461,
I cannot remember if I mentioned yesterday that we, FibroAction can provide step by step benefit guides if you email us using info@fibroaction.org we would be happy to send them to you,
Best Wishes
FibroAction Administrator
Thank you very much Emma - have had Fibro for years but its got worse and worse and I am frightened of what the future holds Just trying to find my feet with it all at the moment - thank you for your help and advice
Hello Clair, yes i do have fibro and get higher amount pip for mobility and was only 2 points short on the care component, So do not give up without trying it is possible.
hugs sue xx

Thank you Sue - thats really heartening to know that you are getting some support Thank you for sharing xx

How do u know you were 2 points away from care? I never knew there were a points system
I have just completed DLA forms as mine is due to run out, the area I live in still hasn't reached P.I.P. yet. So when it does I have to complete forms yet again
Hello lottieonline, with pip you get points on what you need help with.then when they send you their decision they tell you how many points you got and what for. benefitsandwork.co.uk/perso... if this works it will take you to more info.
Hugs sue xx
it worked.
Hi Claire2461
I just wanted to wish you all the best of luck with your claim.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x
Good luck. I had to give up work and eventually after a big fight I got ill health pension from work and managed to claim DLA. I won't pretend it's easy, especially with our illnesses, try to get help from anyone who is willing to help you.
God bless
I'm in the process of applying for PIP too once I finally get the forms finished. Lol
I wouldn't worry CAB told me it can take from about 6 to months to a year for them to gather all the information for your PIP claim. They are working on making it faster.
Also have you applied for ESA? You could be eligible for DLA too I would apply for them now as they only take a few weeks to go through.
Hi Claire
I have Fibro and degenerative disk at L5 S1, and I scored ZERO!!!!!!!! at a PIP claim. The phone call to discuss the claim is yet to come although I have the letter 2 months ago to say I would not qualify.
Personally I feel that the interviewer looking like a 12 year old didn't give me a lot of faith in the system.
Mike Wright
I get PIP for my fibro and I still work. I was advised to focus more on the bad days and how they effect me physically and mentally, which isn’t very hard to do, especially when we get changes in the weather, it’s killing me, you too, I guess.
Hi, I’ve recently applied for PIP ( I have fibro ) I had to reduce my working hours and bad flare ups are so bad that I can’t get up from bed. The score that I had from PIP was 0. So no help at all. I think the fact that some times I can be reasonably active and take care of my self, diminish the fact that some times I cannot function at all. I know is not what you want to hear but I know of a few other people with the same outcome. Good luck and take care.