Hia guys can anybody tell me if they suffer a very itchy scalp with the fibro,just woundering if this is another symptom ? Its driving me maaaad any suggestions kimxx
Itchy Scalp !: Hia guys can anybody... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Itchy Scalp !

Hi Kim, Do you take tramadol for the pain regularly? I find when I take tramadol my scalp itches but otherwise no. Have you change hair products lately?
Hope this helps, and your seek relief soon!
Helony x.
Hi helony, yes I have been taking tramadol for about 2 years along with other meds,its only in the last week or so the itching as started,however other people have mentioned tramadol can make your scalp itch,thanks for your help kim x
I often get an itchy head, but don't take tramadol, I've always assumed its just one of the joys of fibro
I not really had an itchy scalp btu do have sores which I believe are a symptom of lupus.
I had such an itchy scalp, that I even bought nit treatments as I thought I had nits, but at a pain management course, we were chatting about all the different probs we had with the fibro, and we ALL had itchy scalps. Think it's just another symptom of fibro, sad to say. Hugs, Julie x
Hi kimey007
I am so sorry to read that you are experiencing this issue and I genuinely hope that you can find some resolution and relief to this issue. I have pasted you a passage from the FibroAction website relating to sensitivities below:
(People with Fibro often have sensitivities or intolerances to many things, from foods to chemicals. An exposure to something they are intolerant of can cause a flare in all the Fibro symptoms. If someone with Fibro says, for example, that they can't stay in the same room as a smoker, or someone with strong aftershave on, then they mean it and could be quite ill if they continue to do so. People with Fibro can be hypersensitive to almost anything, including sound and light.1 2 Some people with Fibro struggle with sensory overload, where they cannot cope with too many stimuli at one time - for example, they may struggle in supermarkets or shopping malls, where there are a lot of conflicting lights, noises and smells all at once - and this can have an impact on the cognitive difficulties).
Here is the link to the FibroAction symptoms page, in case you want to read it all:
I want to wish you all the best of luck with this problem.
Ken x
I.hav itchy scalp.all the time I use T GEl.Shampoo but it gets worse ifI have new tablets it makes it worse good luck
hello all my fibro friends,thankyou all for your advice and input it sounds like there is another symptom to add to the list,take care kim xx
I think if you were to take a random sample of the population and ask this question to, i think you would get the same response. Just my own personal opinion is that its a fact of life that at some point everyone suffers with this, but if its something that you have all day every day, then there could be another reason behind it and first thing i would think of doing is changing shampoo. Again this is just my opinion but i would try a baby shampoo, or some like 'Simple' .
I have always had oily hair and found that baby shampoo suited me better than all these ones that state on the bottle especially for oily hair!
As i said its just my thoughts here, but rather than think of it as yet another symptom of Fibro, it may not necessarily be so xx
Hi, I get a really itchy head, it does seem to be part of Fibro as it never used to happen. My GP thought it was nits because I was scratching so hard and making my head bleed, but it wasn't. I got to the point where I was going to shave my hair off to get relief when I read about a couple of products that could help. I will pm you the names as I'm not sure on the rules on mentioning brands? X
My friend does, she also has fibro. She can only use Head & Shoulders Shampoo even though she doesn't have dandruff. Hope this helps sweetheart. xxxx Mitzi
Hi i had this problem before, it was driving me crazy, i thought nits or something but nothing there, doc gave me something for it, stopped immediately. Good luck
I have to mention this new substance that had been added to lots of cosmetics and toiletries recently, which is causing severe itching and rashes. It is called MI or MCI
As it says in one article on allergy "In July 2013, The British Association of Dermatologists (BAD) and the British Society of Cutaneous Allergy (BSCA) issued warnings of a new potential contact allergy epidemic to two chemical preservatives used in cosmetics, toiletries and household products – methylisothiazolinone (MI or MIT) and methylchloroisothiazolinone (MCI or CMIT)." My mother developed very severe itching and I had some itching too, we heard about this substance from her carer and we both stopped using it and the itching stopped. It might be added to products that never had them before, so keeping to the same shampoo doesn't mean that you aren't meeting a new substance, also, sometimes you have to use it for a time before the allergy develops. It is banned in some countries but not yet in EU. It really is worth trying to find a product that doesn't contain either of these substances to see if the itching improves, it isn't easy as many contain them and it is in the small print usually at the end of the list of ingredients. I am sure there are more products but I use the Tresemme range now and the irritation has stopped. The other thing that is recommended if you do use these products is to rinse really well. Hope this helps. Love x
Hi kimey007,
I recently had issues with itchy scalp, for the first time ever, and tried all sorts of things.
I can highly reccomend solid coconut oil - you can get it in most supermarkets ( people use it for cooking) but it has also been used for centuries in other cultures as a moisturiser - it is a solid white, but melts on body heat - in your hands, and it really soothed my head.
it is easier to apply if you have shorter hair, but if you have long hair - take a bit, rubs between your hands till melted, then use your fingertips to apply to scalp through long hair and within 30 minutes it should sooth the itch and lasts for about a day.
hope this helps, but do test a bit on the back of your neck, just behind your ears to make sure you are not allergic first.
Big Hugs,
Hi Kimey007,
I also suffer with a horrendously itchy scalp, which causes such a lot of irritation that sometimes I've scratched it till it bleeds (not intentionally - usually when I am sleeping). I'm still trying different shampoos, but so far nothing has alleviated it. Very best wishes to you.
I have an itchy scalp, it feels like a few spiders are crawling in my hair. But I also have dermatitis as well so i could be that :/