GP test results all negative so what ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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GP test results all negative so what is this please I need some answers

8 Replies

hi all i have replied to a similar post as i am so depressed i feel like i cannot go on.

I have just been to my gp for the results of bloods and as usual all are negative ... everything is clear! so I really do not understand why I am I such pain I actually broke down in the surgery and said I feel like jumping off a bridge she looked at me wide eyed and prescribed Naproxen as initially she was testing for RA apparently my result was 10. something so lower than the 30 ( I do not understand the ratings sorry) I said what about fibro she said that is muscle pain... well I have that too my legs are so heavy I want to cut them off, my neck is stiff I almost fell down the stairs as my left knee gave way on the way out but hey (its al in my mind) that's what I feel like when I go to see her. I don't want to be brushed off with pills I want answers . my o/h has said that if I do not get any he will come to the surgery and create a fuss but that is not my way I just want an end to the pain I am crying again as I just cant understand why when every joint in my body is so painful my left leg was so swollen last night that when I took sock off I hade a deep indentation and no contours to my ankle in fact no ankle! I just want to know what does it take to get a gp to listen as it is real pain real loss of sleep and horrendous weight gain (this is the thing she points out as soon as I walk in every time) it is rapid onset too as before it was just elbows but now it is everywhere my lower back was also swollen last night ( I think I will get my o/h to video or take photos when the joints are so bad and I cannot get up out of bed or up or down stairs or off a chair without looking over 100 years of age sorry rant over but I have had enough of pain and at the moment I cannot see anything worth going on for


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8 Replies
Mdaisy profile image

Hello Fieryfairy,

So sorry you're experiencing such problems. We have all been through the diagnosis process and all though this is not much comfort at the moment, the positives are we can help advise as best we can due to our own experiences.

Do hang in there, as you can see another GP, speak to Patient Advice & Liaison Service and/or write to your practice manager about the problems you are facing. We are here to listen and if you need them the Samaritans are there 24/7. Due to genuine concern here is the number in case you need to speak to someone 0845 790 9090

Please may I mention that swelling is not associated with Fibro as it is does not cause inflammation. In this respect, your GP considering RA was probably was the first thought due to your symptoms, as the tests you have appear to show negative results this then seems to be an unlikely diagnosis.

I think you are probably right to mention Fibromyalgia however the swelling would lead me to think of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. I am not a Doctor & can only mention this as a possibility as running our local support group we have people with CRPS too & the symptoms you describe do seem similar. Here is some information about CRPS which may be of interest;

However it could also be possible you do have Fibro and the swelling is from another condition. For instance you could have a condition which has caused secondary Fibro.

Pre-existing conditions (even if the other diagnosis comes after the Fibro diagnosis), such as Hypermobility Syndrome, Lupus or Rheumatoid Arthritis can also lead to Fibromyalgia, when it is then often referred to as secondary Fibro Hypermobility Syndrome in particular is now thought to be a risk factor for developing Fibro (Lindsey Middlemiss Founder & Chair of FibroAction 2009)

Please see the 'All about Fibro' range for further information;

I would consider asking for a referral to a Rheumatologist & Pain Clinic to address your chronic pain experience as clearly you appear to not have sufficient pain relief. Here is some information about Pain Clinics;

You are entitled to a second opinion and here is some information which

may help;

But for now getting some pain relief so you see feel able to cope with getting the treatment you need. Is there anyone who can come with you to the Doctors as an advocate?

Please know we are thinking of you and wishing you well. You are not alone as we are here.

Best Wishes

Emma :)

FibroAction Administrator

TheAuthor profile image

Hi Fieryfairy

I am so sorry to read that you are suffering so much and I genuinely hope that you can find some resolution and relief to this issue.

I think that Mdaisy has given you some wonderful advice, as the Samaritans are there 24 / 7 if you ever feel that you have had enough!

I was wondering if you have asked your GP for a referral to a pain management clinic? As this may help you no end?

I want to wish you all the best of luck my friend.

Ken x

bren876 profile image

Hi Fieryfairy

So very sorry that your in so much pain at the moment, I'd say that Mdaisy has given really good advice as had the Author..

Everyone here know's how frustrating it is when your in so much pain and you feel like your going out of your mind because doctor's don't seem to listen or understand, you really might want to think about keeping a day dairy it really helped me explain how much pain i'm feeling everyday and to get my message over to my doctor.

Gentle hugs to you xxx.

teddybear7 profile image

Good advice given above. Only thing I will add is. You are entitled to ask for a second opinion by right. I have done this in the past and it worked for me I got a second opinion and he agreed with me and my original Specialist (not a gp) still treats me and loves me. So don't be afraid of asking. X

Gramma profile image

The first thing my GP told me was that the only reason for blood tests, was to rule out other conditions. There is a specific process helping to diagnose FM which she actioned then referred me to a rheumatologist for confirmation. Good luck, stay positive. X.

fenbadger profile image
fenbadger in reply to Gramma

True. The process of diagnosis is to rule out other things as fibro doesn't really have a definitive test, but the tests may also lead to something else. I'm sorry you're in such pain ant it is such a rotten time. Please hang on in there. There are others here in similar condition so, sadly, you're not alone. Much love, sympathy, gentle lavender scented hugs :)

mitziblue profile image

You sound just like me before I was FINALLY DIAGNOSED!!!! Change doctors or go to a pain clinic. It's crazy to just let you suffer. Some doctors just don't understand what they can not see. Hope this helps!!! If I can help answer and questions or be of help just ask sweetheart!!!! xxxx Mitzi

Thank you all so much for your replies I am sorry I did not respond sooner have been so down, my feet are so swollen the left one more so and they are painful to walk on I look like I have elephants feet as there is no definition between ankle and foot anymore, my diverticulitis has flared up again and I am in agony with the deep internal pain, is this another side effect of fibro? I also have IBS (I think the consultant labelled me with this as didn't know what else was causing blood in the poop :-0 )

once again thank you for all your kind supportive words, I am due to see GP on Tuesday when maybe she will look at my feet and say yes there is swelling isn't there unlike when my hands were not too bad last time I saw her and she just dismissed it... sometimes I wish she could feel the pain and then she would believe there was something not quite right... but then I am too nice to wish that on anyone if I get no joy Tuesday I will be looking for a new doctor she is the only one in the practice now so there is no alternative gp to see for now. my oh cant come with me as he is contract worker and cannot afford to take time off probably best as he would create hell (love him)

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