Kidney scans: I went for scan of both... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Kidney scans

13 Replies

I went for scan of both kidneys last week.I told the chap doing the scan I have fibromyalgia and chronic pain syndrome.I found the procedeure very painful and am bruised where he was digging in with the probe.Does anyone else bruise and feel pain like I do ?

13 Replies
TheAuthor profile image

Hi sparky-21

I sincerely hope that you are feeling better now after your kidney scans? There was another member who asked about bruising not long ago so I have pasted the link to this below. It received some answers and I placed several links with this thread as it would appear that bruising is common with Fibro:

If your bruising persists or gets any worse, it would be advisable to discuss the issue with your GP just to rule anything else out and keep your GP up to date with how you are getting along?

I want to wish you all the best and I hope that your kidneys are fine.

All my hopes and dreams for you


in reply to TheAuthor

Thank you so much for replying to me.I know medication I take can cause some bruising.Its the pain I cannot bear,its unbearable if I have the slightest knock.I will look up the other causes people have posted on this subject.

mitziblue profile image

Oh yes, it's terrible. I bruise sometimes not knowing how I got it in the first place. See if your family doctor can refer you to a pain clinic. It made my life bearable. Best of luck sweetheart!!! xxx Mitzi

sue32 profile image
sue32 in reply to mitziblue

Me too mitziblue!! Little bruises appear from nowhere and I rack my brain as to where they came from! I've given up now!! XX

in reply to sue32

Think steroids and a great deal of clumsiness is to blame for some of the bruising.The rest lord only knows.Sorry for late response I have been away a week.

in reply to mitziblue

I have been seeing a pain consultant for the past 12 years.He does steroid injections and prescribes medication,but nothing seems to work.Apologies for late response,i have been away for a week.

Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to

Sparky are you feeling a bit better this week? xgins

in reply to Ginsing

Hello Gins,I am doing ok,still not sure whats happening health wise.Been to Greece for a week to give my Husband some respite from caring for me.He was able to relax a bit.No cooking or cleaning to do.Thank You for asking how I am doing.Will keep you posted.

fibro10 profile image

Hisparky-21 now just how your feeling I has scan Wednesday gone it was so pain full has been all over the weekend .Hope your scan results are ok. I also get a lot of bruises but do know how I have done them

in reply to fibro10

Hi fibro 10.I hope you have recovered from your scan bruising.I don't think they understand the pain they are causing,maybe they are so absorbed in what they are doing they don't realise just how painful it is for the patient.My scsan results were ok.I am now seeing Doctor to see what happens next.Wishing you the best of luck.

fibro10 profile image
fibro10 in reply to

Hi sparkey-21 So glad your results were ok. Mine were not so good GP rang Thursday to say he needs to see me went Friday said have got a lot of gallstones and a cyst on my gallbladder and a some cyst on my liver have to go and see a cholecystectomy in two weeks. HA-HA who said life begins at fourty mines been aces pains and lots of health problems after being very healthy and not seeing a doctor. Know at 55 I am allways going wether its me who needs to go or they ring me to go maybe if I don't get any money off ESA the docs could give me a job save them on phone calls LOL. Rang ESA today said I should here by end of the week. Do hope you get to the bottom off your problem as you know your body best maybe if my old GP done tests things wouldn't be this bad instead of giving meds meds and more meds but no tests. Thank god I changed GP

in reply to fibro10

Sorry to hear you have gallstones and cysts,hopefully they can treat you and all will be well. I am seeing my gp today (wed) to see if I need more tests to find out where pain and blood came from.Wishing you a good outcome.

fibro10 profile image
fibro10 in reply to

HI spark-21 thank you for your replay. Hope all is ok at doctors today. Just don't let them fob u off. Let me know how you get on. Wish you well fibro10

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