I have had a problem with my knee for... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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I have had a problem with my knee for over a year now it's got worse in the last 6 months av been bk and forward to docs and had physio

Celtscfc profile image
18 Replies

Nothing Has worked I don't know what else to do and also on strong painkillers ?

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Celtscfc profile image
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18 Replies
TheAuthor profile image

Hi Celtscfc

I am so sorry to read that you have been having such problems with you knee and I genuinely hope that you can find some resolution and relief to the issue.

I have pasted you a link to the NHS Choices page about knee pain and I hope that you find it useful, as it covers many aspects of the problem.


If you cannot find any relief form this problem shortly, I would be tempted to discuss the situation with your GP.

All my hopes and dreams for you


anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to TheAuthor

Hi Ken

have just viewed the nhs uk website you mentioned and it doesn't show anything related to my knee problem.my right knee has been a problem fro years following a couple of falls years ago.now (due to fibro??)it is twisted and very painful and swollen especially at the back of the knee.some days I cannot walk on it and drag it behind me.in the evening when I try to sit down and watch tv I cant sit for long without it aching so much that I get up and move about.when i put my knee straight my foot is at a 45 degree angle to my leg.at night when I lie on that side it is very uncomfortable.

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply to anbuma

Hi anbuma

I am so sorry to read that, yours really sounds more like a sports type of injury whereby the ligament is damaged long term? I have pasted you the NHS Choices link for this problem below:


I genuinely hope that you can get it sorted as it sounds very painful.

Take care

Ken x

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to TheAuthor

will mention that to my gp on monday if i remember

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to TheAuthor

I did trip over indoors last week and had a massive bruise on my knee (which only came up when I applied arnica.)so could be that.

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply to anbuma

That sounds really painful anbuma, I would have it checked out if I were you.

Good luck


in reply to anbuma

If your knee is deformed like this, and the leg simply dragging behind you, it sounds like you should be seen at hospital, rather than leave it to be something you mention in passing to your GP. If ligament type injuries aren't properly dealt with, you can be left with a permanent limp and all kinds of irreversible problems. I assume you are having to use crutches on the days you can't walk? Perhaps you should get the knee X-rayed? x

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to

if I went to A&E they would say its not a recent injury and to see my gp?will ask for an xray,.I am going to ask him fro referrals on monday - endo fro thyroid ?rheumy(different one)and ENT to confirm lupus or sjogrens)(or dermatologist -which he has refused so far) and say I want answers I ahve never been given..going to wear a normal sweater so he can see how swollen my stomach is (not the normal baggy ones to hide it).say I cant live with looking like I do.take with me thyroid and lupus symptoms checklists and photos of my neck.

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to

it came on when I was walking the dogs-bus home and laid up for the rest of the day

Hi celtscfc, I would go back to your doctor and ask to be referred to an ortheopeadic specialist. 6 months is quite a while for you to be no better. My daughter has knee troubles, turns out its not her knee, or ankles as we thought it is her thigh not lining up so she needs lots of exercise to build the muscle to rugby player standard :) good luck, Susan x

Ktatmolehole profile image

Has your doctor sent you for an X-ray to see if there is any sign of osteoarthritus in the knee if not then ask for an X-ray. I had to insist on an X-ray as he told me he did not think there was any sign. Low and behold it showed up and I was then offered an injection and fingers crossed after a week I am pain free in my knee at least. He told me if it worked I could have one every three months. So be bold and tell your doctor, you know your own body and how painful it is. Sometimes when they know we have fybro they place every pain to that condition and it is not always the case. Good luck xxx

bluebell99 profile image

I think it is now time to be firm with your doctor. This has gone on long enough.

You have done the physio thing, taken painkillers, rested and probably tried lots of things to make it better by yourself and nothing has worked. Make sure you see the same doctor and point out the timescale and continual pain. At the very least he should send you off for an x ray, maybe even a blood test to show any inflammation.

Meanwhile a soft cushion between your knees can help your sleeping on your side, as is putting it underneath the knee when you are laying on your back, and/or sitting with a footstool or recliner. A folded towel is a good alternative to raise the knee a little if your cushion is a little bulky.

Fingers crossed you get a result very soon !!

teddybear7 profile image

Do you have swelling that won't subside. I have a secondary condition along with my fibro in fact I got it first. Ask your gp to see an orthopaedic specialist so you can have a MRI scan (you are allowed to ask for a second opinion.) Its too complicated to write on here would take me hours. But some things can't be seen on xray and only show up on MRI. I've suffered for 6 years. Also the MRI will check the lot it could be just cartilage damage etc. Be strong. Xx

anbuma profile image

quite a successful consultation today-got foot and knee sorted-referral to a podiatrist and to wear a support bandage and see how it goes.told him stomach harder and increased by 2" felt stomach and was very sore in places plus told him again of pelvic pain .still says its IBS tho he did say I am not constipated or i said i dont have diarrheoa.re CTS was pleased it had improved tho I still get a it of stinging sensation at base of thumb.said can have another injection in 6 months and if not then an op.asked if stomach is down to something else.said he didn't think so but he agreed that swollen lip and tongue are associated.just have to convince him it is lupus and /or sjogrens/thyroid.

he said the female dr had suggested it might be imipramine btu been on them for years.so he said cut them down to three fro 2 weeks then 2 and go back and see him.

in reply to anbuma

Well that sounds like a more productive appointment. Regarding IBS, constipation and diarrhoea are not essential symptoms, I don't have either, but I've been tested for everything else and it's come back negative so the pain and bloating has been put down to that. I find lots of fruit and veg makes it worse, I have to watch what I eat to prevent bloating, caffeine is a no, as are citrus fruits and juice drinks, particularly orange juice. And stringy veg like cabbage, beans, onions, etc keep up my appearance of 9 months pregnant - mushrooms and tomatoes are terrible too. I do still eat them or life would be dull, just not if I don't want a huge stomach. Too much wheat and dairy also aggravate x

in reply to

Oh yes, as well as caffeine, should say alcohol is a demon to IBS :( x

anbuma profile image

hi shiny

I still feel its something more.to gain another 2" is a lot.it also doesn't rule out it could be down to hypothyroid as got worse since I had my gallbladder removed and someone said hypothyroidism can be caused by that.and I do have thyroid probs even if gp wont recognize them.or cushings.i have gto thin arms compared to the rest of me.as regards food s youve mentioned I do eat some of them btu not in huge quantities ie coffee maybe once or twice a week.ive cut out wheat cereals fro a month and it made no difference -actually got worse.the only fruit I eat are bananas.could it be inflamed stomach lining(fibro linked?)?it is th e discomfort in my chest area and breathless feeling I get when walking uphill.steps or on beach

miltonmadden profile image

I have started to use Solpadol 30mg/500mg tablets which you can get prescribed by your doctor they really help with pain and are better than iburofen and paracetomols which seem like I am eating skittles. Also for the pain use Deep Relief Ibrprofen and Levomenthol my friend brought me some for the pain all over my body especially my neck and knee and believe me it is really good. You can also get this on prescription so I will be getting more trust me anyway hope this helps and you find something suitable for you which eases your pain take care :)

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