Morning lovely people could anyone te... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Morning lovely people could anyone tell me if they have had pins and needles in there hands. Iv had constant pins and needles in hand .

Morning It is horrid isn't it! Apart from the carpel Tunnel in my wrists I find that by wearing a collar to stretch my neck in the morning when I am on here. Well it helps ease the hands. So that implies some of it is from nerves in the neck. Does that help at all You can get a collar from your chemist.
Hi jplascje, I had severe pins and needles in both my hand and then started to get numb finger tips. My wrists were very painful at night and had to wear wrist splints in bed, lovely it was carpel tunnel syndrome, I have since had bi-lateral carpel release surgery and the symptoms have mostly gone away. No more pins and needles and the feeling is slowly returning to my fingertips. All I have to worry about is the general pain and stiffness that comes with fibro, but at least its a result. Hope this helps ..... Susan

hi susan I have CTS in my left hand and asked my dr about the op -he said I could have an injection.ahve you had this before the op to see if it helps?my appt is on Monday not looking forward to it -incase it hurts.
Hi there, the injection can be a tad painful, but it can often really work. It's similar to the ones I had pre a shoulder replacement, you have to rest the wrist for about three days after and then hopefully your wrist will feel very much better, I really hope so for you
Foggy x
thanks Foggy
that's gonna be hard as im on my own .somethings can do single handed and some housework can be ignored for a couple of days but there are some things that cant be .
Hi anbuma, sorry I havn't reply earlier but was not great over the weekend and didn't bother with anything. I wasn't offered the injection but if it's anything like them freezing it for the op its not too bad. Uncomfortable rather than sore. I hope it goes well for you and makes a difference.... Susan

Thanx hun iv been to docs who said he thinks it may be carpal tunnel syndrome and I have to wear a splint for a mth if that doesn't help then he will send me fir nerve something for got what it was hence fog brain
Hello Jplascje,
Glad you have been to the Drs for a diagnosis, Carpal Tunnel is a commonly associated condition if you have Fibro. I haven't had it myself but many members have.
I'm glad you found the community reassuring and helpful. We are here anytime you need to ask anything that is worrying you or just want a chat.
Sending Best Wishes
FibroAction Administrator
Hi there, oh yes, the pins and needles are such a pain aren't they? I get them if I have had my arm bent in any position for longer than about 5 minutes. Sometimes it's from being on the phone and comes from my elbow, sometimes, carrying something, it seems to start in my shoulder, but mainly it comes from my wrists. I find stretching and shaking my arm helps, my GP has said it's Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, but I've not done anything about it as feel like I've enough going on already ! I'm sure your GP or Physio could help you out, it seems to be a Fibro thing xxx

I find wearing the splints (given to me by physio)helps rid of the pins and needles with CTS.
Thank you guys l will chat to gp it's just frustrating. Take care x Jude
I had severe pain in my left hand, which went away after physiotherapy on my neck, I did have some pins and needles but that and the numbness are gone from my left hand by and large.Now its in my right hand and my foot!
You win some....etc..
You should insist your Doctor investigates, there's no need to suffer in silence
Hi jplascje
I am so sorry to read that you have been having this issue with your hands, and I genuinely hope that you can find some resolution and relief to your problem.
This could be Fibro related but I always advise people to discuss the issue with their GP just to make sure that it is nothing else. Even if it is just to put your mind at ease.
Take care
Hi there I had pins and needles in my right arm particularly, and also my legs. It got worse when I took certain medications, particularly Codeine. I had it for some years but when I started improving my posture with Alexander Technique it improved and I now only have tingling intermittently. Hope this helps. x
my gp gave me the injection on Monday and it wasn't the least bit painful ,had immediate effect and he said it should last forever,much better than an op if s been a bit of a struggle holding both dogs leads on one arm for two days but coping.would thoroughly recommend it -much better to be out of action fro 2 days than 6 weeks with the op
if you have CTS then ask your gp for the injection