Hello fellow members.
Please find the graph of results for Q3 - Where did your pain start & When did a Health Professional decide it was time to do further tests?
For Discussion Do you think the GP's are becoming more aware of Fibro? Do you think a set flow chart for Fibromyalgia in primary care may help? If so, what do you think should trigger more investigations?
Here's your next question;
Q4 Who mainly looks after you in relation to your Fibro
a) GP
b) Rheumatolgist (possibly advises GP)
c) Pain Consultant (possibly advises GP)
d) Fibro Specialist (possibly advises GP)
How do you feel this person looks after your Healthcare in relation to your Fibro?
a) Poor
b) Adequate
c) Good
d) Excellent
Please Note:To increase involvement in our community I intend to share on Facebook & Twitter, so please can you ensure any content you contribute is not really personal and/or your avatar (forum/community name) is anonymous to protect your confidentiality.
Please add your answers & tomorrow at 9 I'll post the results plus another question - I thought I better add this as some of you may be wondering what's the point of this post!
Many Thanks