I flilled form in almost 6mnths ago. I thought because I'd not heard anything for months no news was good news, so I was shocked and upset upon opening letter. I'm in the support group and have been for 2yrs, before that I was on incapcity for 6yrs. I am petrified and won't sleep for the thought of it,my stomachs turning over and over. Can anyone give me advice. Thanks Mg x
ESA MEDICAL. I've just recieved a let... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
ESA MEDICAL. I've just recieved a letter saying I have to go for an assessment on the 3rd of March, after waiting 5mnths for a reply.

Awww I'm so sorry this has come to worry you, it may just be a formality as you are already in the support group, I can understand you being upset and shocked and I really hope that the medical goes well for you and am sending you positive healing vibes
Foggy x
Thanks for replying and sending me healing vibes. I had a bad experience 9yrs ago made me poorly, didn't know I could be accompanied by my Husband so went in alone. Was truthful to the book saying stuff like I'm in constant pain but I push myself trying where I can. I also was born deaf in my right ear having no eardrum, I failed assessment. I appealed and was sent the Docs report, on it she'd wrote that I'd heard her speak while she was behind me with both my ears I cried and have never forgot that what an insult to my disability. So I'm now getting myself in a state, won't help my health matters like. Soz for war and peace reply Mg
Don't apologise at all for your reply, you have had a very unfair experience and I am glad you shared it with us. I would have cried if I had been treated like that, but you have us here to back you albeit only through posts, but know that we do care, and I for one feel very sad that you have been so badly mistreated.
More positive healing vibes coming your way
Foggy x
Hello Mgclassic,
Sorry you've had such bad experiences in the past, it sounds like this has really made you worry about benefits assessments.
If you email FibroAction, info@fibroation.org we can send you some information which may help and may alleviate a little of the stress you are experiencing maybe. This worry must be impacting on your health and FibroAction are aware of so many who experience the same when it comes to claiming benefits.
I hope you will email us so we can send this information to you as every little bit of support helps
Best Wishes
FibroAction Administrator
Thanks Emma your right I've got myself in a right state, I suffer with Fibro and back problems plus other problems too and I'm diabetic taking 5 injection a day. Couldn't have recieved it on a better day down with flu so not good everything haywire. Have you heard me talk about down in the dumps, my husband said try not to worry but I cannot help it, I will email for info thanks again.
Ok I will look forward to your email.
Don't be too hard on yourself you're probably overloaded with so many things and then this. Look after getting yourself better from the flu, so you are not so worn out and I expect things will seem a bit better when you have less on your plate.
We are all here to talk to and we all understand.
Hi Emma I've tried emailing FibroAction as printed in your message and Its coming back failed, tried 3 different ways no joy.
Kind Rregards
Hi mgclassic
I am so sorry to read that you have been made to feel this way and I sincerely hope that you succeed at your assessment. It is one of my greatest wishes in life that the DWP, the GPs and the Government wake up one morning and declare that Fibro is a true entity and genuine disability and everybody suffering with it gets PIP.
Al my hopes and dreams for your assessment.
Ken x
Thanks Ken, People look at you and think they look allright they don't realize what its like to be in pain constantly. I have lower back problems as well, bladder probs having an implant attached to the nerves of my spine, also I'm Diabetic on 5 injection daily and 4 tablets, and I have a ulcer. The amount of medication I take is unreal. How could I work with all this going on. I'm now making myself worse worrying about this medical. Sorry to rant needed to get that off my chest thanks for listening. Mg
Spend the next few days writing down everything about your aches pains everything no matter if you think it's no important it is, think of any questions you want to ask, or if you want information. Then take this with you and you should feel more confident. Good luck tracy