hi i have been on incapasity for over... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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hi i have been on incapasity for over 25 years does anybody think i will have to go for a medical for esa

zeek profile image
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zeek profile image
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I have been on incapacity for 15yrs with M.E Fibro/CFS/Anxiety depression.......Had my re-assessment started last November 0 points...........Had my Tribunal....letter 5 days later...0 points. Rheumatology reports and doctors letters don't count for anything. Was not sure about what to do and have had numerous hours on the phone asking job centre what to do... I was told to put a new claim in.....I was told My sick note ran until mid - September. I asked when my claim should start from....they did not know.phoned another number neither did they. I was told it would be on the cover letter with my new forms.....which stated be in before 8th sept. Yesterday checked money had not gone in spent hours on the phone in the morning and was told it had been paid. Kept checking all day.nothing.spent hours on the phone today and yesterdays idiot had made a mistake and my claim was cancelled two weeks ago.....Believe you me you will more than likely be re-assessed...be prepared for battle ...it is being done area by area and alphabetically....I'm a 'B' northwest...start looking into help with your stuff now.....................xxx good luckxx

zeek profile image
zeek in reply to hobbbllliiingaround

hi thankyou for your reply,i suffer from depression,selfarm, cant even go out the house without my husband,dont go anywhere on my own, not looking forward to going for a medical, i have been on a few medicals in the past on incapasity benift i have been to citiznes advice and they are helping me.

in reply to zeek

Ask them for a home assessment . If you're normally unable to leave your home and you do so for an assessment they WILL use that against you. Get your GP to back you by writing a letter of support when the time comes .

I think everyone is going to be assessed at some point unless they are approaching retirement age , or in some cases have been disabled since birth . Total waste of public money .

Be prepared though , make sure you have your GP and any specialists ready and on your side , keep any info of diagnosis and letters from doctors .

Good luck xx

zeek profile image
zeek in reply to

i am 50year old now i worked for 12year before i came ill

in reply to zeek

I'm 48 and have been on SDA for 15 years , I was assessed 4 years ago , awarded nil points and lost my benefit , won at appeal and it was reinstated . Assessed again 2 years ago and awarded my SDA for 24 months, due for re-assessment in January .

Pretty much everyone is being assessed . And they've moved the goal posts so it's now much more likely to lose benefit.

I live in fear of the postman :(

Celticmoon profile image

I have been on IB for 11 years & am being reassessed now. My form went in to ATOS over a week ago... Yep we're all going through it!!

Stupidly enough I have a problem with my right arm (Lymphodema) & actually FILLING in the form caused a problem (massive infection/Cellulitis) for which I've now spent 6 days in hospital for & am having to have outpatients treatment for a further 10 days!!!!!!!!!!! I wish I could let them know this & the fact that I was a whisker away from Critical Care as I nearly developed septicaemia. If it hadn't been for the "world's most expensive antibiotic" kindly prescribed by the microbiology team I'd have been in there for weeks!!!!!!!!! Great "saving".

After 25 years it's seem incredible that you will be faced with this but I would put money on it that you will... ... ... It makes you feel like saying well what was that all about (the last 25 years) - don't you trust your own judgement???? After all you have been assessed for your IB... I don't understand it.

You have my sympathy but I agree with comment above - get researching, contact your CAB & prepare yourself for a battle. Although GP's letter may not do much it's probably best you make an appointment or contact your GP & any specialist & ask for their support & help.

Wishing you all the best. Let us know how it goes for you...

Gentle Hugs xx

sheronasmum profile image

I have had one yearly for past 4 years this time they gave me 2pts which is not enough so am appealing have been waiting for 4mths for tribunal date and an losing £120.00 a month from my Incapacity Benefit.

I have fibromyalgis, restless leg syndrome, arthritis in my neck and shoulders, recurring tennis elbow and a disc 5yrs ago and still gives me problems.

tillyflopp profile image

I'm afraid highly likely you will get assets, so like the the others get into fighting mood get all the assistance you can muster, you going to need it, best to be prepared as much as possible .


hamble99b profile image

they sent me an esa form last november after 17yrs on IB.

email info@fibroaction.org and ask them to send you the benefit and works info.this helps you to answer questions for DLA & ESA.

good luck, sandra.

lynnh profile image

All I can say is forewarned is forearmed, be prepared for a fight. Do as Sandra says get the guides from admin and help from your support worker if you have one, Welfare Rights, CAB or DIAL. There are some people on here who have successfully gone from IB to ESA without a problem so good luck x

Sammi16 profile image

yes all IB claments are gona be called for a new medical. there is to parts to the new ESA assement. the support group is for people who are not fit to work but you can attend a support group if you wish and the workprogramme. the other is the work programme, i was put on this in feb 12 after a medical in oct 11. they assessed me as being unable to work but I did not qualify for the support group and the predicted my conditon would inprove in 3-6 months?

iv been unable to work since June 10, due to vertigo, after all the investigations I have it is now deamed to be part of my Fibro.I have another medical on the 14th sept so Im expecting to be told Im fit for work even thou my condition has got worse and there is nothing that can b done about the vertigo!

Do ask for a home visit and make sure you have someone with you to help you with the assesment, and ask your GP for a letter. there are a number of us campaining to get this test stopped as it does not cover our condition and is in contaradiction with the Equalitys Act! xxx

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