I attended the atos medical centre on 20/3/13 for the usual medical. Had heard nothing, so called dwp yesterday to ask for the outcome, to be told that atos had not given me enough points, but that the dwp guy had a look and given me extra points which took me to 15 points, they have put me in the work related activity group, with another medical scheduled for July! I was in the support group last year, before I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I also have asthma, hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia,anxiety and depression, ibs and arthritis. This morning I have received a letter from dwp to attend a work focused interview which I am not fit to attend. Im at my wits end.. Can somebody please help??
result of medical for esa....... from... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
result of medical for esa....... from support group to wrag with another medical planned for july. at wits end....

It's a bad situation, Alexandra, and I'm sorry you're having to go through this. If it's any comfort a great many people are having the same awful experience.
If you are not well enough to go to the interview, it might be an idea to go to your GP and get him to give you a certificate or write a letter in your support.
GPs are becoming heartily sick of this process, and I'm sure they will soon join in the protests, as apart from their concern for their patients, they are being swamped with unnecessary paperwork.
You could also go to Citizen's Advice Bureau and ask their advice - they are becoming very well used to the problems everyone is having with the present rules.
Good luck with it all!
Moffy x
The system must be malfunctioning, if they put you in WRAG, you next ATOS medical should be due in 12 months time. You can appeal against being put in WRAG, and ask to placed in SG. Which gives you more time between ATOS medicals.
Thanks for reply guys feel they are putting me under unbearable pressure really dont have the energy to argue with them anymore....
It is not a patients fault if he has to call the gp out to do a home visit when too unwell to go into surgery, it is not a patients fault if he is too unwell to attend an assessment away from home. It is not an ill persons fault if too unwell to collate medical documentation for assessors. x
Hi im new on here,but regards atos,Fibromalgia has now been recognised by them,so when you go again.you ask the person if they have any training and have got the notes on fibromalgia,if not you can refuse to have a medical which then they will have to cancel and rearange with some one that does,i have read that dwp and atos have a module on fibro,so you need to know if they have done this module.x
As far as I can see, they have to be a 'medical professional'; they may have qualified a week ago but they're still 'medical professionals'. Then, they have to read a 30 page booklet supplied by the DWP; and answer the questions in this booklet correctly, but they can refer back to the booklet to make sure they have the answers right. You can see the their training guide on this site below:
They're bound to get the right results aren't they???
if you were put in the support group and they have now put you in the wrag group I would go back to your g.p and talk to him he must be aware that you haven't made a miraculous recovery and that your situation has not improved so go and talk it out with him ,explain how upset you feel at not being believed etc.... if he writes a letter in his opinion of the situation they will have to re look at it...
they will look at it but it may take as long as it takes for them to do anything else 6 months or more
Hi guys, was so down yesterday I never put pc back on, but thanks for replies, i appreciate them all. I got a letter in yesterday advising me to attend for a wrag interview on the 19th april at 9.40am. it takes me till 12 oclock to get mobilising as well as i can! I have been informed by welfare rights that the dwp can call you for a medical any time they like if you are put in wrag group. Only if you are in the support group do they call you once a year. I have not even had their decision to put me to wrag in writing and thats them got me attending interview already and surprise surprise my money has been cut by 30 pounds I saw when I checked this morning! I have previously discussed with my gp writing a letter for me. He says it is political and nothing to do with being ill, and he is not doing letters for anybody! I have been advised that it is not in a gps nhs contract to write medical reports, so I am at the end of the road it seems?
Alexandra, Here is a link that I think you may find helpful. ( blacktrianglecampaign.org/2... ) It has links within it with template letters for a GP to sign on your behalf. Hopefully, although your GP does not feel able to support you in other ways, perhaps he would not find it too exhausting to just sign a letter?! Anyway, I showed it to my own GP who said she had signed dozens of these for patients, some successful, some not. It's got to worth a shot though. I very, very much hope that things start looking up for you on all fronts. Hugs and empathy zooming your way!
I had to pay for a letter from my GP to send in. But you must appeal appeal appeal!! While you are waiting for your appeal get all your evidence together included a letter from GP or a Doc from the pain clinic if you are under them x
HI, my gp is not writing letters, paying or otherwise for any patients unfortunately, for the purpose of atos. I have sent a letter of appeal in but am holding out no hope .