I haven't been on here for ages, hope everyone is as well as they can be. I was diagnosed a few months ago with Ataxia. Now the neurologist thinks that it is being caused by Multiple sclerosis. I will get the test results on Jan 21st. Is there anyone out there with both fibro and MS.....
Fibro and Multiple sclerosis - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Fibro and Multiple sclerosis

....sorry to read about your possible diagnosis. I know that it is difficult to read and concentrate when you are feeling poorly - but thought you may find it helpful to read up about B12 and the problem worldwide. Testing also doesn't always show the problem so it's a case of taking things into your own hands and persevering. A helpful site would be anh-europe.org/news/fightin... You may wish to look at b12awareness.org/aboutb12/s... scroll down to CALL TO ACTION and click onto the green writing - similar to this -. There are some signs and symptoms that may be of interest. Also the video is good.
Another thing to consider would be VitD - thevitamindcouncil.org where you will find articles about VitD and MS. Type it into the search box on the website.
My interest comes from not having the part of the gut where B12 is mostly absorbed - and that has been the case for 40 years. Also have learnt the positive effects of VITD in so many aspects of our health - again in my case Crohns. It is anti-inflammatory and a steroidal pre-hormone.
Hope this is of help...I use B12 patches available on Amazon so it bypasses any mal-absorption problems in the gut.
Wishing you well......
Hi siver52
I am so sorry to hear of your problems and I hope that you can get all the answers that you want and need. I have fibro and my wife has MS. There are subtle differences in our symptoms but it seems that everyone is different. When my wife was diagnosed with MS it was after an MRI of the brain. The neurologist said that she had lesions on her brain and this was MS and that only an MRI could actually diagnose MS. I don't know if you have had an MRI? If not I would ask for one. I hope this helps you a bit.
Take care
Thank you for your reply. I have had an MRI and something showed up on there. I honestly think the lumbar puncture is to confirm the neurologist diagnosis of MS. So I am not hopeful of a negative result, but we shall see
I have fibro and my brother has PPMS and there are many overlaps. I also have a friend who has relapse-remit MS and her symptoms are very similar to mine. Of course there are great variations within MS as there is for fibro. My brother had an MRI and a lumbar puncture to diagnose his MS. Best of luck with your results, Siver. x
Hi, I was told I had Fibro in 1994 but when I woke up one morning in 2002 I knew something was seriously wrong. I couldn't see properly & went to see an optician who asked me what the telephone number was for my GP. He told him my problems were definately caused by migraines. I had to go immediately to see him. He scared me witless when he thought I had taken a stroke. After 3 weeks in hospital & been poked & prodded & endless tests & scans I was told I had MS & it had most probably been MS all along & not fibro. Symptoms can be similar. Ask for an MRI scan.
thank you all for your replys. I had it confirmed on 21st Jan that I do have primary progressive M.S. Not sure what else to say really...Just trying to get my head around it at the moment.
Hi siver52
I have just read your update and wanted to make sure that you are okay? I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis and assure you that if you ever need to come online and post we will be here to help in whatever way we can.
You take care and all my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x
Hi Silver52, just read your wee update. It will take a while for it to sink in but please always look positive. I work with the little saying "I've got MS but it hasn't got me yet!" This is a fab wee forum & there is always someone that will cheer you. Take care
Hi I had a MRI scan in August2012 It showed leisons but Neuro said they were non-specific....I am getting headaches again and feeling awful. April last yr was told I had Fibro & CFS/ME. Do I go back to GP?
When my MRI scan was first veiwed by radiologist ( sorry about spelling) he actually said it was fine. It was the neuro who was not happy with that result and was pretty sure then that I had M.S. He was the one who set up for me to have a lumbar puncture, and it confirmed MS. I dont know if a GP can insist on a lumbar puncture but I would try and push it either with GP or go back to neuro and ask him for one. If you dont get the result you need ask to see a different neuro...Mistakes can be made if my neuro had taken the word of the radiologist I would not have had the right diagnosis. Sorry if this is a bit rambling but I hope it helps.....