I have agreed to go on holiday with my sister in may next year (Crete) and paid it ...............now I am scared .....taking medications there etc and what i need to do about it ..... will I be in bed from the trip :/ ...... has anyone achieved this and what happened . ,, I was happy and in a good place when she asked so said yes .. before i even considered if i could manage it .....no maybe in a lower place and the fear is building ... so need your help peeps did it work for you thank you
Holiday: I have agreed to go on holiday... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Go and enjoy yourself Morwenna.
Take med's in your carry on along with a prescription list or in the actual packaging to show you don't have them illegally!
Do you know the type of accommodation you are going to be in? I'd imagine most have lifts so you should be ok. Give yourself plenty of time for checking in so you aren't rushing to get around the airport.
You can relax and enjoy your holiday and that will help the fibro.
Is x
Hi Morwenna , I've been to Tuscany several times and taken my meds with me in my hand luggage! plus a copy of the prescription! no problems at all even though some we cd's. I think you've done the right thing, going on hols, you may find that the warmer weather helps you, once you've recovered from the trip which is always a tad tiring. could I just creep into your luggage though, I would love to go to Crete, then I could help if you were feeling rough, mutual support and all that...
Foggy x
Hi. My daughter got married in June in flipping Las Vegas. I'm in the UK. I was so upset because I really couldn't see how I was going to manage the flights let alone anything else. Well I did go & got to walk my girl down the isle & give her away. I took my meds with me & there was no problem except they wouldn't let me keep them in my bag at the pool. Not even migraine meds. I'm so glad I went but wouldn't recommend Vegas as somewhere to go to with Fibro! I was surprised I didn't suffer all that much but I did spend lots of time in my room! Hope you go & have a great time. Sometimes we just have to push through & pay for it later.
Ji Morwewenna,
I try and go every year and I always take my meds my sticks and any thing else I need at that moment. When you get off the plane and the sun and the lovely warth greet you it as if you are kissed by the Gods you feel better and enjoy your holiday. You may have to sit in the shade use taxis what ever but it is wondeful and to be enjoyed so dont worry . You will get to cret and bath, enjoy the sun, surroundings , people all of it.We will cheer you on xxgins
Go go go!! Most of us benefit from the warmth and sunshine. When I go abroad yes the flight day is tiring but I just rest for the 1st day or two. There on whatever you plan to do include plans for plenty of quiet time too. I find I feel close to "normal" somewhere around day 4/5. I also find the things I see and do stay in the memory bank for those bad days on my return. Good luck xx
keep meds in carry on bag, ask for wheelchair assistance so you do not have to wait in line and it will take the stress away from you. Have a great time, Oh! forgot ask the doc for list of medication just incase you are asked about it or you need more.
aww thanks all that has helped to take my worries away your just an awesome support :))))))))))))))))))