Pic of the day: :-) - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Pic of the day

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16 Replies
nice one foggy

Fibrofoggiest• in reply to
Hi zeb, how you doing ? Hope you're not too bad !!
Foggy x
• in reply toFibrofoggiest
Yeah great at the mo! haha just jinxed myself (facepalm)
Hope you feeling ok too hun
Its nearly hibernation time for me as the seasons change it will cripple me but hopefully I'll have a warmer winter his year! LOL

Fibrofoggiest• in reply to
I'm with you on this zeb, I'm busy preparing for hibernation, as you say, let's just hope it's not such a long and ghastly one as last year !!..........pootles off to dig out 14.5 tog duvet........
Foggy x
• in reply toFibrofoggiest
hey! I carry hot water bottle everywhere with me coz the duvet's too big LOL If I could be comatosed til march I'd be very happy

Fibrofoggiest• in reply to
Me too, hate Dec, Jan & Feb., I have a cunning plan which won't work, and that is to disappear off to the Maldives in late Jan, failing that its the duvet and my nuclear reactor in my living room
Foggy x
• in reply toFibrofoggiest
Hi zeb and foggy, I'm dreading the winter....

Fibrofoggiest• in reply to
Oh Mary if it gets that bad you'll just up sticks and come for a prolonged holiday to Devon and get the benefits of my nuclear reactor (woodburner)
Foggy x
• in reply toFibrofoggiest

Glenys• in reply to
You could always come and warm yourself up on me! The menopause and Cymbalta are the best ways of keeping warm, doubled up with a spell of warm weather, I'm having to take a cold water bottle to bed with me! Mind you when it is really cold outside, there is nothing better than snuggling up in front of a warm log fire or woodburner, so count me in! (If Devon wasn't so far from Sheffield....
Lovin' the comedy Foggy xx
Hey Foggy,
How about the next script is for... wait for it, wait for it...
Hilarious. Can you imagine doing the charleston with pain in every part of the body How could it fail..?
And how we would fall..!
Bagsy be one of the judges. In fact, I could be Pip Revel Horwood. Growing up with three older sisters, my sarcasm skills are second to none
Pip xx
P.S. At last painkillers kicked in, and finally warm after laying in front of the gas fire for 2 hours. Had some disturbing abdominal pains this morning (gee, it's all happening at once), so need to write a list for the doctor else I'll forget :/
P.P.S. Hope you're improving
That's another whole story in the making pip :D. Lets keep churning it, I would have to be Foggy Bussell, just purely on a want to be glamorous basis
Maybe we could be awarded points on the best disguised fall or the number of falls we could fit into the routine.......moves left finger and falls over immediately....ce la !!!
Remember to write a list to take to the dr......they soooo love lists, but it's often the most practical way, though my beloved dr must have a degree in mind reading as when I start to fumble over something he immediately picks up on what I'm trying to get at....he deserves a medal !!
Glad your painkillers are kicking in, I haven't actually made it out of the bederry except to let the smalls out and grab a coffee on the way back upstairs. I fear it must be nearing another trip downstairs time as the smalls are beginning to make moaning, "it's nearly dinner for dogs " noises. Ho hum. Life is such funski isn't it
Really hope you start to feel better soon, as you say, everything all at once, ............... Grotsville !!!
Foggy x
Hi. Just back from doctors (I took my list). He's says there's unlucky and then there's really unlucky (me). Broke down - that's twice in 2 weeks. So unlike me. OH took me and came in too. So...
I have had a reaction to the anti-sickness meds and now have a urinary tract infection. That would be the cause of difficulties doing you know what and also the cause of the horrendous pain I had in the 'wee' small hours. I might be ill, but my sense of humour is forever strong
Ironically re the anti-sickness meds he gave me, people almost never react to them - hence his 'really unlucky' comment. He was lovely. Gave me a tissue and everything
He thinks that while I normally get jaw ache when I have a cold, with everything else (infection, fibro) that is the probable cause of the increased pain and it should go away, hopefully.
So OH just gone to chemist for antibiotics and a different anti-sickness tablet. I hope they knock me out. I could do with 10 hours of being completely out of it.
Getting back to strictly, that's hysterical - points for best disguised fall. Thank you. I needed that laugh OH just called out "severrrrn" in her best croaky voice
I'm sending big fussings to those two lovely dogs of yours for looking after their mum so well. I'll let them off the whimpering for food Mine has just started crunching away. Obviously decided he's not going to get anything else
I will work on Strictly script
Pip xx
Lovin the pic again foggy...keep em coming