Hi could I please ask if Amitriptylin... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Hi could I please ask if Amitriptyline and Tramadol are beneficial for Fibro thank you

Amitriptylin, helps with sleep, did not help
Me with the pain but it does for a lot of people
For me the effects soon wore off and I had to,increase
Medication which gave me headaches so I don't take it
Tramadol, I did not want to go on gabapentin or pregablin
which are very good pain medications, I don't want to take
Medication every day, but saying that I'm afraid I have to
So tramadol I started on the 50mg which did not help
At all. That was increased to 150SR with the 50mg for
Breakthrough pain. Did not work
I have just started on the 200SR with the 50mg for
Break through pain, and yes for me it works, does not
Take all the pain away and only works with paracetmol.
but I can cope.
Regards viv
Together with Gabapentin, they give me quite a lot of pain relief. I have to say however it is the Gabapentin that is the most effective part of the regime.
Tegratol is a very good pain killer usually taken in slow release quantities over the day .It also helps me get off to sleep although I do not sleep for long! i ALSO USE dULOXETINE brilliant plus everything else makes it liveable for me xgins
Duloxetine! Brilliant - swear by it I am only 2 weeks into my treatment, but my mood has lifted considerably, and am expecting a reduction in pain soon.
I have read an article that says Amitriptyline does work, but only in a minority of folk, unlike previously thought, but the article still encourages GPs to prescribe it as it is cheap and is worth a go in the first instance. Only thing is, a lot of GPs think it is the end line and if it doesn't help you, nothing will. So what I am saying is, if it doesn't work, try and clue yourself up on other meds, such as Duloxetine (Cymbalta) and the new Savella and get the GP on your side (difficult, I know).
Hi Gins! Hope you are OK. I just looked up Tegratol, to see if it would be of any use to me if the Duloxetine didn't help with the pain, and had to giggle. One of the side effects is that you hear noise at a lower tone than everyone else! I am a singer, so it rules that one out, but it is really surprising what you find out sometimes lol
Thank you for the responses I do take the tramadol with paracetomol. I have high blood pressure and also suffer from fast heart beat so have been unsure of all these other meds the doc has given me. I have osteo arthritis so. A new doctor saw me about 2 months ago and she said I had Fibro just waiting to see a neurologist to rule out a few things. Very bad pins and needles and numbness in my feet and recently lost my footing and went over on my left ankle resulting in a double fracture. Now 6 wks in a cast unable to weight bear and another 2 wks before another x ray feel very down at present and this link is Brill thank you so much for your help xx
Amitriptylene is brilliant for me. It helps greatly with the nerve pains in my feet and helps me to sleep, but what is also great is it really helps to regulate my body temperature and reduces the night sweats. I was on duloxetine but it was awful, I walked around like a spaced out zombie, could not drive and kept being sick. I take Tramadol and Solpadol, which helps with the pain for my lower back problems.
I took amitriptyline for ages but had to keep increasing the dose, it is very good for sleep and some people find it helps with pain, being an old fashioned anti-depressant it an also help with depression and anxiety but I found the side-effects outweighed the benefits so I gradually had to come off it.
I just tried another similar drug Noratriptyline but it doesn't suit me so off to see my GP again soon. Having fibro means trial and error when it comes to finding meds that work unfortunately.

Hi silverstar
Can I just ask what problems you had with nortriptyline as I am currently trying it too

have you tried Sertralin that seems to be ok, my doctor wouldnt give me amytriptaline she says it had too many side effects, give it a go, but what suits one doesnt suit another does it, but its worth trying them all till you get the one that works for you.... gentle hugs to all Dee x
Amitriptylene helps with the nerve pain in my feet but doesn't help with the sleep. Tramadol also helps take the edge of the pain though nothing really does that get a job.
Thank you once again it is nice to know somebody is here to help. I have felt so low and did not go to my doctors until when I did try and get an appointment and couldn't I broke down on the phone and just told the receptionist I was losing it!! No sleep etc not even able to drive as my concentration has gone. Saw a GP who was so good and it was her that said it was also Fibro I had, sadly she is on long term sick at present. But this site does help me thank you.
Gins was saying she uses duloxetine. I have also found it brilliant. There are so many drugs and complementary treatments for fibro, but now the researchers are getting closer to finding out what is really behind the condition it should narrow the treatments down somewhat in the future (in the US at least - the UK are always behind with FMS)
Once you are a little more settled with your diagnosis, look up a few of the recommended drugs and therapies on a good website. For instance, the US approved Duloxetine for fibro in 2008, but a lot of GPs over in the UK use it for diabetic neuropathy instead (but it can still be prescribed "off label" for the "symptoms" of fibromyalgia). Fibro pain can be akin to neuropathy, so it might be worth looking at that particular drug (brand name Cymbalta) on the web.
Try and join a support group and see what things people use to help there.Then talk with your GP and ask him/her how au-fait they are with the condition. I also found a GP with an interest 6 years ago, then he moved to France! It is frustrating and it took me a while to get my head around stating my case with another doctor after 20 years of the medical profession saying it was all in my head. Finally last month I plucked up courage to talk to the doctor, after she told me the pain clinic could do no more than she could, and left me with an inflated dose of Amitriptyline which wasn't working.
To finish on a light note, however, the spell-check on my computer keeps telling me that Amitriptyline should be spelled "pantyliner"!! lol.
Hope this helps
Huge huggles XGlen
Aww thank you Glenys x
everybodys body is different I was on amitriptyline for 6 years then doc changed me to mirtazapine an anti depressant with less side effects-tramadol makes pple v sleepy
Hello All,
If you would like to read more about all medications & treatments used for Fibro, please visit the FibroAction website.In the 'All About Fibro' section, there are downloadable factsheets you can print if you like including medications.
Here are the links that discuss Tramadol & Amitriptyline;
Hope this helps
Thank you Mdaisy