Well its that time of year, yes the old ATOS envelope has arrived. Do you know I now have a complete expandable file just dedicated to Incapacity Benefit/ESA. So now we have a 3 week exercise in reading last years Limited Capacity for work and transferring the info plus updating it as well, copying it, then waiting for them to either say I'm fit for some sort of work or calling for medical interview. Then waiting again to contest and appeal. Well thats the next 3 months written off and my stress levels through the roof.
I appreciate there are people getting benefit that shouldn't but if you've had this for the last 10 years do they really think you are miraculously going to get better all of sudden sos you can go back to work. Cant they send us a form saying 'has your condition improved and do you want to go back into some sort of work?' You could send it back saying no, it has worsened and if they could find me a job with flexihours between 1am and 5am for 30 minutes a time I may consider going back to work.
Talking of the ATOS interview, I actually read the call to interview letter. Interestingly it stated that in Luton there were 175 stairs down to the ground floor and in the event of a fire I should be able to get down all those in a timely manner. Well my husband, who was coming with me has had a hip replacement and I can only do a floor at a time with a rest inbetween, therefore causing us to be a fire risk. When I rang ATOS I was offered 6 yes 6 other ATOS places to go, ranging from Nottinghamshire, out to Wales and down to the South Coast. I'd like to see the process my mileage/petrol claim to wales from bedfordshire, but that'd blow their computers! Eventually due to being unable to climb or descend safely from stairs, I took Milton Keynes as it was a walk in, with disabled parking straight outside. on the last interview, I threw a wobbly when they couldn't tell me how long I'd have to wait , but it was known to be over an hour, having gotten stressed I then got really agitated and burst into tears. I was allowed to go away for coffee and a calm down with a call from the Receptionist 15 mins before my interview. Amazing, wonder if I can swing that this time!!!!