Hi does anyone know what this means please, i went to the ATOS interview and they said i will go into the support group, i was on Incompacility benefit fromwhen i went to work, so does this mean i will go striaght over to this or is it income base etc, does it stop after so long etc can anyone tell me please
atos interview said i will go to supp... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
atos interview said i will go to support group

It meens you are on income based ESA and you are in the support group. This meens no interviews or work related stuff. Its good news. Well done. Hope my husbands gies smoothly. Filled in forms for DLA review 8th march and still waiting for medical date. Filled in ESA forms as he is on incapacity too and still waiting after 4 weeks for any news at all.
contribution based is for those who have worked and paid NI and only for 365 days. Income based is not. Not sure why its called income based though but it lasts for as long as they say you are entitled to it. Maybe google it for more details. I cant do it on my mob
Sounds like you are home and dry !
I think you should check with the DWP because contribution based ESA as a continuation from Incapacity Benefit does not necessarily mean its income based.
It sounds like you on the 'migrated' benefit from Incapacity benefit to ESA.
Income based if if you have been (or were )in receipt of Income support whilst on incapacity benefit.
when you are migrated to ESA from Incapacity benefit, it doesn't necessarily have all the same rules as just ESA as there were overlapping rules to ensure than no one's benefit dropped if you were on a higher rate due to Incapability benefit.
As much as we are all trying to help, without seeing your award notice of know all the facts, it would be impossible for anyone here to be able to tell exactly what your entitlement is.
I'd be on the phone to them first thing in the morning. That way they can explain to you fully what your entitlement is. xx
I would also await the letter confirming this, sadly I know that sometimes Atos lie or they get their wires crossed, and they don't make the final decision anyway, that's left to a DWP decision maker although it must be said that in 98% of case the decision maker will agree with the Atos report.
Basically you have a medical or Atos receive your ESA50, they make a recommendation based on their findings but the final say is with the DWP. It is only when you have confirmation from them that you know if you are home and dry. I go on another disability forum and it has been known for Atos to say one thing and the DWP to say another so it means jack until you get the letter. I am not trying to be negative but it is better to know the facts than not. I also got told I was in the support group but held off celebrating until I got my letter.
Also you can ask for your copy of the ESA85A, this will tell you what criteria you met to get into the support group, and the likely length of your award. It will be invaluable for when you have to re-apply which is likely to be quite frequent under this Govt. I phoned the DWP and got fobbed off but when I wrote to them I got it about a week later. I really hope it turns out well for you, good luck.
I was told by the ATOS doctor that in her opinion I was not fit for work and would be placed into the support group, but the DWP put me in the work group which I am appealing. I have called DWP 8 times asking for a copy of the ESA85A but have received nothing as yet. I do hope you are put into the support group but as said above wait until you get the letter to confirm this before you think you are home and dry. Good luck!
If you can put the request in writing, I was told that Atos had the copy of the ESA85A but of course this is bunkum because the DWP use it to make the final decision on where to put you, either wrag or support. I put it in writing sent it recorded delivery, and got it about a week or so later.
About 5 working days or so later but this can vary. I got a phone call from the DWP and then got the letter confirming what the lady had told me but you have been told by Atos so not sure what happens about that. Give it a week or so and then chase it up.