Well today was the day, I had my second Rheumatology appointment , the last one was last November when he ordered a MRI and physio for my wrists . ( not heard about physio)
I walked in well limbed in and almost fell over while trying to sit down. I have been hoping this appointment I would get some answers and help as the pain is unbearable and I have a couple more things going wrong. I now get blue motley arms and legs at times along with on other days bright red. I also swell up in lots of places
The first thing he said to me was " what are you doing here, why has the GP sent you to use weren't going to see you again!
Well after picking my self up from the ground i told him that the pains are now a lot worse and I am very stiff . Saying that some days I can't get up out of bed or off the bed or out of a chair. I had also taken the lovely pictures of my every colour changing arms, legs and feet.
The out come of this is he pushed on a few places and I say that hurt and after that was told , do you know anything about Fibromyalgia, as I have got it and its in the severe range.
Need to go to pain team, see physio, and have to have hydro therapy.
I need to stop taking morphine and go back to tramadol ( they did not keep the pain away enough to be able to move. I did ask about my swelling, colourful arms, legs and hands.
He said he had no idea why this was happening, but I had severe fibromyalgia . I said that someone had said about complex regional pain, and he said he could not "comment"
He told me its now up to pain team, if they want to change the name of what I have got.
He did give me a new tablet which trying to read prescription "T 6 lyrica 75mg twice aday"
And that was that, a few blood tests and that was me done and out of the hospital very sure I am never to be let in with this again as they " do not deal with either fibromyalgia or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome , so go away
I now feel really bad, can't stop crying, I was made to feel I had wasted his time and should go,away. Then a very nice lady who took my blood was so nice to me.
I just do t know what to do now with myself, the pain is so bad, I never sleep I just try to keep the house going and food on the table during the odd five minutes I can move. This really is no form of life, I want my odd life back, the one which i could do anything, I could work 50 hours plus a week in the best job every. I was a good mum. The kids had proper home cooked meals sitting up at the table, now like last night, I was asleep, so my daughter cooked her own tea and sorted the dish washer and cleaned the kitchen. I need to find a real and useful point to me being here.
Sorry for moaning, but as usual I am in pain sitting on my own watching telly I am so alone, I have no life, please someone give me advice on what or how I can change my out look
Thanks for reading