Just wanted to share my news with every-one to encourage you all to appeal the decisions made by ATOS if you don't agree. I was on IB for years filled in the ESA forms ( took me 3 weeks) I had joined the Benefit and work site and there advice was a great help to me. In March I received a letter advising I had been put in the WRAG group,and I also had to attend my first interview at the job centre . I put in an appeal and explained that I was unfit to work and would they reconsider and if they still came to the same decision that I was willing to go to court. (I was dreading this decision) I also put on the appeal that I came into the category regulation 29/35 (i think thats correct) where it states that if I was found fit to work that it would be detrimental to my health and also they would be responsible if my health deteriorated. I also stated that I would have my local welfare officer with me at the appeal if necessary (although I still hadnt contacted one). Today I received the brown letter and it took me ages to get the courage to open it. Glad I did as it states that they have looked at the decision again,and looked at the new evidence (there wasnt any new evidence) and they have now put me in the Support Group.So my message to every-one is do not give up and keep appealing,do not be put of by all the form filling and fight for what you entitled to. I have been so stressed over the last few months worrying about the decision, but was determined to fight my corner ( not literally lol) . So good luck to any-one who is going through this process at the moment.
Just received the dreaded brown envel... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Just received the dreaded brown envelope, BUT I'VE WON MY APPEAL

That's absolutely fantastic ... I only hope you didnt pay to join the work and benefits site to join as we send out the work and benefits forms for free if anyone wants them to help with form filling
Anyone wanting these sheets to help can email us at
fibroaction.org with the heading benefits
Once again congratulations on getting the result you deserve
VG x

Hi very grumpy. I did pay £20 to join the site, I realised after I had joined that I could have got them from here.

Could you send me the benefits and work form I can't find it on the link you put got redirected and couldn't find anything on there about form
.. been through many a firey hoop to be put in the support group ...a very long lengthly fight .. but I won, so I am happy for you xx
you can relax now, thanks for sharing, it does give hope to others. the benefit & works guides helped me too.
I'm so pleased for you, it must be such a relief ! I have been placed in the WRAG and attended my local jobcentre where I was completely shocked to find a very understanding lady dealing with me. She reapplied, but I was again turned down, but in consultation with her I have not taken it any further, she has said categoricaly that she doesn't think I'm fit to work and she won't be asking me to attend any interviews, or other work related activities.
Anyway, I am just so pleased you have the security of bring in the Support group.
Foggy x
Hi, I was the same when I went to the job centre , The lady that was dealing with me was very helpful, she said Ive got to ask you this even although I know the answer, but are you fit to work? and I said no.She was very understanding and I told her I had put in an appeal, she said I will need to get you back in about 4 months time but when you receive the letter if for any reason you cannot make it just give me a call and I will arrange another time. I must say she put me at ease and was very understanding although I was shaking all the time and had to hold my legs to stop them from shaking, so there are some people working at the job centre that understand what we are going through. I am just so glad that I have been transferred to the support group and do not have to attend a tribunal. I hope this lets everyone see that there is hope and to keep on fighting.
Hi jayjayboy well done, very pleased for you, do you know what, I have never ever claimed anything, I didnt realise it was out there to claim for fibro, too late now, I claimed for attendence allowance 3 yrs ago, and got that, I applied for a disabled badge years ago and got that but they never told me I could claim for anything else, so im very pleased for you and anyone else that manages to get it, gentle hugs to you ....Dee xx
Thanks Cookie and you should find out what you are entitled to and claim,the worst they can do is turn you down, but at best you will get what you are entitled to .
Well done and congratulations. It is a relief when you receive the news you deserve. I have only just received my letter in the last week after a medical assessment in march. I have also been put in the support group. You can relax now and take a breather. It's such an ordeal to go through and waiting for the decision is very stressful.
Tannels x
Congratulations x I hope more people start to get the same good news , I was also put in the support group in april , it certainly helps with the stress we have to endure going through the process . Gd luck to anyone who is appealing , dont give up they need to know what we all go through everyday x
Hi. I too was originally put in the WRAG after being changed over to ESA last year - after asking for a reconsideration I was put in the Support Group! Big relief. So yes, it can happen - don't give up if you're going through the process!
All the best, Nikki xx
fantastic news i am very happy for you take care darling
Thanks, just hope everyone who thinks they have been put into the wrong group appeals. Just wanted to give people hope and let them know to fight for what they are entitled to. x