Good intentions I have a very good fr... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Good intentions I have a very good friend so good a friend I think of her as my sister.

Ginsing profile image
25 Replies

We try to meet for coffee regularly ut there is always something that stops us meeting. Family stuff nothing horrid but now we have reached the stage when we book appointments to see each other - that to me is grim - in times past we used to just drop by and say hi grab a cuppa and depart now we time it and dot the Is. So I have not seen her for three months now how poor is that. Any one for coffee? xgins

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25 Replies

Sidles up with a large cake .... Get the kettle on and don't tell moffy..... I have seen her get a whole manor house cake in her mouth in one go.... The resulting choking and spraying of crumbs was not a pleasant sight.... :o

Ginsing profile image

I am already on the chocy bisquits geat your self over and I will make another brew xgins

I will zoom across the forum on my own scooter I think moffy,s tandem scooters are going to

Take some practice :)

Fibrofoggiest profile image

Scoots past and drops in a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting on...........anyone for a cappuccino ? :D :D

Foggy x

Oh my word how did you manage to bring all that on one of Moffys scooters.... Stares in admiration then grabs a huge slice of carrot cake :)

Fibrofoggiest profile image

I strapped it onto the rear passenger bit, borrowed a motor which I attached to the rear of the scooter, and then balanced myself very precariously on the front bit, not a comfy ride, but when needs they say. :D :D

Foggy x

Is that is that splutters is that the motor out of MY mobility scooter?????? :x

Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to

Nope, nope, I was offered it by a slightly shady character with glasses, it wasn't me , it wasn't me :-( :-( I bought it with all good intentions ........ Honest

Ginsing profile image

well now you are all here it must be time for a sing song off you go VG follow me "My old man's a dustman he wheres a dustmans hat.

He wheres gorblimey trousers and he lives in a council flat,

He looks a proper nana in his great big hob nailed boots

it takes such a job to pull them on that he calls them daisy roots! !

in reply toGinsing

Don't like to muscle in on your mission, but I think you should know it's

Cor blimey and not gorblimey

East end girl all my life you see.

But do continue your banter is very funny!!


Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to

come on Bibi have a go !

Fibrofoggiest profile image

Sings >>>>> There's a place for us, somewhere a place for us, peace and quiet and open air, for us somewhere. There's a time for us, some day a time for us, time together with time spare, time to learn, time to care, some day! We'll find a new way of living, we'll find a way of forgiving

Shuffles off stage left

Sings out of tune and gets booed out of the garden


Takes cake with her :)

Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to

come on VG you must know lots of songs how about the magic roundabout?


Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply toGinsing

Boing boing boing.......Goodmorning said Zebedee

Good morning dear heart said Ermintrude

.........not sure what Florence and Brian said, whilst Dylan was off his head on something

Fibrofoggiest profile image

I happen to know you are a very good singer VG, so I've bashed anyone who booed at you over the head with a frying pan :D :D

Puts a chocolate torte and a large banana and walnut cake on e side, just in case...... :D

Foggy x

ladymoth profile image

Gobbles rest of cake and chocolate torte - <burp!>

Deliberately sprays crumbs over VG . :D

Moffy x

Had just opened mouth to sing and promptly chokes on moffy half chewed bits :x

Ginsing profile image

Are we ready (waves baton inafectually in the air) stop spiting VG and dont tell me it was Moffy's fault. Ready just then there is a clap of thunder and a Norse God appears lloking cross "Do you continually miss behave?"

Ginsing profile image

ooh just got to go for new bandages see ya later ! xgins

Fibrofoggiest profile image

Comes up behind VG and delivers the heimlich maneuver, just in the nick of VG avery good slice of tarte au citron :D

Foggy x

Hits moffy square in face with half chewed cake and hanging onto foggy manages to eat a large slice..... Ahhh that's better.... Looks around ... Typical I choke and Gins is so concerned she goes off for new bandages.....

Sulks and eats even more cake ;)

Fibrofoggiest profile image

Brings in a platter piled high with scones, pots of clotted cream and handmade wild strawberry jam together with meringues and whipped cream............pops them on the table and stands back to watch ensuing chaos :D

Whips up the edges of the tablecloth to make a handy pouch and makes off with the lot .. Just as Gins pounces and ends up with her teeth embedded in the table.....


Sthandra profile image

Boing time for bed said zebadee hey anyone seen dougle, hey where's my cake?

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