I have been in receipt of higher rate dla mobility component for around 12 years on a indefinite basis - I never claimed care as I always under played my symptoms - anyway after my recent ESA medical when I was put into the support group I decided I was going to apply for the care as I am having to increasingly rely on husband and daughters for personal care help, I have always filled in the forms myself and never had a problem - but when I received the ESA50 I heard everyone saying really you need help and advice in getting the wording correct so I had the CAB help the result was a medical assessment - in a way I was better positioned when it came to applying for care as the DWP already had the statement from their medical advisors, as a result this morning found out I keep my high rate mobility and now qualify for lower rate care, backdated x both are given indefinite - well indefinite until
PIP!! Gentle hug ax